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Psalm 3 - Sutcliffe - Bible Commentary

Psalm 3

Psa 3:4 . Selah. This word, as all seem agreed, refers to the singing and music only, the better to adapt changes of airs to the sentiments of the psalm; and yet the sense is given with much diversity. The Chaldaic, and Jerome after them, render it semper, always repeat. The LXX read διαψαλμα diapsalma, which our lexicons turn, a change of the parts in singing, or designating a change of the metre, or singing by turns. Others think it means a pause; but as it always stands at the end of some emphatic sentence, it is also understood to signify a repeat. The recurrence of Selah at the last verse, seems to put the idea of encore beyond a doubt.

Psa 3:6 . I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people. Though David fled over Jordan to collect his army, and avoid surprise; yet he did not fear the thirty or forty thousand that revolted. His piety and prudence shone with great brilliance through the whole of this revolt. See on 2Sa 1:5 :-19.

Psa 3:7 . The cheek-bone. The Romans fought with thick short swords; and Cæsar used to bid the legions aim at the faces of their enemies.


David, during the whole of this rebellion of Absalom, having acted with prudence and the greatest presence of mind, carried all his troubles to the Lord. In counsel and command, he acted with much caution, but made God his only shield of defence.

He received such light and joy from heaven as enabled him to lie down and sleep in safety. Here the power of religion sheds an influence on the soul, which all the charms of earthly good affect in vain to imitate.

David gave the glory to God, after the rebels were routed, with as much fervour as he had addressed his throne for salvation and deliverance. What a model for christians in the time of trouble! Let us pay our vows unto the Lord.


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