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Jeremiah 3 - Utley - Bible Commentary

Jeremiah 3

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Jer 3:1-5 1God says, “If a husband divorces his wife

And she goes from him

And belongs to another man,

Will he still return to her?

Will not that land be completely polluted?

But you are a harlot with many lovers;

Yet you turn to Me,” declares the LORD.

2”Lift up your eyes to the bare heights and see;

Where have you not been violated?

By the roads you have sat for them

Like an Arab in the desert,

And you have polluted a land

With your harlotry and with your wickedness.

3Therefore the showers have been withheld,

And there has been no spring rain.

Yet you had a harlot's forehead;

You refused to be ashamed.

4Have you not just now called to Me,

'My Father, You are the friend of my youth?

5Will He be angry forever?

Will He be indignant to the end?'

Behold, you have spoken

And have done evil things,

And you have had your way.”

Jer 3:1 NASB “God says”

NKJV “they say”


NJB, REB - Omit -

TEV “the Lord says”

JPSOA “[the word of the LORD came to me] as follows”

The MT simply has the Qal INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT (BDB 5:5 , KB 6:5 ) “saying.” The UBS Text Project suggests (p. 180)

1. it introduces a principal, a proverb, or judicial statement

2. it relates to Jer 2:37 ▣ “If a husband divorces his wife” This reflects Moses' statement in Deu 24:3-4 . YHWH uses divorce as a metaphor of His peoples' “spiritual adultery” of idolatry. Israelites could not take back a wife after another man had married her (cf. Deu 24:4 ), but YHWH's great love will remarry Israel even after her idolatry (cf. Jer 4:1 ; Hosea 1-3).

YHWH was stating what had occurred years ago (cf. Jer 2:20-25 ).

▣ “Will he still return to her” This was not allowed (cf. Deu 24:1-4 ). Their return was for political reasons, not for spiritual reasons.

▣ “land be completely polluted” The VERB and INFINITIVE ABSOLUTE of the same root (BDB 33:7 , KB 33:5 ) are used to intensify the sense of the idolatrous pollution. This very thing is discussed in Lev 18:24-28 ; Lev 19:29 ; Deu 24:4 .

The LXX has “woman,” האשה, but the MT has “land,” ץראה. The UBS Text Project rates “land” as B (some doubt); both fit the context.

▣ “you are a harlot with many lovers” YHWH is depicted as a husband, possibly based on Deu 10:20 ; Deu 11:22 ; Deu 13:4 (i.e., “cling to Him”). This is one of several anthropomorphic metaphors used of God and His relationship to His faith children (see Special Topic: God Described As Human [anthropomorphism] <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/god_described_as_human.html>).

NASB “Yet you turn to Me”

NKJV “yet return to Me”

TEV “now you want to return to Me?”

LXX, NJB “would you return to me?”

JPSOA “can you return to Me?”

This is the INFINITIVE ABSOLUTE of a VERB (Qal IMPERFECT, BDB 99:6 , KB 142:7 ) used earlier in the verse (and throughout this chapter). It can be

1. turned into an IMPERATIVE (NKJV)

2. turned into a VERB (NASB)

3. turned into a question (TEV, NJB, JPSOA following the LXX)

Jer 3:2 “Lift up your eyes. . .see” These are both Qal IMPERATIVES.

1. lift up - BDB 66:9 , KB 724:2 . see - BDB 90:6 , KB 115:7 , cf. Jer 1:10 ; Jer 2:10 (twice), 19, 23, 31

▣ “bare heights” This was the place of the worship of Ba'al (cf. Jer 3:21 ; Jer 4:11 ; Jer 7:29 ; Jer 12:12 ; Jer 14:6 ; Hos 4:11-14 ). See Special Topic: Fertility Worship of the Ancient Near East <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/fertility_worship.html>.

NASB “violated”

NKJV “lain with men”

NRSV “offered your sex!”

TEV “acted like a prostitute?”


REB “lain with”

LXX “contaminated” or “utterly defiled”

The MT has “be ravished” (שׁנל, BDB 99:3 , KB 141:5 , cf. NASB), but the Masoretic scholars suggest “be lain with” (שׁכב, BDB 101:1 , KB 148:6 ).

The covenant people were not raped. They voluntarily committed “spiritual adultery” with foreign idols.

▣ “By the roads you have sat” This is an historical/cultural reference to what the prostitutes did (cf. Gen 38:14 ; Pro 7:12 ff; Eze 16:25 ).


