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Micah 3 - Utley - Bible Commentary

Micah 3

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Mic 3:1-4 1”And I said,

'Hear now, heads of Jacob

And rulers of the house of Israel.

Is it not for you to know justice?

2You who hate good and love evil,

Who tear off their skin from them

And their flesh from their bones,

3And who eat the flesh of my people,

Strip off their skin from them,

Break their bones,

And chop them up as for the pot

And as meat in a kettle.”

4Then they will cry out to the LORD,

But He will not answer them.

Instead, He will hide His face from them at that time,

Because they have practiced evil deeds.

Mic 3:1 This is a strong contrast to Mic 2:12-13 . The abrupt transition from judgment to restoration characterizes this book. This literary technique may be unconsciously related to the antithetical parallelism of Hebrew poetry! Chapter 3 picks up again on the theme of divine judgment.

▣ “Hear” This is the Hebrew Shema (BDB 103:3 , KB 157:0 , Qal IMPERATIVE), which means to hear so as to do (cf. Mic 1:2 ; Mic 3:1 ; Mic 6:1 ). This word seems to outline the book. See note at Mic 1:2 .

▣ “heads of Jacob. . .rulers of the house of Israel.

Is it not for you to know justice” All three lines of poetry refer to the political leaders of Judah (cf. Mic 3:9-10 ) who should have been trained in the Mosaic law (cf. Deu 12:17 ), but followed a policy of greed and self-centeredness (cf. Amo 5:15 ; Isa 1:16-17 ). Calling Judah, Israel, probably shows (1) this was spoken after the fall of the Northern Ten Tribes to Assyria in 72:2 B.C. or (2) it was a way of showing condemnation (e.g., Ezekiel 2:3 ).

▣ “justice” The Hebrew term (BDB 104:8 ) has a wide semantic field:

1. the act of judging (e.g., Isa 41:1 ; Isa 59:11 ; Hos 5:1 ; Hos 5:11 ; Hos 10:4 ; Mic 7:9 )

2. justice

a. an attribute of God (e.g., Hos 2:19 )

b. an attribute of man (e.g., Mic 3:1 ; Mic 6:8 ; Isa 1:17 )

3. ordinance

a. of God (e.g., Jer 8:7 )

b. of king (e.g., 1Sa 8:9 ; 1Sa 8:11 )

4. judge's decision (e.g., Exo 21:1 ; Exo 21:31 ; Exo 24:3 )

5. one's legal right (e.g., Isa 10:2 ; Isa 49:4 ; Jer 5:8 )

6. custom (e.g., 1Ki 18:28 ; 2Ki 11:14 ; 2Ki 17:34 )

This term is found several times in Micah (cf. Mic 3:1 ; Mic 3:8-9 ; Mic 6:8 ; Mic 7:9 ) as well as other eighth century prophets.

1. Isaiah , 41 times

2. Amos , 4 times

3. Hosea , 6 times

Mic 3:2-3 Instead of acting like shepherds, these political leaders (cf. Ezekiel 3:4 ) acted like butchers (i.e., “tear off,” “strip off,” “break,” “chop”). The phrase, “eat the flesh of my people,” is used in this similar metaphorical sense in Psa 14:4 ; Psa 27:2 and Pro 30:14 .

Mic 3:2 “You who hate good and love evil” The two VERBS (BDB 1:2 , KB 1:7 ) are both Qal ACTIVE PARTICIPLES. These leaders' response was exactly opposite from God's will (cf. Isa 1:16-17 ; Isa 1:21-23 ; Isa 1:26 ; Isa 5:7-8 ; Isa 5:20 ; Amo 5:15 ).

Mic 3:4 “Then they will cry out to the LORD,

But He will not answer them” The VERB “cry out” (BDB 22:7 , KB 27:7 , Qal IMPERFECT) is a legal term for appealing to the court for help. As these wicked judges did not hear the cries of the poor aliens, orphans, and widows, God will not hear their cry either (cf. Deu 31:17-18 ; Deu 32:20 ; Pro 21:13 ; Isa 1:15 ; Isa 59:2 ; Isa 64:7 ; Jer 33:5 ; Jas 2:13 ).

▣ “He will hide His face from them at that time” The VERB (BDB 71:1 , KB 77:1 ) is JUSSIVE in form, but not in meaning. The “them” refers to the faithless leaders. This is ultimate rejection and parallel to “He will not answer them” and “He will hide His face from them.”

▣ “Because they have practiced evil deeds” Here is the problem. God's people have repeatedly and flagrantly rebelled and rejected their covenant obligations. They are now reaping what they sowed (cf. Mic 7:13 ; Isa 3:10-11 ; Gal 6:7 ).

