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Isaiah 2 - Utley - Bible Commentary

Isaiah 2

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Isa 2:1 1The word which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

Isa 2:1 It is uncertain why Isaiah's messages are described as

1. vision, Isa 1:1 ; Isa 29:7 (BDB 30:2 , cf. Mic 3:6 )

2. he saw, Isa 1:1 ; Isa 2:1 ; Isa 13:1 ; Isa 26:11 ; Isa 33:17 ; Isa 48:6 ; Isa 57:8 (cf. Mic 1:1 )

This is the mystery of revelation. It comes in different ways to different biblical authors (visions, dreams, theophanies, words, etc.). Moderns do not know how much freedom the individual writers (authors, editors, compilers) had to structure and present God's message. They obviously used their own language skills and vocabularies. Even without a full and complete understanding of the way revelation works, the concept is crucial! These are God's messages given through a historically conditioned person, to a particular time and group, yet they are relevant for all people in all times! The key for a proper interpretation is that the intent of an original inspired author must be the criteria for interpretation (one meaning but many significances/applications).

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Isa 2:2-4 Now it will come about that

2In the last days

The mountain of the house of the LORD

Will be established as the chief of the mountains,

And will be raised above the hills;

And all the nations will stream to it.

3And many peoples will come and say,

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,

To the house of the God of Jacob;

That He may teach us concerning His ways

And that we may walk in His paths.”

For the law will go forth from Zion

And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

4And He will judge between the nations,

And will render decisions for many peoples;

And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.

Nation will not lift up sword against nation,

And never again will they learn war.

Isa 2:2-4 This brief paragraph summarizes the OT perspective on the place and purpose of the covenant people (similar to Mic 4:1-5 ). They were to be a light to the nations (cf. Isa 51:4-5 ; Luk 24:47 )! See Special Topic: YHWH's Eternal Redemptive Plan <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/YHWHs_plan.html>.

Isa 2:2 “In the last days” This phrase refers to the future horizon of the particular biblical writer (see G. B. Caird, The Language and Imagery of the Bible, chapter 1:4 , “The Language of Eschatology,” pp. 243-271). It denoted a time of fulfillment of God's purposes.

1. the Messianic kingdom, Gen 49:1-27 (esp. Isa 49:10 ); Num 24:14-25 (esp. Isa 24:17 ); Isa 2:2 ; Jer 48:47 ; Jer 49:39 ; Eze 38:8 ; Eze 38:16 2. Israel's rebellion, Deu 31:29 3. Israel's return to YHWH in repentance and faith, Deu 4:30 ; Hos 3:5 ; Jer 23:19-22 (esp. Jer 23:20 )

4. an end-time attack on the covenant people, Eze 38:16 ; Dan 2:28 ; Dan 10:14 (possibly Psalms 2)

5. exile, Amo 4:2 Only context can clarify which period. Be careful of your systematic theology!

SPECIAL TOPIC: THIS AGE AND THE AGE TO COME <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/age_(this)_and_the_age_to_come.html>

▣ “The mountain of the house of the LORD” This refers to the temple located on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem. It was the place of centralized worship of YHWH (the place He caused His name to dwell, cf. Deu 12:5 ; Deu 12:11 ; Deu 12:14 ; Deu 12:18 ; Deu 12:21 ; Deu 12:26 ; Deu 14:25 ; Deu 15:20 ; Deu 16:2 ; Deu 16:6 ; Deu 16:11 ; Deu 16:15 ; Deu 17:8 ; Deu 17:10 ; Deu 18:6 ; Deu 26:2 ; Deu 31:11 ).

The NIV Study Bible (pp. 962-3) comments how common in Isaiah is the theme of the mountain of the Lord where all the nations come in the last days (cf. Isa 11:9 ; Isa 27:13 ; Isa 56:7 ; Isa 57:13 ; Isa 65:25 ; Isa 66:20 ).