TEV, REB “Arab”

NKJV “Arabian”

NJB “nomad”

JPSOA “bandit”

The MT has “steppe-dweller” (ערבי, BDB 78:7 IV, cf. Isa 13:20 ), but the Septuagint has “raven” (ערב, BDB 78:8 VI).

The JPSOA interprets the word as a robber (see UBS Handbook, p. 94). The LXX's “raven” could be parallel to “polluted land,” as the raven was an unclean scavenger, but it could also mean a supposed helper, cf. 1Ki 17:4 .

▣ “harlotry” See Special Topic at Jer 2:20 .

Jer 3:3 The first two lines are parallel. God tried to use the cycles of nature to open the eyes of His people (cf. Lev 26:14-20 ; Deu 28:15-68 ), but they would not see. There are two rainy seasons in Palestine (cf. Deu 11:14 ), one at planting time and the other as the plants mature. Most moisture came from daily dew.

▣ “harlot's forehead” This is a reference either to

1. characteristic ornamentation (cf. Rev 17:5 )

2. a metaphor for stubbornness and lack of shame (cf. Eze 3:7-8 )

Jer 3:4 “My Father” This is another family metaphor for God.

SPECIAL TOPIC: FATHERHOOD OF GOD <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/fatherhood_of_god.html>

Jer 3:5 “Will he be angry forever” They were trying to take advantage of God's mercy. This same concept is discussed in Psa 103:8-14 . God's mercy was not the issue, but their willful and repeated idolatry (cf. Jer 3:12-14 ).

▣ “spoken. . .done evil” Their lips said one thing, but their actions showed another (cf. Isa 29:13 ).

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Jer 3:6-10 6Then the LORD said to me in the days of Josiah the king, “Have you seen what faithless Israel did? She went up on every high hill and under every green tree, and she was a harlot there. 7I thought, 'After she has done all these things she will return to Me'; but she did not return, and her treacherous sister Judah saw it. 8And I saw that for all the adulteries of faithless Israel, I had sent her away and given her a writ of divorce, yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear; but she went and was a harlot also. 9Because of the lightness of her harlotry, she polluted the land and committed adultery with stones and trees. 10Yet in spite of all this her treacherous sister Judah did not return to Me with all her heart, but rather in deception,” declares the LORD.

Jer 3:6 “Then the LORD said to me in the days of Josiah the king” This surely dates the poem and by implication the surrounding strophes.

For the reign of King Josiah see Special Topic: Kings of the Divided Monarchy <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/kings_divided_monarchy.html>.

▣ “Israel” These are the northern ten tribes (see Special Topic at Jer 2:3 ). Jer 3:7-8 ; Jer 3:10-11 show that in light of Israel's sin, Judah should have learned, but she did not, and even copied her sister's sins (cf. Eze 16:44-52 ; Ezekiel 2:3 ).

▣ “on every high hill and under every green tree” This was the site for Ba'al worship (see Special Topic: Fertility Worship of the Ancient Near East <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/fertility_worship.html>).

Jer 3:7 “Judah” These are the southern three tribes of Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin. Most of the Levites and priests also stayed with the southern tribes.

▣ “she will return to Me” The word “return” (BDB 99:6 , KB 142:7 ) is the Hebrew concept of repentance (see Special Topic: Repentance in the Old Testament <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/repentance_ot.html>). It is used several times in this chapter (cf. Jer 3:1 [twice], 7 [twice], 10, 12,14, 19, 22). The OT, as the NT, is a conditional covenant as it relates to human choices, but an unconditional covenant as to YHWH's plan to redeem those individuals who will turn to Him by repentance and faith (cf. Mar 1:15 ; Act 3:16 ; Act 3:19 ; Act 20:21 ).

SPECIAL TOPIC: COVENANT <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/covenant.html>

Jer 3:8 NASB, NKJV “I saw. . .”

TEV “Judah also saw. . .”

NRSV “She also saw. . .”

NJB, REB “She saw”

JPSOA “I noted:”

The MT has “and I saw” (וארא), but the DSS and the Syriac versions have “she saw” (ותרא). The UBS Text Project gives the MT a B rating (some doubt).

The next line of the verse describes YHWH's actions in light of Israel's response.

▣ “I had sent her away” This seems to be linking the Assyrian exile (i.e., 722 B.C.) with the metaphor of divorce (“send away,” BDB 101:8 , KB 151:1 , cf. Deu 22:19 ; Deu 22:29 ; Deu 24:1 ; Deu 24:3 ; Jer 3:1 ).

▣ “writ of divorce” This was a legal document first discussed in Deu 24:1-4 .

