Biblical Greek


Strong's Greek #2606

Englishman's Concordance (References)

κατεγέλων kategelōn — 3 Occurrences

Matthew 9:24 - V-IIA-3P
GRK: καθεύδει καὶ κατεγέλων αὐτοῦ
NAS: but is asleep. And they [began] laughing at Him.
KJV: they laughed him to scorn.
INT: sleeps And they laughed at him

Mark 5:40 - V-IIA-3P
GRK: καὶ κατεγέλων αὐτοῦ αὐτὸς
NAS: They [began] laughing at Him. But putting
KJV: him to scorn. But
INT: And they laughed at him him

Luke 8:53 - V-IIA-3P
GRK: καὶ κατεγέλων αὐτοῦ εἰδότες
NAS: And they [began] laughing at Him, knowing
KJV: him to scorn, knowing
INT: And they laughed at him knowing