In a sense this elevation of Mt. Zion (i.e., Jerusalem, the site of the temple of YHWH) is depicted in Canaanite myth (cf. NIDOTTE, vol. 4, pp. 1314-1321). For the Canaanites the gods dwelt on Mt. Zaphon in the far north (cf. Isa 14:13 ), but Psa 48:2 changes the imagery to Mt. Zion. YHWH is above all Canaanite deities!

This same concept of a temple or a city being raised is also found in Mesopotamian literature (cf. The Weidner Chronicle, Assyrian inscriptions, Marduk Prophecy). So the concept is not unique to Isaiah.

▣ Notice the metaphorical language used to describe the chief place of YHWH's revelation to Abraham's descendants.

1. “the chief of the mountains,” i.e., the place of true revelation

2. “raised above the hills,” a symbol of preeminence and exclusiveness

3. “all the nations will stream to it,” this has always been YHWH's goal, cf. Gen 3:15 ; Gen 12:3 ; Exo 19:5-6 ; Psa 22:27 ; Psa 66:1-4 ; Psa 86:8-10 ; Isa 2:2-4 ; Isa 12:4-5 ; Isa 25:6-9 ; Isa 42:6-12 ; Isa 45:22-23 ; Isa 49:5-6 ; Isa 51:4-5 ; Isa 56:6-8 ; Isa 60:1-3 ; Isa 66:23 ; Mic 4:1-4 ; Mal 1:11 ; Joh 3:16 ; Joh 4:42 ; Act 10:34-35 ; 1Ti 2:4 ; Tit 2:11 ; 2Pe 3:9 ; 1Jn 2:1 ; 1Jn 4:14 ! This is the natural result of monotheism.

SPECIAL TOPIC: WHY ARE THE END-TIME EVENTS SO CONTROVERSIAL? <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/eschatology.html>

▣ “all the nations will stream to it” This VERB (BDB 62:5 , KB 67:6 , Qal PERFECT) denotes an ever-flowing stream of water, like an artesian well. Here it is metaphorical of the unending flow of people to YHWH.

Isa 2:3 Notice the request of the nations.

1. “come,”BDB 22:9 , KB 24:6 , Qal IMPERATIVE

2. “let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,” BDB 74:8 , KB 82:8 , Qal IMPERFECT used in a COHORTATIVE sense

3. “That He may teach us concerning His ways,” BDB 43:4 , KB 43:6 , Hiphil IMPERFECT used in a JUSSIVE sense

4. “that we may walk in His paths,” BDB 22:9 , KB 24:6 , Qal COHORTATIVE

5. “that the law (teachings) will go forth from Zion,” BDB 42:2 , KB 42:5 , Qal IMPERFECT used in a COHORTATIVE sense

▣ “His paths” This term (BDB 7:3 ) is used several times in Isaiah (cf. Isa 2:3 ; Isa 3:12 ; Isa 26:7-8 ; Isa 30:11 ; Isa 33:8 ; Isa 40:18 ; Isa 41:3 ) and prominently in Proverbs (cf. Pro 1:19 ; Pro 2:8 ; Pro 2:13 ; Pro 2:15 ; Pro 2:19-20 ; Pro 3:6 ; Pro 4:14 ; Pro 4:18 ; Pro 5:6 ; Pro 8:20 ; Pro 9:15 ; Pro 10:17 ; Pro 12:28 ; Pro 15:10 ; Pro 15:19 ; Pro 15:24 ; Pro 17:23 ; Pro 22:25 ). It metaphorically denoted a lifestyle faith that obeyed and walked in (cf. Exo 16:4 ; Isa 30:20 ; Isa 42:24 ; Jer 9:12 ; Jer 26:4 ; Jer 32:23 ; Jer 44:10 ; Jer 44:23 ; Zec 7:12 ) God's teachings. This metaphor for lifestyle, faithful living became the first title of the NT church, “The Way” (cf. Joh 14:6 ; Act 9:2 ; Act 19:9 ; Act 19:23 ; Act 22:4 ; Act 24:14 ; Act 24:22 ; Act 18:25-26 ).

