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Matthew 2 - Calvin John Complete - Bible Commentary vs Coke Thomas


Matthew 2

1. Now when Jesus had been born How it came about that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Matthew does not say. The Spirit of God, who had appointed the Evangelists to be his clerks, (177) appears purposely to have regulated their style in such a manner, that they all wrote one and the same history, with the most perfect agreement, but in different ways. It was intended, that the truth of God should more clearly and strikingly appear, when it was manifest that his witnesses did not speak by a preconcerted plan, but that each of them separately, without paying any attention to another, wrote freely and honestly what the Holy Spirit dictated.

This is a very remarkable narrative. God brought Magi from Chaldea, to come to the land of Judea, for the purpose of adoring Christ, in the stable where he lay, amidst the tokens, not of honor, but of contempt. It was a truly wonderful purpose of God, that he caused the entrance of his Son into the world to be attended by deep meanness, and yet bestowed upon him illustrious ornaments, both of commendation and of other outward signs, that our faith might be supplied with everything necessary to prove his Divine Majesty.

A beautiful instance of real harmony, amidst apparent contradiction, is here exhibited. A star from heaven announces that he is a king, to whom a manger, intended for cattle, serves for a throne, because he is refused admittance among the lowest of the people. His majesty shines in the East, while in Judea it is so far from being acknowledged, that it is visited by many marks of dishonor. Why is this? The heavenly Father chose to appoint the star and the Magi as our guides, to lead directly to his Son: while he stripped him of all earthly splendor, for the purpose of informing us that his kingdom is spiritual. This history conveys profitable instruction, not only because God brought the Magi to his Son, as the first-fruits of the Gentiles, but also because he appointed the kingdom of his Son to receive their commendation, and that of the star, for the confirmation of our faith; that the wicked and malignant contempt of his nation might not render him less estimable in our eyes.

Magi is well known to be the name given by the Persians and Chaldees to astrologers and philosophers: and hence it may readily be conjectured that those men came from Persia. (178) As the Evangelist does not state what was their number, it is better to be ignorant of it, than to affirm as certain what is doubtful. Papists have been led into a childish error, of supposing that they were three in number: because Matthew says, that they brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh, (Mat 2:11.) But the historian does not say, that each of them separately presented his own gift. He rather says, that those three gifts were presented by them in common. That ancient author, whoever he may be, whose imperfect Commentary on Matthew bears the name of Chrysostom, and is reckoned among Chrysostom’s works, says that they were fourteen. This carries as little probability as the other. It may have come from a tradition of the Fathers, but has no solid foundation. But the most ridiculous contrivance of the Papists on this subject is, that those men were kings, because they found in another passage a prediction, that

the kings of Tarshish, and of the Isles, and of Sheba,

would offer gifts to the Lord, (Psa 72:10.)

Ingenious workmen, truly, who, in order to present those men in a new shape, have begun with turning the world from one side to another: for they have changed the south and west into the east! Beyond all doubt, they have been stupified by a righteous judgment of God, that all might laugh at the gross ignorance of those who have not scrupled to adulterate “and, change the truth of God into a lie,” (Rom 1:25.)

The first inquiry here is: Was this star one of those which the Lord createdin the beginning (Gen 1:1) to “garnish the heavens?” (Job 26:13.) Secondly, Were the magi led by their acquaintance with astrology to conclude that it pointed out the birth of Christ? On these points, there is no necessity for angry disputation: but it may be inferred from the words of Matthew, that it was not a natural, but an extraordinary star. It was not agreeable to the order of nature, that it should disappear for a certain period, and afterwards should suddenly become bright; nor that it should pursue a straight course towards Bethlehem, and at length remain stationary above the house where Christ was. Not one of these things belongs to natural stars. It is more probable that it resembled (179) a comet, and was seen, not in the heaven, but in the air. Yet there is no impropriety in Matthew, who uses popular language, calling it incorrectly a star.

This almost decides likewise the second question: for since astrology is undoubtedly confined within the limits of nature, its guidance alone could not have conducted the Magi to Christ; so that they must have been aided by a secret revelation of the Spirit. I do not go so far as to say, that they derived no assistance whatever from the art: but I affirm, that this would have been of no practical advantage, if they had not been aided by a new and extraordinary revelation.

