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Job 39 - The Applied Commentary vs Calvin John


Job 39

God Continues (39:1–30)

1–12 In these verses God mentions mountain goats (verses 1–4), the wild donkey (verses 5–8), and the wild ox (verses 9–12). They live apart from humans, and by means of instincts given to them by their Creator, they survive and reproduce. They do not need men nor will they serve men. They live lives of their own beyond the control and knowledge of even a wise man like Job.

13–18 Consider the ostrich, says God. Surely, from man's perspective, it is a funny, foolish creature—a bird that can't fly. But God delights in it; He made it able to run faster than a horse!

19–25 The horse is the only domestic animal that God mentions; here He refers specifically to the war horse. Who can explain the energy and excitement of a horse in battle? Men are in awe of it but cannot understand it.

26–30 The hawk and the eagle are amazing birds with powerful eyesight. But most amazing are the migratory instincts of hawks and other birds. “By whose wisdom does the hawk take flight?” asks the Lord (verse 26). Certainly not Job's!


Job 39

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