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2 Chronicles 2 - Wesley's Explanatory Notes

2 Chronicles 2

The Book of 2 Chronicles
Chapter 2

Chapter Overview:

Solomon appoints men to build the temple and his own house, ver. 1 - 2.
His message to Huram, ver. 3 - 10.
Huram's obliging answer, ver. 11 - 16.
2:1His kingdom - A royal palace for himself and his successors.
2:5Great - For though the temple strictly so called, was but small, yet the buildings belonging to it, were large and numerous.
2:6Contain - When I speak of building an house for our great God, let none think I mean to comprehend God within it, for he is infinite.To sacrifice - To worship him there where he is graciously present.
2:12Made heaven and earth - It seems Huram was not only a friend to the Jewish nation, but a proselyte to their religion, and that he worshipped Jehovah, the God of Israel, (who was now known by that name to the neighbour - nations) as the God that made heaven and earth, and the fountain of power as well as of being.
2:14Of Dan, &c. - A good omen of uniting Jew and Gentile in the gospel - temple.
2:17The strangers - For David had not only numbered his own people, but afterward the strangers, that Solomon might have a true account of them, and employ them about his buildings.Yet Solomon numbered them again, because death might have made a considerable alteration among them since David's numbering.
2:18Hewers in the mountains - He would not employ the free - born Israelites in this drudgery, but the strangers that were proselytes, who having no lands, applied themselves to trades, and got their living by their industry or ingenuity.


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