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Luke 23 - The Applied Commentary

Luke 23

Jesus Before Pilate (23:1-5)

(Matthew 27:1-2,11-14; Mark 15:1-2)

1-3 See Mark 15:1-2 and comment.

4-5 Pilate, the Roman governor, found no basis for a charge against Jesus. He considered the charge of the Jewish leaders to be only a local Jewish matter (see John 18:33-38 and comment). Furthermore, Roman officials like Pilate did not judge in religious disputes that arose among the people of their provinces (see Acts 18:1216). But the Jewish leaders persisted. They had cleverly decided not to accuse Jesus of blasphemy, which Pilate would surely have considered a religious matter. Instead, they said, “He stirs up the people” (verse 5). In other words, they accused Jesus of inciting a rebellion against the Roman emperor, Caesar. They said that Jesus was trying to make Himself a king (verse 2). Such a charge, they figured, would be sure to alarm Pilate, and force him to take some severe action against Jesus.

Jesus Before Herod (23:6-16)

6-7 When Pilate heard that Jesus had begun His preaching in Galilee (verse 5), he asked if Jesus was a Galilean. When he found out that He was, Pilate at once sent Jesus to the puppet ruler, King Herod,49 who had jurisdiction over the province of Galilee.

8 Herod had heard much about the great works that Jesus had performed. He hoped to be able to see Jesus perform a miracle. But Herod wasn’t interested in finding out who Jesus really was. He only wanted to be entertained.

9 But Jesus would do nothing for Herod. He would not even speak to him. For the poorest and lowest of men Jesus did miracles, but not for proud and unbelieving kings.

10 The Jewish leaders had also gone with Jesus to Herod so that they could further accuse him. They hoped that Herod would agree to passing the death sentence on Jesus.

11-12 Herod became angry when Jesus refused to speak to him. So he and his soldiers mocked Jesus. Because of Jesus’ silence, Herod was unable to render a verdict, and so he sent Jesus back to Pilate.

13-16 Again Pilate said to the Jews that Jesus had done nothing worthy of death (verses 14-15). But in order to mollif y the Jews, Pilate agreed to punish Jesus by scourging Him. By doing this, Pilate hoped that the Jews would drop their demands for Jesus’ death (see Mark 15:3-5).

Jesus and Barabbas (23:17-25)

(Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-15)

17-25 See Mark 15:6-15 and comment.

The Crucif ixion (23:26-43)

(Matthew 27:32-44; Mark 15:21-32; John 19:17-24)

26-38 See Mark 15:21-31 and comment.

39-43 See Mark 15:32 and comment.

The Death of Jesus (23:44-49)

(Matthew 27:45-56; Mark 15:33-41; John 19:28-30)

44-49 See Mark 15:33-41 and comment.

The Burial of Jesus (23:50-56)

(Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; John 19:38-42)

50-56 See Mark 15:42-47 and comment.


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