(177) “Scribas;” — “greffiers .” —Clerks, not Authors in the ordinary meaning of that term, but persons who wrote to the dictation of another. This conveys the idea of what is frequently called plenary inspiration. If such a term as Clerk, or Penman, may be supposed to lower the sacred writers, it is not by a comparison of them with uninspired historians, the ablest of whom cannot, without arrogance, aspire to an equal level with those who wrote by inspiration. But when man is brought into a comparison with God, no language can express too strongly the infinite distance between the parties. The Evangelists do not ask the praise of invention, or judgment, or of anything else which would imply that the work was their own production. But they lay claim to a loftier and peculiar distinction, that they faithfully committed to writing that history which they were honored to receive from its Divine Author. Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, (2. e 1:21.) — Ed.

(178) “Le mot Grec, (μάγαι,) du quel use l'Evangeliste est celuy d'ou vient le mot de Magiciens: mais les Perses et Chaldeens nomment ainsi leurs Astrologues et Philosophes: et pourtant nous l'avons traduit par ce mot de Sages. Parquoy il y a grande apparence de dire qu'ils etoyent venus du pays des Perses.” — “The Greek word, (μάγοι,) which the Evangelist employs, is that from which the word Magicians is derived: but the Persians and Chaldees give this name also to their Astrologers and Philosophers: and therefore we have translated it by the word Sages, or Wise men. Wherefore there is great probability in saying that they had come from the country of the Persians.”

(179) Calvin says, not that it was a comet, but that it resembled a comet; and it is probable enough that the meteor assumed that aspect. He refutes, in a masterly and conclusive manner, the supposition that it was “natural star,” but, with modesty and good sense, avoids shocking the prejudices of his age. Of astrology he speaks more doubtfully. If he had lent the countenance of his name to that pretended science, we ought not to have blamed him severely. Long after he had left the world, men of powerful minds, and of extensive attainments in science, found it no easy matter to disentangle themselves from its meshes, and to proclaim their freedom. But Calvin needs no vindication. He has left us a treatise, Adversus Astrologiam Judiciarium , "Against Judicial Astrology;" which Servetus, as much his inferior in philosophical views in sterling worth, brings forward as one of his charges. Damnatam a me fuisse Astrologiam conqueritur , says Calvin; "It is made a ground of complaint against me that I have condemned astrology." — Ed.

2. Where is he who has been born King? The notion of some commentators, that he is said to have been born King, by indirect contrast with one who has been made or created a king, appears to me too trifling. I rather suppose the Magi to have simply meant, that this king had been recently born, and was still a child, by way of distinguishing him from a king who is of age, and who holds the reins of government: for they immediately add, that they had been drawn, not by the fame of his exploits, or by any present exhibitions of his greatness, but by a heavenly presage of his future reign. But if the sight of a star had so powerful an effect on the Magi, woe to our insensibility, who, now that Christ the King has been revealed to us, are so cold in our inquiries after him!

And have come that we may worship him The reason why the star had been exhibited was, to draw the Magi into Judea, that they might be witnesses and heralds of the new King. (180) So far as respects themselves, they had not come to render to Christ such pious worship, as is due to the Son of God, but intended to salute him, according to the Persian custom, (181) as a very eminent King. For their views, with regard to him, probably went no farther, than that his power and exalted rank would be so extraordinary as to impress all nations with just admiration and reverence. It is even possible, that they wished to gain his favor beforehand, that he might treat them favorably and kindly, if he should afterwards happen to possess dominion in the east.

(180) “Que la ils fussent comme herauts pour porter les nouvelles du nouveau Roy.” — “That there they might be as heralds, to carry the tidings of the new King.”

(181) “Persico more;” — “selon la coustume de leur pays;” — “according to the custom of their country.”

