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Biblical Greek


Strong's Greek #4598 - σητόβρωτος, ον sétobrótos (moth-eaten)

Original Word: σητόβρωτος, ον
Transliteration: sétobrótos
Definition: moth-eaten
Part of Speech: Adjective
Phonetic Spelling: (say-tob'-ro-tos)

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance


From ses and a derivative of bibrosko; moth-eaten -- motheaten.

see GREEK ses

see GREEK bibrosko

Thayer's Greek Lexicon

Strong's 4598: σητόβρωτος

σητόβρωτος, σητόβρωτον (from σής a moth, and βρωτός from βιβρώσκω), moth-eaten: ἱμάτιον, James 5:2 (ἱμάτια, Job 13:28; of idol-images, Sibylline oracles in Theophilus ad Autol. 2, 36).

Englishman's Concordance (References)

Strong's Greek: 4598. σητόβρωτος (sétobrótos) — 1 Occurrence

James 5:2 - Adj-NNP
GRK: ἱμάτια ὑμῶν σητόβρωτα γέγονεν
NAS: have become moth-eaten.
KJV: garments are motheaten.
INT: garments of you moth-eaten have become

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