1. involved some legal procedures which took some time so that the couple could work out their differences if possible

2. another person had to be involved (i.e., a Levite)

3. involved the restitution of the dowry to the wife or her family

4. allowed the vulnerable woman to remarry and be a functioning member of that society

Jer 3:9 NASB “the lightness of her harlotry”

NKJV “her casual harlotry”

NRSV “her shameless whoring”

TEV “was not at all ashamed”

NJB “she took her whoredom so lightly”

JPSOA “her casual immorality”

REB “her casual prostitution”

LXX “her whoredom came to nothing”

The key word is “so light” (קל, BDB 88:7 , KB 110:1 I), found only here. BDB suggests “lightness” or “frivolity.”

▣ “stones and trees” This is a reference to the male Canaanite deity, Ba'al, and the female Canaanite deity, Asherah (cf. Jer 2:27 , see Special Topic: Fertility Worship of the Ancient Near East <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/fertility_worship.html>).

Jer 3:10 “Judah did not return to Me with all her heart” This may be a reference to the reforms of Hezekiah or Josiah. The reforms of these godly kings were only superficially accepted by the populous.

For “returned” see the Special Topic at Jer 2:22 . For “heart” see Special Topic: Heart <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/heart.html>.

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Jer 3:11-14 11And the LORD said to me, “Faithless Israel has proved herself more righteous than treacherous Judah.

12Go and proclaim these words toward the north and say,

'Return, faithless Israel,' declares the LORD;

'I will not look upon you in anger.

For I am gracious,' declares the LORD;

'I will not be angry forever.

13Only acknowledge your iniquity,

That you have transgressed against the LORD your God

And have scattered your favors to the strangers under every green tree,

And you have not obeyed My voice,' declares the LORD.

14'Return, O faithless sons,' declares the LORD;

'For I am a master to you,

And I will take you one from a city and two from a family,

And I will bring you to Zion.'“

Jer 3:11 This is a shocking statement. Judah had more spiritual light and opportunities than did the northern tribes, but she did not learn from YHWH's judgment on them (cf. Ezekiel 2:3 ; Luk 12:48 ).

Israel is “faithless” (BDB 100:0 , cf. Jer 3:6 ; Jer 3:8 ; Jer 3:12 ; also note Jer 2:19 ; Jer 3:22 ; Jer 5:6 ; Jer 8:5 ; Jer 14:7 ) but Judah is “treacherous” (BDB 9:3 , Qal ACTIVE PARTICIPLE, cf. Jer 3:8 ; Jer 3:20 ; Jer 5:11 ; Jer 12:6 ; Isa 21:2 ; Isa 24:16 ; Isa 33:1 ).

Jer 3:12-14 The NASB, NKJV, NRSV, NJB all show these verses in poetic form (like Jer 3:1-5 and Jer 3:19-20 ).

1. God tells the prophet to


b. proclaim (Qal PERFECT)

2. God tells the northern tribes to

a. return (Qal IMPERATIVE, see note at Jer 3:1 )

b. acknowledge (lit. “know,” Qal IMPERATIVE)

(1) your iniquity

(2) that you have transgressed (Qal PERFECT)

(3) that you scattered your favors (BDB 20:2 ) to strangers (i.e., idols)

(4) that you have not obeyed (Qal PERFECT)

3. If they will obey, God will

a. not look upon you in anger

b. not be angry forever

This literary form is called “a summons to repentance” in Cracking OT Codes by Sandy and Giese (p. 164). It includes a divine promise, an accusation of sin, and a divine threat of judgment (cf. Isa 1:19-20 ; Isa 55:6-7 ; Jer 3:12-13 ; Jer 4:1-4 ; Joe 2:12-13 ; Amo 5:4-7 ; Amo 5:14-15 ).

Jer 3:12 “For I am gracious” This is one of the primary presuppositions of the character of Deity. Often in other world religions, deity is capricious, detached, but not so the God of the Bible. Note His repeated characteristics.

