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Hebrews 2 - Through the Bible Day by Day - Meyer

Hebrews 2

Hebrews 2:1

Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.



Drifting away, Heb_2:1-4. The r.v. gives this solemn rendering. Unless we watch, the strong currents of the world will drift us away from God’s great harbor of Salvation; and sins against His offered love are even more to be dreaded than those under the ancient Law. To neglect is the equivalent of to reject. Notice in Heb_2:4 how God co-operates with His messengers. See Joh_15:27; Act_5:32.

Jesus crowned, Heb_2:5-9. How can Jesus be greater than angels? He did for man what they could not do. It is through His death that humanity may be lifted to a supreme position in the universe of being. Man failed to realize his original Magna Charta in Gen_1:26; but the divine purpose could not be frustrated, and there was a needs-be for the manger, the Cross and the Ascension mount. As we look around, Psa_8:1-9 seems a mockery; as we look up, we discover in Jesus the psalmist’s dream more than realized. They who are one with Him will share His glory and honor.

Hebrews 2:10

For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.



Captain reminds us of Act_3:15. It means file-leader. The Church follows its Leader, Jesus Christ, in single file through this world, the cross and the grave, to the glory. But notice that God Himself is engaged in bringing us through; and He cannot lose one. See Joh_10:29. But He is not only our Captain, He is our Brother. We also are born of God. He is sanctifying us and we are being sanctified for a marvelous future, Joh_17:19. How great is His love, that He is not ashamed of us!

Our Elder Brother has encountered our foes, and won deliverance for all who believe. Death remains, but its teeth are drawn and its power is annulled. We need not fear what men call death; to us it is only as falling asleep. He has taken hold of us with a grasp that will never let us go again, Heb_2:16. He has been tempted that He might be able to succor us in our temptations. He has suffered that He might tread our darkened paths at our side. He has made reconciliation for our sins, and as our merciful and faithful High Priest, pleads the cause of our souls.


Through the Bible Day by Day by F.B. Meyer
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