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Mic 3:5-12 5” Thus says the LORD concerning the prophets

Who lead my people astray;

When they have something to bite with their teeth,

They cry, “Peace,”

But against him who puts nothing in their mouths,

They declare holy war.

6Therefore it will be night for you—without vision,

And darkness for you—without divination.

The sun will go down on the prophets,

And the day will become dark over them.

7The seers will be ashamed

And the diviners will be embarrassed.

Indeed, they will all cover their mouths

Because there is no answer from God.

8On the other hand I am filled with power—

With the Spirit of the Lord—

And with justice and courage

To make known to Jacob his rebellious act,

Even to Israel his sin.

9Now hear this, heads of the house of Jacob

And rulers of the house of Israel,

Who abhor justice

And twist everything that is straight,

10Who build Zion with bloodshed

And Jerusalem with violent injustice.

11Her leaders pronounce judgment for a bribe,

Her priests instruct for a price,

And her prophets divine for money.

Yet they lean on the LORD saying,

'Is not the LORD in our midst?

Calamity will not come upon us.'

12Therefore, on account of you,

Zion will be plowed as a field,

Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins,

And the mountain of the temple will become high places of a forest.”

Mic 3:5 “Thus says the LORD concerning the prophets” The prophets were one of several ways to know the will of YHWH. The very ones who were to reveal God, did not know Him (cf. Hos 4:1 ). 1Sa 28:6 mentions three ways Saul inquired of YHWH:

1. dreams

2. Urim and Thummim (i.e., High Priest)

3. prophet (i.e., Samuel)

▣ “Who lead my people astray” The VERB (BDB 107:3 , KB 176:6 , Hiphil PARTICIPLE) means “to cause to err” (cf. Amo 2:4 ; Hos 4:12 ; 2Ki 21:9 ; Isa 3:12 ; Isa 9:16 ; Jer 50:6 ). This refers to the false prophets mentioned in Mic 2:6-7 ; Mic 3:10-11 .

▣ “When they have something to bite with their teeth” This refers to the eating of food (i.e., gifts from the people they prophesied for, cf. Mic 3:5 , lines 4 and 5). They prophesy for hire, not for God (cf. Isa 59:9-11 ). They tell the generous clients just what they want to hear (i.e., peace and prosperity); they tell their poor clients problems and scarcity.

The term “bite” (BDB 67:5 , KB 72:9 , Qal PARTICIPLE) usually refers to a snake bite.

▣ “They cry, 'Peace'“ Literally shalom (BDB 102:2 , see Special Topic: Peace [shalom] <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/peace_shalom.html>) is the Hebrew word which means “wholeness.” Apparently, if the prophets were well-fed (i.e., paid in food, cf. 1Sa 9:7-8 ), they would proclaim good news (e.g., Jer 5:12 ; Jer 6:13-14 ; Jer 8:10-11 ; Jer 13:14 ; Jer 23:17 ; Eze 13:10 ); if they were not well-fed, they would proclaim “holy war” (BDB 53:6 ). Their message was based on selfish interests, not YHWH's will. These prophets were available for private, as well as, royal consultations.

However, giving a gift to a prophet was a common practice (e.g., 1Ki 14:3 ; 2Ki 4:42 ; 2Ki 8:8-9 ). It is the manipulation of the message that is the problem!

▣ “They declare holy war” The term “holy” is not in the MT, but comes from the VERB (BDB 87:2 , KB 107:3 , Piel PERFECT), which comes from the Hebrew root for “holy.” It is used to describe setting apart certain people for war in Jer 51:27 ; Joe 3:9 and here (cf. Robert Girdlestone, Synonyms of the Old Testament, p. 177). The implication is that God will send bad things, problems, conflicts against those who are not generous with the prophets (i.e., God's spokesperson). I sense this same technique today in America in tithing sermons that pronounce doom if you do not give a current percentage to the church (i.e., storehouse tithing)!

Mic 3:6 “night. . .darkness. . .sun will go down. . .day will become dark” These are four terrible metaphors (no sunlight used by Isaiah) for the removal of God's Spirit and insight from the rulers and prophets. Darkness is used as a metaphor for lack of revelation (i.e., light, e.g., Psa 82:5 ; Pro 2:13 ; Pro 4:19 ; Isa 59:9 ; 2Pe 1:19 ; 1Jn 1:6 ; 1Jn 2:11 ). The darkness will result in judgment (cf. Amo 5:18-20 ). Another metaphor in Amo 8:11-12 is famine of God's word. God will not respond to their prayers or their prophets!