▣ “Zion” Jerusalem (like Rome) was built on seven hills. Zion (BDB 85:1 , meaning uncertain) was the hill on which the original Canaanite city of Jebus or Salem was built (cf. 1Ki 8:1 ; 2Ch 5:2 ). As Jerusalem grew it became a way of referring to the whole city and temple (cf. Isa 2:3 , lines 6 and 7; Jer 50:28 ; Jer 51:10 ).

Isa 2:4 “He will judge. . .render decisions” These two VERBS (BDB 104:7 , KB 162:2 and BDB 40:6 , KB 41:0 ) describe the reasonings and decisions of a wise ruler. YHWH and His Messiah are the ultimate wise rulers!

▣ The Lord's presence and teachings will cause the nations to abandon their attacks on God's people (cf. Psalms 2; Ezekiel 3:8-39 ). They will pursue peace (cf. Isa 9:6-7 ; Isa 11:6-9 ; Isa 57:19 ; Hos 2:18 ; Zec 9:10 ).

▣ “swords into plowshares” This is an idiom for peace. The opposite occurs in Joe 3:10 .

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Isa 2:5-11 5Come, house of Jacob, and let us walk in the light of the LORD.

6For You have abandoned Your people, the house of Jacob,

Because they are filled with influences from the east,

And they are soothsayers like the Philistines,

And they strike bargains with the children of foreigners.

7Their land has also been filled with silver and gold

And there is no end to their treasures;

Their land has also been filled with horses

And there is no end to their chariots.

8Their land has also been filled with idols;

They worship the work of their hands,

That which their fingers have made.

9So the common man has been humbled

And the man of importance has been abased,

But do not forgive them.

10Enter the rock and hide in the dust

From the terror of the LORD and from the splendor of His majesty.

11The proud look of man will be abased

And the loftiness of man will be humbled,

And the LORD alone will be exalted in that day.

Isa 2:5 Notice the parallel between Isa 2:3 (the nations) and Isa 2:5 (the Israelites). Lifestyle faith is the evidence of a personal trusting relationship with God. Humans must know the truth, walk in the truth, and share it with others! The nations were to learn this from Israel, but they did not!

The “light of the LORD” is the true revelation (cf. Isa 60:1-2 ; Isa 60:19-20 ). The worship of the lights of the night sky is false revelation. This verse may be a rejection of Babylonian astral worship (cf. Isa 2:6 ). YHWH and His Messiah are the true light for the nations (cf. Isa 9:2 ; Isa 42:6 ; Isa 49:6 ; Isa 51:4 ; Isa 53:11 ).

Isa 2:6-9 These verses describe why YHWH abandoned (BDB 64:3 , KB 69:5 , Qal PERFECT) His own covenant people.

1. They are filled with influence from the east, Isa 2:6 .

2. They are soothsayers (BDB 77:8 II), like the Philistines, Isa 2:6 .

3. They strike bargains with the children of foreigners, Isa 2:6 .

4. They are wealthy and militarily strong (and trust in these things), Isa 2:7 (notice the three-fold repetition of “filled,” BDB 56:7 , KB 58:3 , Niphal IMPERFECT in Isa 2:7-8 ).

5. They are idolatrous, Isa 2:8 (cf. Isa 17:8 ; Isa 37:19 ; Isa 40:19 ; Isa 44:17 ).

6. They treat the common people with disdain, Isa 2:9 (cf. Isa 2:11 ; Isa 2:17 ; it is possible that this verse is parallel to Isa 2:8 and refers to idolatry, cf. NKJV).

What can the nations learn from people like this?!

Concerning #6 above (Isa 2:9 ), the NASB and NKJV translate it as another in a series of descriptions of how the covenant people are acting, but NRSV and TEV translate it as a summary and the last line is a plea for YHWH, not to forgive them (Peshitta) or a statement by YHWH that He will not forgive them (LXX).

