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Numbers 4 - Nicoll William R - The Sermon Bible vs Calvin John vs Coke Thomas


Numbers 4

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Numbers 4

1. And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron This census had a different object from the former one, which we have just been considering, viz., that an equal distribution of the charges should be made in proportion to the number of the individuals. First, as regarded age, a distinction must be observed between this tribe and the others; for we have already seen that all the Israelites above twenty years of age were numbered, because they were then fit to bear arms. But it was not without reason that a more mature age was required in the case of the Levites, so that they should not begin to discharge their ministry before their thirtieth year. For not only is strength and rigor of body requisite for spiritual warfare, but seriousness and gravity also. If they had been admitted in their youth, their levity might have detracted from the reverence due to sacred things, since the young are often led to act intemperately by their fervor and licentiousness. Access to the sanctuary, therefore, was not permitted them till they had grown up to be men; for by their thirtieth year men ought to have become so staid, as that it shall be base and inexcusable for them to give way to the wantonness of youth.

From their fiftieth year they were released from their duties; since sloth and inactivity generally accompany old age. The case is different as to war, because we find many who are vigorous after their fiftieth year. Furthermore, since religion is more precious than all earthly affairs, diligent care was to be taken lest it should fall into disesteem on account of the idleness and somnolency of its ministers.

4. This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath. He assigns their various offices to the Levites: firstly, lest their promiscuous sedulity should beget confusion; secondly, lest ambition should stimulate certain of them, (203) from whence disputes and contentions might arise. We know how confusedly men work unless a certain rule is prescribed to them, lest they should run about in an aimless hurry; and whilst each individual desires to anticipate others, an unworthy emulation ensues, which afterwards vents itself in quarrels. If, therefore, this had not been prevented, the Levites would soon have made disturbances in their duty, and contentions would have taken place between them. God, then, comes forward, and by His own authority confines them all within their proper bounds, and restrains their foolish passions. That a more honorable office is assigned to the sons of Kohath than to the others, proceeds from God’s gratuitous favor; and thus all pride was suppressed, lest any should boast of his dexterity, or industry, or other gifts. The charge of the Holy of holies is, therefore, entrusted to the sons of Kohath; not that they should handle any part of it, but only that they should carry on the march its vessels, when packed by the priests; for God commands the sons of Aaron to come and take down the sanctuary, and carefully cover the veil, the altar, and other sacred vessels with their proper covers, before the sons of Kohath laid a finger upon them, that thus the reverence of the people for holy things might be increased; and besides, that when the other tribes should see even the Levites forbidden from touching the sanctuary, they might be reminded of their unworthiness and humbled the more. Moreover, all cause of envy was removed when the other Levites heard that a perilous duty was entrusted to the sons of Kohath, for God threatens them with death if they touch any forbidden thing: and lastly, admonishes the priests, the sons of Aaron, lest by their carelessness they should destroy their brethren; for, if they should leave anything uncovered, they would be the cause of their destruction.

(203) “D’ s’avancer, ou ingerer :” to put themselves forward, or to interfere. — Fr.

24. This is the service of the families of the Gershonites. The tasks which He enjoins upon the sons of Gershon, as well as the sons of Merari, are apparently mean and laborious, for it was a hard and also a servile work to carry the curtains and the tabernacle, together with its coverings, the boards, too, and the bars, and the pillars. But hence we learn that in God’s service nothing is to be despised, but that each and every part of our duty should be cheerfully performed, inasmuch as it ought abundantly to satisfy us, that God should have deigned to choose us as ministers of His sanctuary, so that neither weariness nor pride should ever hinder us in our duty.

34. And Moses and Aaron and the chief of the congregation Another exception is subjoined, viz., that none should be received unless they were free from all defect and blemish; for we have seen elsewhere that those, who were blind and lame, or defective in any part of their body, were excluded from the tabernacle, lest their disfigurement should produce contempt; and also that they might be admonished by this external sign, to preserve themselves more diligently from all spiritual defilement. Therefore, those are said to enter into the sanctuary who are fit to exercise the priesthood; and hence the expression, “for the service,” (426) is added.

Inasmuch as the inequality (of their charges) might have been the source of envy, God’s authority is asserted at the end of the chapter, where Moses records that he was only acting ministerially, and that he distributed the offices among them according to God’s command.

(426) “For the work.” — A. V. Ver. 35.


Numbers 4

Num 4:3. From thirty years old and upward- In chap. Num 8:24 the age of twenty-five years is appointed for the admission of the Levites to the service of the tabernacle; agreeably to which the LXX. read twenty-five years here, which reconciles the passages. Some, however, suppose, that though the Levites in general were admitted to wait upon the tabernacle, and to administer to the priests at five and twenty, yet they were not put upon the laborious work of carrying the ark and other sacred things upon their shoulders, for which the selection is made in this place, (see Num 4:15.) till they were thirty years of age. Hence, in David's time, when the ark was settled, and consequently the work of the Levites less laborious, they were appointed to enter upon their office at twenty years. See 1Ch 23:27 and 2Ch 31:17.

Num 4:10. Upon a bar- The original word signifies a bearer, and therefore it would be more properly rendered a bier.

Num 4:18. Cut ye not off the tribe, &c.- The meaning of this, as explained in the following verses, is, "Do not, by omitting to instruct the Kohathites what they are to do in the service to which they are appointed, occasion them to be cut off and to perish by a neglectful and irreverent performance of their ministry."

REFLECTIONS.-Since no Levite was capable of ministering till twenty-five or thirty years of age, nor longer than fifty, a new review is made to select these from their brethren. Ministers have need of much wisdom and solidity: youthful novices, it is to be feared, will discredit their holy calling. They are to enter the host, and do the work of the tabernacle: the ministry is not a calling of ease, but labour; they who take it upon them, need approve themselves hardy and good soldiers of Jesus Christ. As in all our removes we must take God and his worship with us, charge is given about the tabernacle; the carriage of the noblest part of it is committed to the sons of Kohath. Aaron and his sons must take down and cover all the holy things; the Levites may not touch nor see them: this dispensation was dark, a vail covered it, which vail is done away in Christ. Eleazar must take care both of their burdens and persons, lest by transgressing they should be cut off. The charge of men's lives is great; but how much greater the charge of immortal souls! Ithamar had the charge of the other families; Gershon took care of the drapery, and Merari of the more heavy carriage of the tabernacle. Every pin must be produced, and nothing be lost. Note; (1.) Every tittle of God's word is precious, and to be preserved with sacred reverence. (2.) When this earthly tabernacle of our bodies shall be dissolved, as our souls under the conduct of the divine Eleazar go before, our bodies shall follow, and on the Resurrection-day a glorious tabernacle be raised up again, which never more shall be taken down or removed.

Num 4:47-48. From thirty years old, &c.- The service of the ministry, &c. is, in the Hebrew, the service of service, and the service of the burden; by which seems to be meant the most laborious service, even that of the burden. The Levites appointed to this office were,

Of the Kohathites 2750

Gershonites 2630

Merarites 3200

In all 8580 all of whom Moses, with the assistance of Aaron, and the chiefs of the tribe, registered in a methodical manner; appointing to every one his particular station and employment, pursuant to the directions given of God.


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