3. Herod the king was troubled Herod was not unacquainted with the predictions, which promised to the Jews a King, who would restore their distressful and ruinous affairs to a prosperous condition. He had lived from a child among that nation, and was thoroughly acquainted with their affairs. Besides, the report was spread everywhere, and could not be unknown to the neighboring nations. Yet he is troubled, as if the matter had been new and unheard of; because he put no trust in God, and thought it idle to rely on the promises of a Redeemer; and particularly because, with the foolish confidence incident to proud men, he imagined that the kingdom was secure to himself and his descendants. But though, in the intoxication of prosperity, he was formerly accustomed to view the prophecies with scorn, the recollection of them now aroused him to sudden alarm. For he would not have been so strongly moved by the simple tale of the Magi, if he had not remembered the predictions, which he had formerly looked upon as harmless, (182) and of no importance. Thus, when the Lord has permitted unbelievers to sleep, he suddenly breaks their rest. (183)

And all Jerusalem with him This may be explained in two ways. Either the people were roused, in a tumultuous manner, by the novelty of the occurrence, though the glad tidings of a king who had been born to them were cordially welcomed. Or the people, accustomed to distresses, and rendered callous by long endurance, dreaded a change which might introduce still greater calamities. For they were so completely worn down, and almost wasted, by continued wars, that their wretched and cruel bondage appeared to them not only tolerable, but desirable, provided it were accompanied by peace. This shows how little they had profited under God’s chastisements: for they were so benumbed and stupified, that the promised redemption and salvation almost stank (184) in their nostrils. Matthew intended, I have no doubt, to express their ingratitude, in being so entirely broken by the long continuance of their afflictions, as to throw away the hope and desire of the grace which had been promised to them.

(182) “Lusoria;” alluding to the phrase used by Seneca and others, lusoria fulmina , “harmless thunderbolts.”

(183) “Il les resveille tout soudain, et leur fait bien sentir leur folie.” — “He awakes them all on a sudden, and makes them deeply feel their folly.”

(184) “Quodammodo foeteret,”

4. Having assembled the priests Though deep silence prevailed respecting Christ in the Hall of Herod, yet, as soon as the Magi have thrown out the mention of a King, predictions are remembered, which formerly lay in oblivion. Herod instantly conjectures, that the King, about whom the Magi inquire, is the Messiah whom God had formerly promised, (Dan 9:25.) Here again it appears, that Herod is seriously alarmed, when he puts such earnest inquiries; and no wonder. All tyrants are cowards, and their cruelty produces stronger alarm in their own breasts than in the breasts of others. Herod must have trembled more than others, because he perceived that he was reigning in opposition to God.

This new investigation shows, that the contempt of Christ, before the arrival of the Magi, must have been very deep. At a later period, the scribes and high priests labored with fury to corrupt the whole of the Scripture, that they might not give any countenance to Christ. But on the present occasion they reply honestly out of the Scripture, and for this reason, that Christ and his Gospel have not yet given them uneasiness. And so all ungodly persons find no difficulty in giving their assent to God on general principles; but when the truth of God begins to press them more closely, they throw out the venom of their rebellion.

We have a striking instance of this, in our own day, among the Papists. They freely own, that he is the only-begotten Son of God, clothed with our flesh, and acknowledge the one person of God-man, as subsisting in the two natures. But when we come to the power and office of Christ, a contest immediately breaks out; because they will not consent to take a lower rank, and much less to be reduced to nothing. In a word, so long as wicked men think that it is taking nothing from themselves, they will yield to God and to Scripture some degree of reverence. But when Christ comes into close conflict with ambition, covetousness, pride, misplaced confidence, hypocrisy, and deceit, they immediately forget all modesty, and break out into rage. Let us therefore learn, that the chief cause of blindness in the enemies of truth is to be found in their wicked affections, which change light into darkness.

6. And thou, Bethlehem The scribes quoted faithfully, no doubt, the words of the passage in their own language, as it is found in the prophet. But Matthew reckoned it enough to point out the passage; and, as he wrote in Greek, he followed the ordinary reading. This passage, and others of the same kind, readily suggest the inference, that Matthew did not compose his Gospel in the Hebrew language. It ought always to be observed that, whenever any proof from Scripture is quoted by the apostles, though they do not translate word for word, and sometimes depart widely from the language, yet it is applied correctly and appropriately to their subject. Let the reader always consider the purpose for which passages of Scripture are brought forward by the Evangelists, so as not to stick too closely to the particular words, but to be satisfied with this, that the Evangelists never torture Scripture into a different meaning, but apply it correctly in its native meaning. But while it was their intention to supply with milk children and “novices” (1. i 3:6) in faith, who were not yet able to endure “ strong meat,” (Heb 5:12,) there is nothing to prevent the children of God from making careful and diligent inquiry into the meaning of Scripture, and thus being led to the fountain by the taste which the apostles afford.

