Biblical Hebrew


Strong's Hebrew #8518

Englishman's Concordance (References)

tā·lāh — 3 Occurrences

Genesis 40:22
HEB: שַׂ֥ר הָאֹפִ֖ים תָּלָ֑ה כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר פָּתַ֛ר
NAS: but he hanged the chief baker,
KJV: But he hanged the chief baker:
INT: the chief baker hanged after had interpreted

Genesis 41:13
HEB: כַּנִּ֖י וְאֹת֥וֹ תָלָֽה׃
NAS: me in my office, but he hanged him.
KJV: unto mine office, and him he hanged.
INT: in my office hanged

Joshua 8:29
HEB: מֶ֧לֶךְ הָעַ֛י תָּלָ֥ה עַל־ הָעֵ֖ץ
NAS: He hanged the king of Ai
KJV: of Ai he hanged on a tree
INT: the king of Ai hanged over A tree