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Ephesians 6 - Fleming Don Bridgeway Bible - Commentary

Ephesians 6

The Christian’s warfare (6:10-24)

For Christians, life involves warfare, though the battle is not with earthy forces but with spiritual. They are involved in a struggle against hostile demonic powers who have rebelled against God and oppose his people. As ancient soldiers wore armour when they fought their battles, so Christians must prepare themselves for conflict. They receive their armour, as well as their strength, from God, but they themselves must fight the battle. Above all they must make sure that when the battle is over, they are still on their feet (10-13).

In putting on his armour, the Roman soldier first tied his under-robes together by a belt, then put on his breastplate and shoes, and finally took up his shield, helmet and sword. Christians likewise should be fully prepared to meet the enemy. They must secure the inner life through the truth, and protect the outer life by being morally upright (14). Their feet must be ready to take the gospel to any place at any time. A firm faith in God will provide them with a shield against the devil’s temptations (15-16). The knowledge of their sure salvation will give them assurance of complete victory. As they increase their knowledge of God’s Word, they will be able to use that Word when fighting the enemy. In addition they must pray constantly, both for themselves and for fellow Christians who are engaged in a similar battle (17-18).

Finally, Paul asks prayer for himself, not that he might escape prison, but that he might speak boldly for Christ as a good ambassador should (19-20). If the Ephesians want to know more about Paul’s circumstances in prison, Tychicus can tell them when he delivers the letter. They can always be assured that God will be faithful to those who are faithful to him (21-24).


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