Isa 2:6 NASB, NRSV “from the east”

NKJV “eastern ways”

TEV, JPSOA “from the East”

PESHITTA “olden days”

REB “traders”

The UBS Hebrew OT Text Project gives “from the east” or “from olden times” (both possible meanings of this NOUN, BDB 86:9 ) a “B” rating (some doubt). The NEB and REB add one consonant and make it “traders.” It seems to refer to religious influences from the east (i.e., Syria, Assyria, Babylon) which corrupted Israel's faith.

▣ “soothsayers” If this was meant to be a strict parallelism with the line above, it is possible that a NOUN parallel to “soothsayer,” such as “diviners” (cf. Lev 19:26 ; Deu 18:9-12 ), has inadvertently dropped out of the MT. The MT is not the earliest or most original Hebrew text. It does have textual problems! However, remember that these kinds of problems do not affect major doctrines.

NASB “they strike bargains with the children of foreigners”

NKJV “they are pleased with the children of foreigners”

NRSV “they clasp hands with foreigners”

TEV “they follow foreign customs”

NJB “is overrun with foreigners”

LXX “many strange children were born to them”

PESHITTA “they reared many alien children”

REB “the children of foreigners are everywhere”

JPSOA “they abound in customs of the aliens”

The term “children” is not in the MT. The VERB (1) “they strike hands” (BDB 70:6 I, KB 76:5 , Hiphil IMPERFECT) or (2) “abound” (BDB 97:4 , cf. NIDOTTE, vol. 3, p. 1769) is ambiguous. It can refer to

1. a commercial transaction

2. a political alliance

3. a friendship

4. an affirmation of the customs of foreigners

Obviously in context the unique faith of Israel is being compromised!

Isa 2:7 This description of Judean leadership is in direct contradiction to Deu 17:16-17 . Humans who have resources tend to trust in them (cf. Isa 31:1 ), but Isa 2:22 (cf. Isa 31:3 ) shows the failure of trusting in physical or human resources!

Isa 2:9 “man. . .man” Isa 2:9 is a two-line, synonymous parallelism (cf. 2Ki 7:10 ). The two most common terms for man/mankind are parallel.

1. adam, BDB 9, cf. Gen 1:26 ; Gen 6:1 ; Gen 6:5-7 ; Gen 9:5-6 2. ish, BDB 3:5 , Gen 2:23 ; Num 23:19 NASB, NKJV,

NRSV, TEV “do not forgive them”

NJB, NIV “do not raise them again”

LXX “do not pardon them”

REB (omits as gloss, cf. Dead Sea Scroll and JB footnote)

The VERB (BDB 66:9 , KB 72:4 , Qal IMPERFECT used in a JUSSIVE sense) means “to lift” or “to carry.” Here it has the sense of “carry away” (i.e., remove their sin). This may be an exclamation from Isaiah, himself.

Isa 2:10-11 These two verses describe YHWH's advice to these covenant violators (Isa 2:10 a).

1. enter the rock, BDB 9:7 , KB 11:2 , Qal IMPERATIVE (i.e., this relates to Isa 2:19-21 , cf. Rev 6:15-17 )

2. hide in the dust, BDB 38:0 , KB 37:7 , Niphal IMPERATIVE

They are to hide from (Isa 2:10 b)

1. the terror of the Lord, cf. Isa 2:19 ; Isa 2:21 2. the splendor of His majesty (cf. Isa 2:11 c, 19,21; 2Th 1:9 )

The result will be (Isa 2:11 , note parallel in Isa 2:17 )

1. the proud look of men will be abased, BDB 105:0 , KB 163:1 , Qal PERFECT (opposite of Isa 2:9 )