Let us now return to the prediction. Thus it stands literally in the Prophet:

“And thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little

among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall

he come forth to me, who is Ruler in Israel,” (Mic 5:2.)

For Ephratah Matthew has put Judah, but the meaning is the same; for Micah only intended, by this mark, to distinguish the Bethlehem of which he speaks, from another Bethlehem, which was in the tribe of Zebulun. There is greater difficulty in what follows: for the Prophet says, that Bethlehem is little, when reckoned among the governments of Judah, while Matthew, on the contrary: speaks highly of its rank as one of the most distinguished: thou art by no means the least among the princes of Judah This reason has induced some commentators to read the passage in the prophet as a question, Art thou little among the thousands of Judah? But I rather agree with those who think that Matthew intended, by this change of the language, to magnify the grace of God in making an inconsiderable and unknown town the birth-place of the highest King. Although Bethlehem received this distinguished honor, it was of no advantage to its inhabitants, but brought upon them a heavier destruction: for there an unworthy reception was given to the Redeemer. For he is to be Ruler, Matthew has put he shall feed, (ποιμανεῖ) But he has expressed both, when he says, that Christ is the leader, ( ἡγούμενος ,) and that to him is committed the office of feeding his people.

7. Then Herod, having secretly called the Magi The tyrant did not dare to avow his fear and uneasiness, lest he might give fresh courage to a people, by whom he knew that he was hated. In public, therefore, he pretends that this matter does not concern him, but inquires secretly, in order to meet immediate danger. Though a bad conscience made him timid, there can be no doubt that God struck his mind with an unusual fear, which for a time made him incapable of reflection, and almost deprived him of the use of reason. For nothing was more easy than to send one of his courtiers as an escort, under the pretense of courtesy, who would investigate the whole matter, and immediately return. Herod certainly was a man of no ordinary address, and of great courage. It is the more surprising that, in a case of extremity, and when the remedy is at hand, he remains in a state of amazement, and almost dead. Let us learn, that a miracle was effected, in rescuing the Son of God from the jaws of the lion. Not less at the present day does God infatuate his enemies, so that a thousand schemes of injuring and ruining his Church do not occur to their minds, and even the opportunities which are at hand are not embraced. The trick which Herod practiced on the Magi, by pretending that he also would come for the purpose of worshipping Christ, was avoided by the Lord, as we shall see, in another way. But as Herod’s dread of arousing the people against him deprived him of the use of his reason, so again he is driven by such madness, that he does not hesitate or shudder at the thought of provoking God. For he knew that, if a King were born, it was ordained by God, that he should raise up the throne “of David, which was fallen,” (Amo 9:11.) He does not therefore attack men, but furiously dares to fight with God. Two things claim our attention. He was seized with a spirit of giddiness, to attack God; and, on the other hand, his manner of acting was childish: for his design was frustrated, so that he was like a “blind man groping in darkness.” (185)

(185) Like many others of his scriptural allusions, this is not marked by our Author. It approaches very nearly to the language of one of the curses pronounced by Moses on the people of Israel, “If they should not hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God;” — “thou shalt grope at noon-day as the blind gropeth in darkness,” (Deu 28:15.) But it is more likely that he had in his eye a passage from the book of Job. In the opening description of “the devices of the crafty,” Herod, who is pronounced by Calvin to have been “a man of no ordinary address, and another Herod, whom our Lord designates that fox, (Luk 13:32,) are so exactly delineated, that it might almost be imagined they had sat for the picture. He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness; and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong. They meet with darkness in the day-time, and grope in the noon-day as in the night,” (Job 5:12.) — Ed.

