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Song of Solomon 6 - Fleming Don Bridgeway Bible - Commentary vs Calvin John


Song of Solomon 6


Desires for each other (6:4-7:13)

Using language that he has used before, the man again praises the girl’s loveliness (4-7; cf. 4:1-3). The nation’s most beautiful women may have been chosen for the palace harem, but they must look with envy upon the beauty of the lovely farm girl who is his beloved (8-10). In a brief parenthesis that follows, the two lovers are reminded of an occasion when they met on the farm. The girl was carried away by her lover’s charms as if taken away by a prince on his chariot (11-12). The theme quickly returns to the praise of the girl, with the harem women asking her to display her beauty for them. But neither she nor her lover want people to gaze upon her as if she were a common dance girl (13).

The girl’s unclothed loveliness is for her lover’s appreciation and no one else’s. He then describes her beauty from her feet to her head (7:1-5), and adds a short erotic song expressing his great desire for her (6-9a). The girl replies that she belongs solely to him. She wants to go for a walk with him through the fields and vineyards, where together they can enjoy each other’s love (9b-13).


Song of Solomon 6

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