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Job 6 - Common English Bible

Job defends his anger

1 Job responded:

2 Oh, that my grief were actually weighed, all of it were lifted up in scales;

3 for now it’s heavier than the sands of the sea; therefore, my words are rash.

4 The Almighty’s arrows are in me; my spirit drinks their poison, and God’s terrors are arrayed against me.

5 Does a donkey bray over grass or an ox bellow over its fodder?

6 Is tasteless food eaten without salt, or does egg white have taste?

He wishes to die

7 I refuse to touch them; they resemble food for the sick.

8 Oh, that what I’ve requested would come and God grant my hope;

9 that God be willing to crush me, release his hand and cut me off.

10 I’d still take comfort, relieved even though in persistent pain; for I’ve not denied the words of the holy one.

11 What is my strength, that I should hope; my end, that my life should drag on?

12 Is my strength that of rocks, my flesh bronze?

He accuses his friends

13 I don’t have a helper for myself; success has been taken from me.

14 Are friends loyal to the one who despairs, or do they stop fearing the Almighty?

15 My companions are treacherous like a stream in the desert, like channels that overrun their streambeds,

16 like those darkened by thawing ice, in which snow is obscured

17 but that stop flowing in dry times and vanish from their channels in heat.

18 Caravans turn aside from their paths; they go up into untamed areas and perish.

19 Caravans from Tema look; merchants from Sheba hope for it.

20 They are ashamed that they trusted; they arrive and are dismayed.

He appeals to his friends

21 That’s what you are like; you see something awful and are afraid.

22 Have I said, “Give me something? Offer a bribe from your wealth for me?

23 Rescue me from the hand of my enemy? Ransom me from the grip of the ruthless?”

24 Instruct me and I’ll be quiet; inform me how I’ve erred.

25 How painful are truthful words, but what do your condemnations accomplish?

26 Do you intend to correct my words, to treat the words of a hopeless man as wind?

27 Would you even gamble over an orphan, barter away your friend?

28 Now look at me— would I lie to your face?

29 Turn! Don’t be faithless. Turn now! I am righteous.

30 Is there wrong on my tongue, or can my mouth not recognize disaster?

2011 Common English Bible. All rights reserved. Common English Bible
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