2. the loftiness of man will be humbled, BDB 100:5 , KB 145:8 , Qal PERFECT (opposite of Isa 2:9 , cf. Isa 13:11 ; Isa 23:9 ; 2Co 10:5 )

3. the Lord alone will be exalted in that day, BDB 96:0 , KB 130:5 , Niphal PERFECT (note parallel in Isa 2:17 and the phrase about the “terror” and “splendor” of YHWH in Isa 2:19 c and 2:1 b)

Some commentators think that Isa 2:10 is encouraging the righteous to hide from YHWH's coming judgment on the wicked (cf. NIDOTTE, vol. 2, p. 377), but in context (i.e., Isa 2:19-21 ) it refers to the covenant violators.

Isa 2:11 “in that day” This refers to the last days of Isa 2:2 a. It becomes a dominate theme in Amos. The theme in Isaiah is resumed in Isa 2:12 (cf. Isa 2:20 ; Isa 3:17 ; Isa 5:30 ; Isa 28:5-6 ; Amo 2:16 ; Amo 8:9 ; Hos 2:18 ). See Special Topic: That Day <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/day,that.html>.

Conscious creation (humans and angels) will one day stand before its Creator and give account of the stewardship of the gift of life. YHWH is a moral, ethical God; creation is a moral, ethical creation. Humans do not break God's laws so much as break themselves on God's laws. The laws are for our protection in a fallen world, but humans see them as restrictions and loss of personal freedoms. One day every conscious creation, human and angel, will give an account before God!

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Isa 2:12-22 12For the LORD of hosts will have a day of reckoning

Against everyone who is proud and lofty

And against everyone who is lifted up,

That he may be abased.

13And it will be against all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up,

Against all the oaks of Bashan,

14Against all the lofty mountains,

Against all the hills that are lifted up,

15Against every high tower,

Against every fortified wall,

16Against all the ships of Tarshish

And against all the beautiful craft.

17The pride of man will be humbled

And the loftiness of men will be abased;

And the LORD alone will be exalted in that day,

18But the idols will completely vanish.

19Men will go into caves of the rocks

And into holes of the ground

Before the terror of the LORD

And the splendor of His majesty,

When He arises to make the earth tremble.

20In that day men will cast away to the moles and the bats

Their idols of silver and their idols of gold,

Which they made for themselves to worship,

21In order to go into the caverns of the rocks and the clefts of the cliffs

Before the terror of the LORD and the splendor of His majesty,

When He arises to make the earth tremble.

22Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils;

For why should he be esteemed?

Isa 2:12-13 Notice the recurrent use of terms denoting arrogant, prideful humans and nations.

1. “everyone who is proud” (BDB 14:4 ), Isa 2:12 .

2. “and lofty” (BDB 92:6 , KB 120:2 , Qal ACTIVE PARTICIPLE (note the same form in Isa 2:13-14 ), Isa 2:12 3. “everyone who is lifted up” (BDB 66:9 , KB 72:4 , Niphal ACTIVE PARTICIPLE (note the same form in Isa 2:13-14 ), Isa 2:12 4. “all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up,” Isa 2:13 (metaphor for humans and nations)

Isa 2:12 “For the LORD of hosts will have a day of reckoning” This does not follow the Hebrew text. The MT has “For the day of the LORD of hosts” (cf. NKJV). The NASB translation is trying to link this back to Isa 1:18 .

Isa 2:12-16 Note the repeated use of “against” (BDB 75:2 ).

1. against everyone who is proud and lofty, Isa 2:12 2. against all that is lifted up, Isa 2:12 3. against all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up, Isa 2:13 4. against all the oaks of Bashan (who are also lofty and lifted up), Isa 2:13 5. against all the lofty mountains, Isa 2:14 6. against all the hills that are lifted up, Isa 2:14 7. against every high tower, Isa 2:15 8. against every fortified wall, Isa 2:15 9. against all the ships of Tarshish, Isa 2:16 10. against all beautiful craft, Isa 2:16 (this word “craft” [BDB 96:7 ] appears only here and its meaning is uncertain; it seems to be parallel to “ships of Tarshish” in Isa 2:16 a)

The Lord opposes the proud (cf. Isa 2:11 ; Isa 2:17 ).