▣ “vision” Visions (BDB 30:2 ) and dreams (BDB 32:1 ) were often paralleled (cf. Job 33:15 ; Isa 29:7 ; Dan 7:1 ) as ways of receiving God's message. Usually (but not exclusively) visions occurred in the day and dreams at night.

▣ “divination” This (BDB 89:0 , KB 111:5 ) was an ancient means of knowing God's will through some physical or mechanical means (e.g., negative, Deu 18:9-22 ; positive, 1Sa 28:6 and Gen 44:5 ; Gen 44:15 ). See Special Topic: Divination <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/divination.html>.

Mic 3:7 “seers” This was the earliest name for prophets (BDB 30:2 , e.g., 1Sa 9:9 ; 2Sa 24:11 ; 1Ch 9:22 ; 1Ch 25:5 ; Isa 30:10 ; Amo 7:12 ). See Special Topic: Prophet (the different Hebrew terms) <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/prophet.html>.

NASB, NKJV “ashamed”

NRSV, TEV “disgraced”

NJB “covered with shame”

The VERB (BDB 10:1 , KB 11:6 , Qal PERFECT) means to be ashamed (e.g., Mic 7:16 ; Hos 4:19 ; Hos 10:6 ; Hos 13:15 and many times in Isaiah).

NASB “embarrassed”

NKJV “abashed”

NRSV “put to shame”

TEV “humiliated”

NJB “covered with confusion”

This VERB (BDB 34:4 , KB 34:0 , Qal PERFECT) is parallel with “ashamed” and also means ashamed. They are both used together in Isa 24:23 . It is used of

1. idolaters in Isa 1:29 2. diviners here

3. Babylon in Jer 50:12 ▣ “mouths” Literally this is “mustache” (BDB 97:4 ). This symbol of covering the mustache meant (1) grief (cf. Eze 24:17 ; Eze 24:22 ) or (2) shame (i.e., lepers, Lev 13:45 ).

▣ “Because there is no answer from God” These leaders are suffering the same lack of communication with God as the leaders described in Mic 3:4 (cf. 1Sa 28:6 ). Heaven is silent!

Mic 3:8 As Mic 3:5-7 have been a discussion of false prophets, Mic 3:8 is a description of a true prophet who is in full communication with God (cf. Psa 89:13-14 , the prophet shares or better reflects the character of God). Notice the true prophet is filled (BDB 56:9 , KB 58:3 , Qal PERFECT) with (1) power (BDB 47:0 ); (2) YHWH's Spirit (cf. Isa 11:2 ; Eze 2:2 ); (3) justice (BDB 104:8 “judgment”); and (4) courage (BDB 15:0 “might”) to make sin known (cf. Isa 58:1 ). What a contrast with the leaders' shame, grief, and impotence!

Although the full doctrine of the indwelling Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is not obvious in the OT, the personal presence of God with and within humans is revealed:

1. Bezalel, Exo 31:3 ; Exo 35:31 2. Joshua, Deu 34:9 3. Saul, 1Sa 19:23-24 4. Elijah, 1Ki 18:46 5. Ezekiel, Eze 1:3 ; Eze 37:1 ; Eze 40:1 6. Micah, Mic 3:8 7. Messiah, Isa 11:2 ; Isa 48:16 ; Isa 61:1 (Luk 4:18-19 )

Also notice the connection between the prophets and the Spirit in Hos 9:7 .

NASB “On the other hand”

NKJV “but truly”

NRSV, TEV “but as for me”

NJB “Not so with me”

Literally the MT has “but indeed I.” The Hebrew ADVERB (BDB 1:9 ) is a strong ADVERSATIVE (used often in Job, cf. Job 1:11 ; Job 11:5 ; Job 12:7 ; Job 13:4 ; Job 14:18 ; Job 17:10 ; Job 33:1 ).

▣ “Jacob. . .Israel” As the last two lines of Mic 3:8 show Micah addressing both Judah's sins and Israel's sins, so too, lines 1 and 2 of Mic 3:9 .

Mic 3:9 NASB, NKJV “Now hear this”

NRSV “hear this”

TEV “listen to me”

NJB “kindly listen to this”

This phrase is literally “hear I pray this.” The VERB (BDB 103:3 , KB 157:0 ) is a Qal IMPERATIVE, followed by a PARTICLE used for entreaty (אב) and then the demonstrative ADJECTIVE “this.”

▣ “Who abhor justice” The VERB (BDB 107:3 , KB 176:5 , Piel PARTICIPLE) means regard as an abomination (e.g., Amo 5:10 ; Amo 6:8 ; Isa 14:19 ; Isa 49:7 ). These leaders were not sincerely wrong, but haters of the right, good, and godly (cf. Isa 5:20 ; Amo 6:12 ). The term “justice” (BDB 104:8 ) is repeated in Mic 3:8-9 . See Special Topic: Judge, Judgment, Justice <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/judge_ot.html>.