1. compassionate (BDB 93:3 ), cf. Exo 34:6 ; Deu 4:31 ; Neh 9:17 ; Psa 86:15 ; Psa 103:8 ; Psa 145:8 ; Joe 2:13 2. gracious (BDB 33:7 ), cf. Exo 34:6 ; Neh 9:17 ; Psa 86:15 ; Psa 103:8 ; Psa 145:8 ; Joe 2:13 3. slow to anger (BDB 7:4 CONSTRUCT BDB 6:0 ), cf. Exo 34:6 ; Num 14:18 ; Neh 9:17 ; Psa 86:15 ; Psa 103:8 ; Psa 145:8 ; Joe 2:13 4. abounding in lovingkindness (hesed, BDB 33:8 , see Special Topic at Jer 2:2 ), cf. Exo 34:6 ; Num 14:18 ; Neh 9:17 ; Psa 86:15 ; Psa 103:8 ; Psa 145:8 ; Joe 2:13 5. abounding in truth (“faithfulness,” amen, BDB 5:4 ), cf. Exo 34:6 ; Psa 86:15 6. forgiving iniquity and transgression, cf. Num 14:18 7. will not (cf. Deu 4:31 )

a. fail you

b. destroy you

c. forget the covenant with your fathers

8. abundant forgiveness (BDB 69:9 ), cf. Neh 9:17 9. did not forsake them (BDB 73:6 I), cf. Neh 9:17 10. will not keep His anger forever, cf. Psa 103:9 11. relenting of evil, cf. Joe 2:13 Wow! What a wonderful God we trust, serve, and emulate!

SPECIAL TOPIC: AMEN <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/amen.html>

Jer 3:13-14 God's people must acknowledge their sin and turn back to faith and faithfulness in YHWH!

Jer 3:14 “I am a master to you” This is a play on the word Ba'al (BDB 12:7 ), which means husband. This continues the family metaphors.

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Jer 3:15-18 15”Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding. 16It shall be in those days when you are multiplied and increased in the land,” declares the LORD, “they will no longer say, 'The ark of the covenant of the LORD.' And it will not come to mind, nor will they remember it, nor will they miss it, nor will it be made again. 17At that time they will call Jerusalem 'The Throne of the LORD,' and all the nations will be gathered to it, to Jerusalem, for the name of the LORD; nor will they walk anymore after the stubbornness of their evil heart. 18In those days the house of Judah will walk with the house of Israel, and they will come together from the land of the north to the land that I gave your fathers as an inheritance.”

Jer 3:15 God's leaders (i.e., “shepherds,” BDB 94:4 ), both civil and religious, will

1. be after YHWH's own heart (BDB 52:4 )

2. feed the people with knowledge (BDB 39:5 , only here in Jeremiah)

3. feed the people with understanding (BDB 96:8 , cf. Jer 9:24 )

Numbers 2, 3 could refer to the shepherds themselves or what they give the people.

Jer 3:16 “in those days” This refers to the New Covenant period (cf. Jer 3:16-18 ; Jer 31:31-34 ; Eze 36:22-38 ) or the Messianic age.

▣ “ark of the covenant” Whether it was actually missing at this point in time is uncertain; this passage points to internal worship (cf. Joh 4:23 ). There will be no need for a physical object representing YHWH. He Himself will be among His people!

SPECIAL TOPIC: THE ARK OF THE COVENANT <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/ark.html>

Jer 3:17 “Jerusalem” I think this refers to the New Jerusalem (i.e., the new people of God, cf. Rev 21:1-4 ).

▣ “all nations will be gathered to it” Notice the universal element (cf. Jer 4:2 ; Jer 12:15-16 ; Jer 16:19 ; Isa 2:2-4 ; Isa 25:6-9 ; Isa 45:22 ; Isa 49:6 ; Isa 54:4-5 ; Isa 56:6-8 ; Isa 60:3 ; Isa 66:18 ; Isa 66:23 ). This would have shocked and offended these Judean readers/hearers, just as Isaiah's inclusion of the nations shocked the readers/hearers of his day!

▣ “nor will they walk any more after the stubbornness of their evil heart” This had been the problem since Genesis 3 (cf. Jer 11:8 )! But the new day will reverse this self-centeredness. Compare Eze 18:31 with Eze 36:26-27 . The new covenant (Jer 31:31-34 ) will be based on God's acts, not human acts!

The real question is to whom does “they” refer?

1. the faithful remnant of Abraham's seed

2. all of Abraham's seed alive in that day

3. the Gentiles gathered to Jerusalem

For me, I have been deeply influenced by Rom 2:28-29 ; Gal 3:7-9 ; Gal 3:28 ; Gal 6:16 ; Eph 3:11 to Eph 4:13 ; 1Pe 3:6 . Abraham is the father of those who believe, not a racial/ethnic group.

Jer 3:18 “the land of the north” This is not a reference to a country to the north, but to the route of return (cf. Jer 31:8 ).

▣ “to the land that I gave your fathers as an inheritance” See Gen 12:1-3 ; Gen 22:16-18 ; Amo 9:15 . YHWH acted toward this generation, and every generation of Abraham's seed, because of His love and promises to the Patriarchs!

