Biblical Greek


Strong's Greek #694

Englishman's Concordance (References)

ἀργύριά argyria — 8 Occurrences

Matthew 25:27 - N-ANP
GRK: βαλεῖν τὰ ἀργύριά μου τοῖς
NAS: to have put my money in the bank,
KJV: my money to the exchangers,
INT: to put the money of me to the

Matthew 26:15 - N-ANP
GRK: αὐτῷ τριάκοντα ἀργύρια
NAS: out thirty pieces of silver to him.
KJV: with him for thirty pieces of silver.
INT: to him thirty pieces of silver

Matthew 27:3 - N-ANP
GRK: τὰ τριάκοντα ἀργύρια τοῖς ἀρχιερεῦσιν
NAS: the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests
KJV: the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests
INT: the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests

Matthew 27:5 - N-ANP
GRK: ῥίψας τὰ ἀργύρια εἰς τὸν
NAS: And he threw the pieces of silver into the temple sanctuary
KJV: he cast down the pieces of silver in
INT: having cast down the pieces of silver into the

Matthew 27:6 - N-ANP
GRK: λαβόντες τὰ ἀργύρια εἶπαν Οὐκ
NAS: took the pieces of silver and said,
KJV: took the silver pieces, and said,
INT: having taken the pieces of silver said not

Matthew 27:9 - N-ANP
GRK: τὰ τριάκοντα ἀργύρια τὴν τιμὴν
KJV: the thirty pieces of silver, the price
INT: the thirty pieces of silver the price

Matthew 28:12 - N-ANP
GRK: τε λαβόντες ἀργύρια ἱκανὰ ἔδωκαν
NAS: a large sum of money to the soldiers,
KJV: large money unto the soldiers,
INT: moreover having taken silver pieces much they gave

Matthew 28:15 - N-ANP
GRK: λαβόντες τὰ ἀργύρια ἐποίησαν ὡς
NAS: And they took the money and did
KJV: So they took the money, and did as
INT: having taken the money they did as