▣ “And twist everything that is straight” The VERB “twist” (BDB 78:6 , KB 87:5 , Piel IMPERFECT) means “to pervert” or “to make crooked” (cf. Pro 10:9 ; Pro 28:18 ; Isa 59:8 ).

The term “straight” is the etymological root of the OT term for “justice” or “righteousness,” which meant a straight edge or measuring reed (cf. Isa 5:20 ). Most of the Hebrew words for sin speak of a deviation from this divine standard. See Special Topic: RIGHTEOUSNESS <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/righteousness.html>.

Mic 3:10 “Zion. . .Jerusalem” Zion is the name of one of the seven hills upon which Jerusalem was built. It often is used to refer to the whole city or nation. See Special Topic: Moriah, Salem, Jebus, Zion, Jerusalem <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/moriah.html>.

▣ “with bloodshed. . .with violent injustice” These two NOUNS are parallel (cf. Jer 22:13 ; Jer 22:17 ; Hab 2:12 ).

Mic 3:11 All three groups of leaders are mentioned in this verse and all three are condemned for their greedy, materialistic attitude (cf. Mic 7:3 ; Isa 56:9-12 ; Jer 5:30-31 ; Jer 6:13-14 ; Jer 8:8-12 ; Jer 14:13-18 ; Jer 14:22-22 ; Jer 26:10-16 ; Ezekiel 1:3 ; Eze 22:23-31 ).

▣ “pronounce judgment for a bribe” This shows the corruption of the judiciary (cf. Mic 7:3 ; 2Ch 19:7 ; Isa 1:23 ; Isa 5:23 ). Wealth controlled every aspect of Jewish life.

▣ “priests instruct for a price” One role of the priests (and Levites) was to educate the people on the precepts of the Mosaic Law (e.g., Deu 33:10 ; 2Ch 15:3 ; 2Ch 17:9 ). Priestly understanding and teaching (and living) of the Mosaic Law was crucial to a healthy, spiritual Israel (cf. Hos 4:6 ).

▣ “Yet they lean on the LORD, saying” The term “lean” is used of leaning on a staff (BDB 104:3 , KB 161:2 , Niphal IMPERFECT, cf. Psa 23:4 ). These leaders were wrapping their evil deeds and nations in religious dress. Their mouth said one thing; their actions another (cf. Isa 29:13 )! They were claiming YHWH's protection (covenant benefit) because of their covenant relationship to Him, but were completely ignoring the covenant requirements (cf. Deuteronomy 2:7-29 ; Leviticus 2:6 ; Isa 6:9-10 ; Isa 29:13 ).

▣ “Calamity will not come upon us” This must have been a recurrent theme of the false prophets, which became a cultural proverb (cf. Jer 5:12 ; Jer 23:17 ; Amo 9:10 ), but they were wrong (cf. Mic 2:3 ).

Mic 3:12 This must have been an extremely startling statement to the people of Judah. They trusted in God's promises that Jerusalem and the Temple would never fall (i.e., Isaiah's promises to Hezekiah, probably based in 2 Samuel 7), and yet, because of their flagrant neglect of the ethical aspects of the covenant, God would take them into exile (cf. Jer 26:18 ). Jerusalem would be like Samaria (cf. Mic 1:6 )! This is the first prophetic mention of the fall of Jerusalem (“plowed as a field”) and the Temple (i.e., overgrown with vegetation, literally “a high place of a forest”). This is theologically parallel to Isaiah 5. I am sure that Micah was discredited in 70:1 B.C. when this did not occur (i.e., Sennacherib's army destroyed by God, cf. 2Ki 19:35-37 ), however, the prophet was vindicated in 58:6 B.C., when this prophecy was literally fulfilled under the siege of Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. F. F. Bruce, Answers to Questions, asserts that the king (i.e., Hezekiah, cf. Mic 1:1 ) and people of Judah responded to Micah's message and, therefore, God relented of His judgment (p. 36).

▣ “on account of you” They (the political and religious leaders) were not only going to experience the judgment of God (like the wealthy exploiters), their activities were the reason for the judgment of God!


This is a study guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not relinquish this to a commentator.

These discussion questions are provided to help you think through the major issues of this section of the book. They are meant to be thought-provoking, not definitive.

1. What was the essence of the false prophets' message in Mic 2:6-11 ?

2. Why is Mic 2:12-13 such a radical break from the context?

3. How does one tell the difference between a false prophet and a true prophet?

4. How can God promise to always have a man on the Davidic throne (2 Samuel 7), and yet predict the total destruction of Jerusalem and the monarchy?


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