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1 Chronicles 3 - Sutcliffe - Bible Commentary

1 Chronicles 3

1Ch 3:10 . Solomon’s son was Rehoboam. Here follows a list of the royal family. But where are they now? Let men rejoice rather that their names are written in heaven.

1Ch 3:17 . The sons of Jeconiah are eight. Against this prince the Lord by Jeremiah pronounced a curse, that he should both lose his throne and all his children. Hence his sons are supposed to have perished by sickness, and the sword; and that the Salathiel mentioned in Mat 1:12 , was his adopted son, or that by repentance in captivity he obtained a reprieve of the sentence; a reprieve, only, because we find by another evangelist that the lineal descent of Christ passed from this family into Nathan’s line. See Jer 22:30 . Luk 3:27 ; Luk 3:31 .


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