God has an eternal redemptive plan that involves Israel and the Messiah. His plan is for all humanity. His plan will not be defeated, delayed, or destroyed! See Special Topic: YHWH's Eternal Redemptive Plan <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/YHWHs_plan.html>!

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Jer 3:19-20 19”Then I said,

'How I would set you among My sons

And give you a pleasant land,

The most beautiful inheritance of the nations!'

And I said, 'You shall call Me, My Father,

And not turn away from following Me.'

20Surely, as a woman treacherously departs from her lover,

So you have dealt treacherously with Me,

O house of Israel,” declares the LORD.

Jer 3:19 This verse begins a new strophe (i.e., Jer 3:19-20 ). It could refer to

1. the natural seed of Abraham (i.e., Israel as the firstborn son)

2. the faith seed of Abraham (cf. Isa 63:16 ; Rom 2:28-29 )

Jeremuah Jer 3:20 implies option #1, while Jer 3:19 implies option #2. Remember Jer 3:16-18 are describing the new age, the new covenant period.

The last two VERBS in Jer 3:19 are PLURAL in the MT, but the Masoretic scholars suggest a change to the SINGULAR.

The NET Bible (p. 1295) suggests (because of the gender of the VERBS) that “Israel appears to be addressed here contextually as the Lord's wife” and “the imagery here appears to be that of (1) treating the wife as an equal heir with the sons and (2) giving her the best piece of property.”

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Jer 3:21-23 21”A voice is heard on the bare heights,

The weeping and the supplications of the sons of Israel;

Because they have perverted their way,

They have forgotten the LORD their God.

22Return, O faithless sons,

I will heal your faithlessness.

Behold we come to You;

For You are the LORD our God.

23Surely, the hills are a deception,

A tumult on the mountains.

Surely in the LORD our God

Is the salvation of Israel.”

Jer 3:21 “A voice” This would be the loud lament of Israel's repentance.

1. weeping (BDB 11:3 )

2. supplications (BDB 33:7 )

They are repenting of

1. perverting their way - Hiphil PERFECT, BDB 73:0 , KB 796:2 . forgetting YHWH - Qal PERFECT, BDB 101:3 , KB 148:9 , cf. Jer 2:32 ; Jer 13:25 ▣ “bare heights” This has been used sarcastically of the place of Ba'al worship, but here it reflects a place of mourning (cf. Jdg 11:37 ).

Jer 3:22-23 These verses have words from


a. return - Qal IMPERATIVE

b. I will heal - Qal IMPERFECT

2. the faithless sons

a. we come to You - Qal PERFECT

b. for You are the LORD our God

c. the hills (i.e., a place of fertility worship) are a deception

d. salvation is only in YHWH

Jer 3:25 continues the words of “the faithless sons” (i.e., their repentance)

e. let us lie down in our shame - Qal COHORTATIVE

f. let our humiliation cover us - Piel IMPERFECT used in a JUSSIVE sense

g. we have sinned against the LORD our God - Qal PERFECT

h. we and our fathers have sinned since our youth even to this day

i. We have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God

Jer 3:22 The UBS Handbook notes that the words

1. return (BDB 99:6 , KB 142:7 )

2. faithless (BDB 100:0 )

3. faithlessness (BDB 100:0 )

all are based on the same Hebrew consonants, שׁוב (p. 113).

Jer 3:23 “surely” The ADVERB (BDB 3:8 ) occurs twice and gives the words of the people a solemnity!

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Jer 3:24-25 24”But the shameful thing has consumed the labor of our fathers since our youth, their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters. 25Let us lie down in our shame, and let our humiliation cover us; for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even to this day. And we have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God.”

Jer 3:24 “shameful thing” This is used sarcastically of Ba'al (cf. Jer 11:13 ; Hos 9:10 ) or because of the mention of “sons and daughters,” it may refer to the worship of Molech (see Special Topic: Molech <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/molech.html>).

Jer 3:25 “from our youth even to this day” This rebellion was no new or passing thing. It went back to the wilderness wandering period (i.e., Exodus 3:2 ).


This is a study guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not relinquish this to a commentator.

These discussion questions are provided to help you think through the major issues of this section of the book. They are meant to be thought-provoking, not definitive.

1. To what is Jeremiah comparing God's people?

2. What two metaphors does he use of God?

3. Did His people truly repent? Why or why not?

4. Does Jer 3:19-25 reflect the future or post-exilic time?


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