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1 Chronicles 27 - Fleming Don Bridgeway Bible - Commentary vs Calvin John vs Coke Thomas


1 Chronicles 27

Military and civilian leaders (27:1-34)

In contrast to the detail that the writer gives in the lists of the Levites, there is only a brief summary of David’s military and civil leaders. Each month 24,000 men were required to do one month’s military service. The twelve commanding officers (who took turns at commanding this fighting force, one month at a time) all belonged to David’s group of ‘mighty men’ (27:1-15; see 11:10-47). Three other lists name the leaders of Israel’s tribes (16-24), the officials who looked after the king’s farmlands (25-31), and the king’s close advisers (32-34).


1 Chronicles 27

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1 Chronicles 27

1Ch 27:1. Now the children of Israel, &c.- We have here an account of the manner in which the army was disposed. It was distributed into twelve legions, each consisting of twenty-four thousand men, who were commanded by one of the chief of the fathers, under whom there were captains of thousands and captains of hundreds. Each of these legions attended one month for the security of the king and kingdom; at the end of which they retired to their respective places of abode, and were succeeded by another legion. See Patrick and Lowman.

1Ch 27:5. Benaiah-a chief priest- As Benaiah was neither high-priest nor second priest, the marginal rendering, namely, principal officer, seems most proper; and the word כהן cohen, is doubtless used for a great officer in a king's court, from his office of regulating civil affairs. See 2Sa 8:18; 2Sa 20:26. 1Ki 4:5. Job 12:19.

1Ch 27:17. Of the Aaronites, Zadok- The Aaronites were the priests, and not a distinct tribe; but being a different order from the rest of the tribe of Levi, they had a peculiar chief to preside over them. See ch. 1Ch 24:19.

1Ch 27:27. Over the increase of the vineyards, &c.- And over the wine-cellars, which were in the vine-yards, &c. Houbigant.

REFLECTIONS.-1st, The military establishment was divided into twelve courses of twenty-four thousand men, serving monthly, amounting in all to 288,000 men. This regulation, though now mentioned, seems to have taken place early in David's reign, Asahel, 1Ch 27:7 being killed while David reigned in Hebron. Without the expence of a standing army, a vast force was thus always ready; a well ordered militia, the nation's best security. The chief fathers, 1Ch 27:1 were not the real fathers of the soldiers, but the general officers, who had the chief superintendance. Note; It is wise to be always ready for our spiritual warfare, and never to think ourselves so safe, as not to need a constant watch and guard against our enemies.

2nd, 1. Every tribe seems to have still a president, or prince; who, though subject to the king, had great authority under him among his brethren. Among these we find a son of Abner: his father's opposition to David prevented not the son's preferment.

2. About his person and court David had select persons eminent for their wisdom. One was preceptor to his children: he knew the advantage of a good education, and was desirous therefore to train up his sons betimes in the way they should go. Others were his counsellors, and, among them, Ahitophel. Hushai had the distinguished honour of being his companion and friend. Note; (1.) A wicked man may be a wise counsellor. (2.) Though a good king may find it necessary to make use of such in his cabinet for counsel, he will chuse a better man for his companion and friend.


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