Biblical Greek


Strong's Greek #5509

Englishman's Concordance (References)

χιτῶνας chitōnas — 6 Occurrences

Matthew 10:10 - N-AMP
GRK: μηδὲ δύο χιτῶνας μηδὲ ὑποδήματα
NAS: even two coats, or sandals,
KJV: neither two coats, neither shoes,
INT: nor two tunics nor sandals

Mark 6:9 - N-AMP
GRK: ἐνδύσησθε δύο χιτῶνας
NAS: on two tunics.
KJV: put on two coats.
INT: put on two tunics

Mark 14:63 - N-AMP
GRK: διαρρήξας τοὺς χιτῶνας αὐτοῦ λέγει
NAS: Tearing his clothes, the high priest
KJV: rent his clothes, and saith, What
INT: having torn the garments of him says

Luke 3:11 - N-AMP
GRK: ἔχων δύο χιτῶνας μεταδότω τῷ
NAS: two tunics is to share
KJV: two coats, let him impart
INT: has two tunics let him impart to him that

Luke 9:3 - N-AMP
GRK: ἀνὰ δύο χιτῶνας ἔχειν
NAS: two tunics apiece.
KJV: have two coats apiece.
INT: apiece two tunics to have

Acts 9:39 - N-AMP
GRK: καὶ ἐπιδεικνύμεναι χιτῶνας καὶ ἱμάτια
NAS: all the tunics and garments
KJV: and shewing the coats and garments
INT: and showing tunics and garments