9. But they, having heard the King, departed It is truly an instance of base sluggishness, that not one of the Jews offers himself as an escort to those foreigners, to go and see the King who had been promised to their own nation. The scribes show them the way, and point out the place where he was born; but they allow them to depart alone: not one moves a step. They were afraid, perhaps, of Herod’s cruelty: but it displayed wicked ingratitude that, for the sake of the salvation which had been offered to them, they were unwilling to undergo any risk, and cared less about the grace of God than about the frown of a tyrant. The whole nation, I have lately showed, was so degenerate, that they chose rather to be oppressed with the yoke of tyranny, than to submit to any inconvenience arising from a change. If God had not fortified the minds of the Magi by his Spirit, they might have been discouraged by this state of things. But the ardor of their zeal is unabated; they set out without a guide. And yet the means of confirming their faith are not wanting; for they hear that the King, who had been pointed out to them by a star, was long ago described, in glowing language, by divine predictions. It would seem that the star, which hitherto guided them in the way, had lately disappeared. The reason may easily be conjectured. It was, that they might make inquiry in Jerusalem about the new King, and might thus take away all excuse from the Jews, who, after having been instructed about the Redeemer who was sent to them, knowingly and willingly despise him.

11. They found the young child So revolting a sight might naturally have created an additional prejudice; for Christ was so far from having aught of royalty surrounding him, that he was in a meaner and more despised condition than any peasant child. But they are convinced that he is divinely appointed to be a King. This thought alone, deeply rooted in their minds, procures their reverence. They contemplate in the purpose of God his exalted rank, which is still concealed from outward view. (186) Holding it for certain, that he will one day be different from what he now appears, they are not at all ashamed to render to him the honors of royalty.

Their presents show whence they came: for there can be no doubt that they brought them as the choicest productions of their country. We are not to understand, that each of them presented his own offering, but that the three offerings, which are mentioned by Matthew, were presented by all of them in common. Almost all the commentators indulge in speculations about those gifts, as denoting the kingdom, priesthood, and burial of Christ. They make gold the symbol of his kingdom, — frankincense, of his priesthoods, — and myrrh, of his burial. I see no solid ground for such an opinion. It was customary, we know, among the Persians, when they offered homage to their kings, to bring a present in their hands. The Magi select those three for the produce of which Eastern countries are celebrated; just as Jacob sent into Egypt the choicest and most esteemed productions of the soil.

“Take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carry down the man a present, a little balm, and a little honey, spices and myrrh, nuts and almonds,”

(Gen 43:11.)

Again, in rendering homage, according to the custom of Persia, to him whom they still regarded as an earthly King, they offered the productions of the soil. Our duty is, to adore him in a spiritual manner: for the lawful and reasonable worship which he demands is, that we consecrate first ourselves, and then all that we have, to his service.

(186) “Car ils considerent et contemplent au conseil de Dieu sa dignite et magnificence royale, laquelle n'apparoissoit point encores;” — “for they consider and contemplate in the purpose of God his royal dignity and splendor, which did not yet appear,”

13. And when they had departed How many days elapsed from the departure of the Magi, till Joseph was ordered to flee into Egypt, is not known, nor is it of much importance to inquire: only it is probable that the Lord spared Mary, till she was so far recovered from childbirth as to be able to perform the journey. It was a wonderful purpose of God, that he chose to preserve his Son by flight. The mind of Joseph must have been harassed by dangerous temptations, when he came to see that there was no hope but in flight: for in flight there was no appearance of divine protection. Besides, it was very difficult to reconcile the statement, that he who was to be the Savior of all, could not be preserved without the exertion of a mortal man. But, in preserving the life of his Son, God maintained such reserve, as to give some indications of his heavenly power, and yet not to make it so manifest as to prevent it from being concealed under the appearance of weakness: for the full time of glorifying Christ openly was not yet come. The angel predicts an event which was hidden, and unknown to men. That is an evident proof of divine guidance. But the angel orders him to defend the life of the child by flight and exile. This belongs to the weakness of flesh, to which Christ was subjected.

