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Biblical Greek


Strong's Greek #3721 - ὄρθριος, ία, ιον orthrios (early)

Original Word: ὄρθριος, ία, ιον
Transliteration: orthrios
Definition: early
Part of Speech: Adjective
Phonetic Spelling: (or'-three-os)

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance


From orthros; in the dawn, i.e. Up at day-break -- early.

see GREEK orthros

Thayer's Greek Lexicon

Strong's 3721: ὄρθριος

ὄρθριος, ὀρθρια, ὀρθριον (from ὄρθρος, which see; cf. ὄψιος πρώιος), early; rising at the first dawn or very early in the morning: Luke 24:22 R G (Job 29:7; 3Macc. 5:10, 23). Cf. the preceding word. (Homer (h. Merc. 143), Theognis, others.)

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