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Biblical Greek


Strong's Greek #4607 - σικάριος, ου, ὁ sikarios (an assassin)

Original Word: σικάριος, ου, ὁ
Transliteration: sikarios
Definition: an assassin
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Phonetic Spelling: (sik-ar'-ee-os)

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance


Of Latin origin; a dagger-man or assassin; a freebooter (Jewish fanatic outlawed by the Romans) -- murderer. Compare phoneus.

see GREEK phoneus

Thayer's Greek Lexicon

Strong's 4607: σικάριος

σικάριος, σικαριου, (a Latin word), an assassin, i. e. one who carries a dagger or short sword (Latinsica (cf. Josephus, as below)) under his clothing, that he may kill secretly and treacherously anyone he wishes to (a cut-throat): Acts 21:38. (Josephus, b. j. 2, 17, 6 σικαριους ἐκάλουν τούς λῃστάς ἔχοντας ὑπό τοῖς κόλποις τά ξιφη (cf. 2, 13, 3); also Antiquities 20, 8, 10 σικαριοι λῃσταί εἰσί χρώμενοι ξιφιδιοις παραπλησιοις μέν τό μέγεθος τοῖς τῶν Περσῶν ἀκινακαις, ἐπικαμπεσι δέ ] καί ὁμοιοις ταῖς ὑπό Ῥωμαίων σικαις καλουμεναις, ἀφ' ὧν καί τήν προσηγοριαν οἱ ληστευοντες ἔλαβον πολλούς ἀναιροῦντες.) (Synonym: see φονεύς.)

Englishman's Concordance (References)

Strong's Greek: 4607. σικάριος (sikarios) — 1 Occurrence

Acts 21:38 - N-GMP
GRK: ἄνδρας τῶν σικαρίων
NAS: men of the Assassins out into the wilderness?
KJV: four thousand men that were murderers?
INT: men of the assassins

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