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Biblical Greek


Strong's Greek #183 - ἀκατάσχετος, ον akataschetos (unruly)

Original Word: ἀκατάσχετος, ον
Transliteration: akataschetos
Definition: unruly
Part of Speech: Adjective
Phonetic Spelling: (ak-at-as'-khet-os)

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance


From a (as a negative particle) and a derivative of katecho; unrestrainable -- unruly.

see GREEK a

see GREEK katecho

Thayer's Greek Lexicon

Strong's 183: ἀκατάσχετος

ἀκατάσχετος, (κατέχω, to restrain, control), that cannot be restrained: James 3:8 R G. (Job 31:11; 3Macc. 6:17; Diodorus 17, 38 ἀκατάσχετος δάκρυα, others.)

Englishman's Concordance (References)

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