We are here taught, that God has more than one way of preserving his own people. Sometimes he makes astonishing displays of his power; while at other times he employs dark coverings or shadows, from which feeble rays of it escape. This wonderful method of preserving the Son of God under the cross teaches us, that they act improperly who prescribe to God a fixed plan of action. Let us permit him to advance our salvation by a diversity of methods; and let us not refuse to be humbled, that he may more abundantly display his glory. Above all, let us never avoid the cross, by which the Son of God himself was trained from his earliest infancy. This flight is a part of the foolishness of the cross, but it surpasses all the wisdom of the world. That he may appear at his own time as the Savior of Judea, he is compelled to flee from it, and is nourished by Egypt, from which nothing but what was destructive to the Church of God had ever proceeded. Who would not have regarded with amazement such an unexpected work of God?

Joseph immediately complies with the injunction of the Angel. This is another proof of the certainty of the dream: for such promptitude of obedience plainly shows, that he had no doubt whatever, that it was God who had enjoined him to take flight. This eager haste may wear somewhat of the aspect of distrust: for the flight by night had some appearance of alarm. But it is not difficult to frame an excuse. He saw that God had appointed a method of safety which was low and mean: and he concludes that he is at liberty to take flight in such a state of alarm as is commonly produced by extreme danger. Our fear ought always to be regulated by the divine intimations. If it agrees with them, it will not be opposed to faith.

Be thou there until I have told thee By these words the Angel declares, that the life of the child will, even in future, be the object of the divine care. Joseph needed to be thus strengthened, so as to conclude with certainty, that God would not only conduct him in the journey, but that, during his banishment, God would be his constant protector. And in this way God was pleased to allay many anxieties, with which the heart of the good man must have been perplexed, so that he enjoyed serenity of mind during his sojourn in Egypt. But for this, not a moment would have passed without numerous temptations, when he saw himself excluded not only from the inheritance promised by God to all his saints, — but from the temple, from sacrifices, from a public profession of his faiths, — and was living among the worst enemies of God, and in a deep gulf of superstitions. He carried with him, indeed, in the person of the child, all the blessings which the Fathers had hoped to enjoy, or which the Lord had promised to them: but as he had not yet made such proficiency in faith, and in the knowledge of Christ, he needed to be restrained by this injunction, Be thou there until I have told thee, that he might not be displeased at languishing in banishment from his country among the Egyptians.

15. Out of Egypt have I called my Son Matthew says that a prediction was fulfilled. Some have thought, that the intention of the prophet was different from what is here stated, and have supposed the meaning to be, that the Jews act foolishly in opposing and endeavoring to oppress the Son of God, because the Father hath called him out of Egypt In this way, they grievously pervert the words of the prophet, (Hos 11:1,) the design of which is, to establish a charge of ingratitude against the Jews, who, from their earliest infancy, and from the commencement of their history, had found God to be a kind and generous Father, and yet were provoking him by fresh offenses. Beyond all question, the passage ought not to be restricted to the person of Christ: and yet it is not tortured by Matthew, but skilfully applied to the matter in hand.

The words of the prophet ought to be thus interpreted: “When Israel was yet a child, I brought him out of that wretched bondage in which he had been plunged. He was formerly like a dead man, and Egypt served him for a grave; but I drew him out of it as from the womb, and brought him into the light of life.” And justly does the Lord speak in this manner; for that deliverance was a sort of birth of the nation. Then were openly produced letters of adoption, when, by the promulgation of the law, they became “the Lord’s portion,” (Deu 32:9,) “a royal priesthood, and a holy nation,” (1. e 2:9;) when they were separated from the other nations, and when, in short, God “set up his tabernacle” (Lev 26:11) to dwell in the midst of them. The words of the prophet import, that the nation was rescued from Egypt as from a deep whirlpool of death. Now, what was the redemption brought by Christ, but a resurrection from the dead, and the commencement of a new life? The light of salvation had been almost extinguished, when God begat the Church anew in the person of Christ. Then did the Church come out of Egypt in its head, as the whole body had been formerly brought out.