Isa 2:13 Because of the allusion to idolatry with trees (Isa 1:29 ) and gardens (Isa 1:29-30 ) and that YHWH will burn them, one wonders if this mention of lofty trees reflects

1. the pride and arrogance of nations

2. the worship of idols connected with trees/wood

Because of the larger context (i.e., “against” series) the first option seems best. The problem of human pride is summarized in Isa 2:17 (which may be the theme of the entire book).

Isa 2:16 “all the ships of Tarshish” See note at Isa 23:1 .

Isa 2:17 This is parallel in thought to Isa 2:11 , which is the opposite of what evil leaders and wealthy socialites had done to the poor and humble in Isa 2:9 . Many see this verse as a summary theme of the entire book!

Isa 2:18 Idolatry will cease completely (cf. Isa 21:9 ) because the worship of them is “emptiness” (cf. Isa 30:22 ; Isa 31:7 ; Isa 40:18-20 ; Isa 44:9-20 ; Isa 46:5-7 )!

Isa 2:19 “When He arises to make the earth tremble” The first VERBAL “arise” (BDB 87:7 , KB 108:6 , Qal INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT) can denote

1. appear on the scene, Exo 1:8 ; Deu 34:10 ; Jdg 5:7 ; 2Ki 23:25 2. arise for action (from His throne), Num 10:35 ; 2Ch 6:41 ; Job 31:14 ; Psa 76:9 ; Psa 132:8 The second VERBAL “tremble” (BDB 79:1 , KB 88:8 , Qal INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT) describes physical creation as its creator approaches (cf. Isa 13:13 ; Isa 24:1 ; Isa 24:19-20 ; Psa 18:7 ; Psa 68:7-8 ; Hag 2:6 ). YHWH can come for blessing or judgment. In this context it is for judgment!

Isa 2:20-21 To clarify the first line of Isa 2:10 , humans will try to hide from God

1. in caves in the rocks (cf. Isa 2:21 )

2. in holes in the ground

They will try to get rid of their precious idols

1. cast away to moles (the meaning of the word is uncertain. LXX has “vanities”; REB has “dung-beetles”; JPSOA has “flying foxes” [a type of bat, therefore, parallel to the next line of poetry]. It seems to be related to the VERB “to dig” [BDB 34:3 ])

2. cast away to bats

These two verses have a series of INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTS.

1. to the moles (lit. “to dig”), BDB 34:3 , KB 34:0 , Qal INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT

2. to worship (lit, “bow down”), BDB 100:5 , KB 29:5 , Hishtaphel INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT

3. to go into, BDB 9:7 , KB 11:2 , Qal INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT

4. arises, BDB 87:7 , KB 108:6 , Qal INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT, same form as Isa 2:19 (line 5)

5. tremble (lit. “to frighten,” BDB 79:1 , KB 88:8 , Qal INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT, same as Isa 2:19 (line 5)

In the IVP Bible Background Commentary “a Sumerian Hymn of Enheduanna to the goddess Inanna from the third millennium depicts gods fluttering away like bats to their caves from the goddess's terrible presence” (p. 588). This means that it must remain a possibility that it is the idols themselves that were carried down by insects (beetles) or digging animals seeking refuge from the coming of YHWH because they could not move themselves.

Isa 2:22 YHWH commands respect for human life (“cease,” BDB 29:2 , KB 29:2 , Qal IMPERATIVE) because it is contingent of God's gift of life (“breath,” ruah, see Special Topic: Breath, Wind, Spirit <http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/special_topics/breath_wind_spirit.html>). Mankind is transitory (cf. Psa 144:3-4 ). This is a truth that atheistic humanism needs to hear!


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