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1 Chronicles 28 - Fleming Don Bridgeway Bible - Commentary vs Calvin John vs Coke Thomas


1 Chronicles 28

Solomon presented to the people (28:1-29:30)

David had been forced to appoint Solomon as king hastily when he learnt that another son, Adonijah, was plotting to seize the throne for himself (see notes on 1Ki 1:5-53). That very unceremonious anointing of Solomon was followed soon after by a second anointing, this time with full religious and regal ceremony (see 29:22). This second occasion is the one that the Chronicler refers to here. David presented Solomon to the people as the one who, by God’s choice, would succeed him as king and build the temple (28:1-10). David gave Solomon the plans he had prepared for the temple and its service. He encouraged Solomon to persist in the work till the temple was finished and in use according to the plans he had set out (11-21).

In addition to the money and materials he had already given for the project (see 22:14), David gave a lavish offering from his own personal funds. His example prompted the people to make similarly generous offerings (29:1-9). The joyful response from the people brought from David an outburst of magnificent praise to God. He gladly acknowledged that everything that people possess comes from God; therefore, in making offerings to him, the Israelites had only given back what he had already given them. They had done this joyfully and willingly, and David prayed that they would maintain such devotion to God always (10-20).

Next day the people joined in a great festival and swore allegiance to Solomon as their new king (21-25). The writer will now continue with the story of Solomon, but before doing so he gives a brief summary of the reign of David (26-30).


1 Chronicles 28

The Version (Calvin John Complete - Bible Commentary) do not have information to 1 Chronicles 28.

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1 Chronicles 28

1Ch 28:2. For the footstool of our God- Rather even for the footstool of our God. See Lam 2:1.

1Ch 28:8. Keep, &c.- I conjure you to keep, &c. Houbigant and Le Clerc.

1Ch 28:11. Then David gave to Solomon his son the pattern- It appears evidently from the remainder of this chapter, that the Lord did by David, as by Moses heretofore; giving him an exact pattern or model, not only of the temple which was to be built, but of all the furniture and utensils hereof. See Exo 25:40.

1Ch 28:18. Gold for the pattern of the chariot of the cherubims- Lastly, a pattern of the situation of the cherubim, how they should spread their wings, and cover the ark, &c. For the meaning of the word רכב rakab is, to sit, to be placed upon. "We should say in French," says Houbigant, "la position et l'attitude des cherubins, the position and attitude of the "cherubims." I cannot conceive how it could enter the mind of an interpreter to render the word chariot. See Parkhurst on the word.

1Ch 28:19. All this, said David, the Lord made me understand, &c.- All these were delineated, as the Lord gave him understanding, of all the work which the pattern set forth. Houbigant. That the architecture of the temple was of divine original, I, for my part, am fully satisfied from this passage; and I am confirmed in this persuasion by finding from Villalpandus, that the Roman, or at least the Greek architecture, is derived from this, as from its fountain: and, in my humble opinion, even an infidel may easily believe these to be of divine original, inasmuch as they are (at least the latter is) found perfect in the earliest models: nor has the utmost reach of human wisdom, invention, and industry, been ever able (though often endeavouring) to improve or alter it, but to disadvantage, throughout the course of so many ages. See Delaney's Life of David.

REFLECTIONS.-1st, Sinking under age and infirmities, the good old king makes one last effort to address the grand assembly that he had convened for the solemn appointment of his successor.

1. He opens his speech with the most gracious expressions; and while as their king he demands attention, he calls them his brethren, and beloved people, to testify the affection that he bore them, and to engage a more ready concurrence with his intentions. Note; (1.) Christ, the greater king of his Israel, is not ashamed of his endeared relation, Heb 2:11. (2.) Respect and kindness to inferiors will engage their more cheerful service.

2. He lets them know his intentions to have built a temple for the ark, the footstool of God, his presence being visible over it between the cherubims; but God, for the reasons given, chap. 1Ch 22:7-8 prevented him, and reserved it for his son's reign, who should have leisure for the vast undertaking. However, he had made vast preparations to facilitate the work.

3. He informs them of the divine appointment of Solomon for his successor; nor need it seem strange to them, that a younger son of his family was preferred to this honour. Judah and Jesse were younger branches, and himself the youngest son, yet advanced to the kingdom by the appointment of the Lord. God has a right to chuse who shall rule his people, and Solomon is appointed to that station of eminence, and ordained to build the glorious temple; and if he approved himself faithful to God, as he had begun, the prosperity of his kingdom would be for ever established. Note; (1.) Every son of God, and heir of his kingdom, reigns, not in right of nature, but of grace. (2.) Perseverance in the path of duty is the only way to make our calling and election sure.

4. He solemnly, in the presence of God and the congregation, charges them to search what is the will of God, and diligently and faithfully to obey it, which was not only their bounden duty, but also their highest interest, as what would secure to them and theirs the possession of their glorious inheritance. Note; (1.) If we would follow God faithfully, we must search the scriptures diligently, that we may know what he would have us to do. (2.) The best inheritance we can leave our children, is the example of our piety, and the blessing of God promised thereupon.

Lastly, He concludes with a striking exhortation to his son: [1.] To know his father's God, to be acquainted with his glorious perfections, and to remember the mercies received from him, as the strongest obligation to love and obey him. [2.] To serve him in sincerity and truth, with delight and readiness. Note; Love to God makes us count none of his commandments grievous. [3.] He urges this exhortation with the consideration of God's all-searching wisdom, who knows the secrets of all hearts, and who rewards and punishes with unbiassed equity those who faithfully seek him, or those who perfidiously forsake him. Note; It is just, that they who forsake God should be forsaken by him. [4.] As he was peculiarly honoured, as chosen of God to build the temple, he was more especially called upon to take heed to his ways, that he might walk and please God, and not be discouraged at any difficulties, since God, who had appointed him to the work, was able to carry him through. Note; (1.) We can never be sufficiently jealous of ourselves, or confident in God. (2.) When God employs us, we may be sure that he will support us.

2nd, We have here,

1. An exact copy given to Solomon of the temple, vessels, and manner of service in it, either by divine inspiration communicated to David, or written by the finger of God, as the tables of the law were.

2. That the vessels might be exact, David weighed the gold and silver for each; vast and immense they were in number and size, amounting, according to a Jewish author, to no less than 810,000. Beside the original golden table and candlestick which were in the tabernacle, ten others of the same sort were placed in the temple opposite each other. The silver candlesticks seem to have been for the priests' apartments, and the silver tables probably for the use of the court where the sacrifices were prepared and offered. Note; When Jesus, the true temple, appeared among them, his outward form seemed not to correspond to this glorious type; but they who by faith discovered the incarnate God, beheld his glory infinitely surpassing.

3. David repeats his encouragement. No expence, danger, or difficulty, must deter him. God being his helper, he might be assured of success, as David could testify by experience; and he might expect ready assistance from priests, princes, and people, whom God would incline to further the work to the utmost of their power. Note; (1.) If we have God's promises on our side, it becomes us to renounce every unbelieving fear. (2.) When ministers and people are truly influenced by the spirit of God, they become hearty in the work, and the spiritual building rises gloriously.


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