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Psalm 3 - Utley - Bible Commentary

Psalm 3

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Psa 3:1-2 1O Lord, how my adversaries have increased!

Many are rising up against me.

2Many are saying of my soul,

“There is no deliverance for him in God.”Selah.

Psa 3:1-2 The psalmist felt trapped/surrounded by adversaries (BDB 86:5 III).

1. they have increased (cf. Psa 3:6 )

2. they are rising up

3. they are saying

Notice the threefold use of “many” (BDB 91:2 I). Even for the righteous God-fearer there are problems (real and imagined) in this fallen world. The Psalms want to give the reader a faith worldview (i.e., the eyes of faith, cf. 2Ki 6:17 ). The remainder of the psalm describes YHWH's presence and care!

One wonders how these laments work in

1. our day

2. our faith groups

Are those who disagree with us enemies of God? I think it best to use the psalms as words of encouragement to faith/trust in God and not as an attack on all who disagree with me! The true enemies are those who reject our God and His Christ!

Psa 3:2 “my soul” This is the Hebrew word nephesh (BDB 65:9 , KB 71:1-713 , see full note at Gen 35:18 online), which denotes an air-breathing animal (i.e., related to the Hebrew word for breath and spirit). It is used of mankind (cf. Gen 2:7 ) and cattle (cf. Gen 1:24 ; Gen 2:19 ).

Humans are both a part of this creation and created in the image and likeness of the Creator (cf. Gen 1:26-27 ). We have both a physical component and a spiritual component.

▣ “Selah” Notice this term is placed in the margin, apparently for the choir director, in Psa 3:2 ; Psa 3:4 ; Psa 3:8 . The root is not certain. Here are some of the theories.

1. from Persian root for “song”

2. from Hebrew סלל (BDB 69:9 ) “to lift up,” i.e., a higher pitch

3. from Hebrew נצח (BDB 66:3 ) meaning “always,” functioning like “amen”

4. from LXX denoting an interlude of instruments

With all these theories it is obvious that moderns do not know what it refers to in the Psalter. It is used over 7:0 times in the MT and over 9:0 times in the LXX.

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Psa 3:3-6 3But You, O Lord, are a shield about me,

My glory, and the One who lifts my head.

4I was crying to the Lord with my voice,

And He answered me from His holy mountain. Selah.

5I lay down and slept;

I awoke, for the Lord sustains me.

6I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people

Who have set themselves against me round about.

Psa 3:3-6 “O Lord” See SPECIAL TOPIC: NAMES FOR DEITY <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/names_deity.html>.

▣ “You. . .are” The psalmist enumerates in powerful imagery the person and work of YHWH for the believer.

1. a shield, Psa 3:3Gen 15:1 ; Deu 33:29 ; 2Sa 22:3 ; Psa 28:7 ; Psa 33:20 ; Psa 59:11 ; Psa 84:11 ; Psa 115:9-11 ; Psa 119:114 ; Psa 144:2 (also note 1Pe 1:5 )

2. my glory, Psa 3:3Psa 62:7

a. honor

b. victory (cf. TEV)

3. lifts my head, Psa 3:3

a. victory in battle

b. recognition by the judge in court

c. deliverance from death

4. answers my prayers, Psa 3:4

5. sustains me, Psa 3:5

6. causes me not to have fear, Psa 3:6

Psa 3:4 “I was crying to the Lord” This prayer for help may be Psa 3:7 a. The consequences of “He answered me” are seen in Psa 3:7-8 .

▣ “from His holy mountain” This refers to the temple, where in OT imagery, YHWH dwelt between the wings of the Cherubim over the ark of the covenant. This was the place where heaven and earth (the spiritual and physical) met!

Psa 3:5 Sleep is possible because of YHWH's presence, peace, and protection (cf. Psa 4:8 ; Pro 3:24 ). Psa 3:5 a is an idiom for a restful night's sleep! This is possible because of one's faith and trust in YHWH, His presence, His promises, His character!

Psa 3:6 This is hyperbolic, idiomatic language. The term “ten thousand” (BDB 91:4 ) is an idiom for an innumerable host. The plural (as here) intensifies this (cf. Deu 33:2 ; Deu 33:17 ; 1Sa 18:7 ; Mic 6:7 ).

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Psa 3:7-8 7Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God!

For You have smitten all my enemies on the cheek;

You have shattered the teeth of the wicked.

8Salvation belongs to the Lord;

Your blessing upon Your people! Selah.

Psa 3:7 This verse begins with two imperatives (i.e., prayer requests).

1. arise — BDB 87:7 , KB 108:6 , Qal imperative used in the sense of entreating YHWH to act, cf. Num 10:35 ; Psa 7:6 ; Psa 9:19 ; Psa 10:12 ; Psa 44:26 ; Psa 68:1 ; Psa 74:22 ; Psa 82:8 ; Psa 132:8 ; as enemies “arose,” now the palmist calls on YHWH to rise up (i.e., from His throne)!

2. save — BDB 44:6 , KB 44:8 , Hiphil imperative, which in the OT, denotes deliverance from the trials, pains, issues of this life (Psa 3:8 )

SPECIAL TOPIC: SALVATION (OLD TESTAMENT TERM) <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/salvation_ot_term.html>

▣ “has smitten. . .has shattered” YHWH brings deliverance by forcefully dealing with the psalmist's adversaries.

1. has smitten — BDB 64:5 , KB 69:7 , Hiphil perfect

2. has shattered — BDB 99:0 , KB 140:2 , Piel perfect

The “cheek” (BDB 53:4 I) and “teeth” 9BDB 104:2 I) are idioms of shame and defeat (cf. 1Ki 22:24 ; Job 16:10 ; Psa 58:6 ; Mic 5:1 ). It specifically refers to their hateful words (cf. Psa 3:2 ).

Psa 3:8 There are no verbs in Psa 3:8 . Often the biblical Hebrew “to be” verb is supplied by the reader.

▣ “Selah” See notes at Psa 3:2 .

3:9 Notice how an individual lament is used to reflect a corporate concern (i.e., “Thy people,” of Ps. 3:9; Psa 25:22 ; Psa 28:9 ). YHWH brings salvation/deliverance, not only to individuals who ask but to the nation who asks (i.e., 2Ch 7:14 ).


This is a study guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not relinquish this to a commentator.

These discussion questions are provided to help you think through the major issues of this section of the book. They are meant to be thought-provoking, not definitive.

1. Who are the adversaries?

2. Why are they denying YHWH's deliverance?

3. What does the imperative “arise” mean?

What are its possible backgrounds

4. What does “Selah” mean?


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