This analogy prevents us from thinking it strange, that any part of Christ’s childhood was passed in Egypt. The grace and power of God became more illustrious, and his wonderful purpose was more distinctly seen, when light came out of darkness, and life out of hell. Otherwise, the sense of the flesh might have broken out here in contemptuous language, “ Truly a Redeemer is to come out of Egypt!” (210) Matthew therefore reminds us, that it is no strange or unwonted occurrence for God to call his Son out of that country; and that it serves rather to confirm our faith, that, as on a former occasion, so now again, the Church of God comes out of Egypt. There is this difference, however, between the two cases. The whole nation was formerly shut up in the prison of Egypt; while, in the second redemption, it was Christ, the head of the Church alone, who was concealed there, but who carried the salvation and life of all shut up in his own person.

(210) “Qui croira que le Redempteur viene d'Egypte ?” — “Who will believe that a Redeemer will come out of Egypt?“

16. Then Herod when he saw Matthew speaks according to what Herod felt and thought about the matter. He believed that the Magi had deceived him, because they did not choose to take part in his wicked cruelty. He was rather taken in his own trickery, — in his base pretense, that he too intended to pay homage to the new King.

Josephus makes no mention of this history. The only writer who mentions it is Macrobius, in the Second Book of his Saturnalia, where, relating the jokes and taunts of Augustus, he says: When he heard that, by Herod’s command, the children in Syria under two years of age had been slain, and that his own son had been slain among the crowd, “I would rather,” said he, “have been Herod’s hog than his son.” But the authority of Matthew alone is abundantly sufficient for us. Josephus certainly ought not to have passed over a crime so worthy of being put on record. But there is the less reason to wonder that he says nothing about the infants; for he passes lightly over, and expresses in obscure language, an instance of Herod’s cruelty not less shocking, which took place about the same time, when he put to death all the Judges, who were called the Sanhedrim, that hardly a remnant might remain of the stock of David. It was the same dread, I have no doubt, that impelled him to both of these murders.

There is some uncertainty about the date. (211) Matthew says, that they were slain from two years old and under, according to the time which he had inquired at the Magi: from which we may infer that Christ had then reached that age, or at least was not far from being two years old. Some go farther, and conclude that Christ was about that age at the time when the Magi came. But I contend that the one does not follow from the other. With what terror Herod was seized when the report was widely spread about a new king who had been borne, (212) we have lately seen. Fear prevented him at that time from employing a traitor, in a secret manner, to make an investigation. (213) There is no reason to wonder that he was restrained, for some time, from the commission of a butchery so hateful and shocking, particularly while the report about the arrival of the Magi was still recent. It is certainly probable, that he revolved the crime in his mind, but delayed it till a convenient opportunity should occur. It is even possible, that he first murdered the Judges, in order to deprive the people of their leaders, and thus to compel them to look upon the crime as one for which there was no remedy. (214)

We may now conclude it to be a frivolous argument, on which those persons rest, who argue, that Christ was two years old when he was worshipped by the Magi, because, according to the time when the star appeared, Herod slew the children who were a little below two years old. Such persons take for granted, without any proper ground, that the star did not appear till after that the Virgin had brought forth her child. It is far more probable, that they had been warned early, and that they undertook the journey close upon the time of the birth of Christ, that they might see the child when lately born, in the cradle, or in his mother’s lap. It is a very childish imagination that, because they came from an unknown country, and almost from another world, they had spent about two years on the road. The conjectures stated by Osiander (215) are too absurd to need refutation.

But there is no inconsistency in the thread of the story which I propose, — that the Magi came when the period of child-bearing was not yet over, and inquired after a king who had been born, not after one who was already two years old; that, after they had returned to their own country, Joseph fled by night, but still in passing discharged a pious duty at Jerusalem, (for in so populous a city, where there was a constant influx of strangers from every quarter, he might be secure from danger;) that, after he had departed to Egypt, Herod began to think seriously about his own danger, and the ulcer of revenge, which he had nourished in his heart for more than a year and half, at length broke out. The adverb then (τότε) does not always denote in Scripture uninterrupted time, (216) but frequently occurs, when there is a great distance between the events.

(211) “Toutefois on ne sait pas certainement si ce fut en mesme temps.” — “However, it is not known certainly if it was at the same time.”

(212) “Quand les premieres nouvelles vindrent de la naissance du nouveau Roy, et que le bruit en commenca a courir;” — “when the first news arrived of the birth of the new King, and when the noise about it began to spread.”

