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Biblical Hebrew


Strong's Hebrew #3421 - יָרְקְעָם Yorqeam (an Israelite)

Original Word: יָרְקְעָם
Transliteration: Yorqeam
Definition: an Israelite
Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Phonetic Spelling: (yor-keh-awm')

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance


From ruwq and am; people will be poured forth; Jorkeam, a place in Palestine -- Jorkeam.

see HEBREW ruwq

see HEBREW am

Englishman's Concordance

Jorkoam = “the people empty”
1) a Calebite descendant of Judah
Part of Speech: noun proper masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from H7324 and H5971


not use

Englishman's Concordance (References)

Strong's Hebrew: 3421. יָרְקֳעָם (Yorqeam) — 1 Occurrence

1 Chronicles 2:44
HEB: רַ֖חַם אֲבִ֣י יָרְקֳעָ֑ם וְרֶ֖קֶם הוֹלִ֥יד
NAS: the father of Jorkeam; and Rekem
KJV: the father of Jorkoam: and Rekem
INT: of Raham the father of Jorkeam and Rekem the father

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