(213) “La crainte l'empescha lors d'envoyer secretement quelque traistre pour espier comme tout alloit;” — “fear prevented him at that time from employing some traitor to spy how all went.”

(214) “Et pent estre qu'il a premierement mis a mort les Juges, afin qu'apres avoir oste au poure peuple ses conducteurs, il peust sans contredit luy tenir le pie sui la gorge, et en faire a son plaisir.” — “And perhaps he first put the Judges to death, that, after having deprived the wretched people of their leaders, he might without opposition, set his foot on their throat, and do with them at his pleasure.”

(215) Andrew Osiander, (grandfather of Dr Andrew Osiander, a Lutheran divine,) author of several works which gained him not a little celebrity, among which is Harmonia Evangelica —Ed.

(216) “Sans qu'il y ait rien entre-deux;” — “without there being anything between the two,”

18. A voice was heard in Ramah It is certain that the prophet describes (Jer 31:15) the destruction of the tribe of Benjamin, which took place in his time: for he had foretold that the tribe of Judah would be cut off, to which was added the half of the tribe of Benjamin. He puts the mourning into the mouth of Rachel, who had been long dead. This is a personification, ( προσωποποιϊα ,) which has a powerful influence in moving the affections. It was not for the mere purpose of ornamenting his style, that Jeremiah employed rhetorical embellishments. There was no other way of correcting the hardness and stupidity of the living, than by arousing the dead, as it were, from their graves, to bewail those divine chastisements, which were commonly treated with derision. The prediction of Jeremiah having been accomplished at that time, Matthew does not mean that it foretold what Herod would do, but that the coming of Christ occasioned a renewal of that mourning, which had been experienced, many centuries before, by the tribe of Benjamin.

He intended thus to meet a prejudice which might disturb and shake pious minds. It might be supposed, that no salvation could be expected from him, on whose account, as soon as he was born, infants were murdered; nay more, that it was an unfavorable and disastrous omen, that the birth of Christ kindled a stronger flame of cruelty than usually burns amidst the most inveterate wars. But as Jeremiah promises a restoration, where a nation has been cut off, down to their little children, so Matthew reminds his readers, that this massacre would not prevent Christ from appearing shortly afterwards as the Redeemer of the whole nation: for we know that the whole chapter in Jeremiah, in which those words occur, is filled with the most delightful consolations. Immediately after the mournful complaint, he adds,

“Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord, and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to thine own border,” (Jer 31:16.)

Such was the resemblance between the former calamity which the tribe of Benjamin had sustained, and the second calamity, which is here recorded. Both were a prelude of the salvation which was shortly to arrive. (217)

(217) “C'est que l'une et l'autre a est, comme le message apportant les nouvelles du salut qui approchoit.” — “It is, that both were, as it were, the message bringing the tidings of the salvation which was approaching.”

19. But when Herod was dead These words show the perseverance of Joseph’s faith. He kept his feet firm in Egypt, till he was recalled to his native country by a command of God. We see, at the same time, that the Lord never disappoints his own people, but renders them seasonable aid. It is probable that Joseph returned from Egypt immediately after the death of Herod, before Augustus Caesar had issued his decree, appointing Archelaus to be governor of Judea. Having been declared by his father’s will to be successor to the throne, he undertook the whole charge of the government, but abstained from taking the title of king, saying that this depended on the will and pleasure of Caesar. He afterwards went to Rome, and obtained confirmation; only the name of king was refused, until he had merited it by his actions. The governor of Galilee was Philip, a man of gentle disposition, and almost like a private individual. Joseph complied with the suggestion of the angel, because, under a prince who had no delight in shedding blood, and who treated his subjects with mildness, there was less danger.

We must always bear in mind the purpose of God, in training his Son, from the commencement, under the discipline of the cross, because this was the way in which he was to redeem his Church. He bore our infirmities, and was exposed to dangers and to fears, that he might deliver his Church from them by his divine power, and might bestow upon it everlasting peace. His danger was our safety: his fear was our confidence. Not that he ever in his life felt alarm; but as he was surrounded, on every hand, by the fear of Joseph and Mary, he may be justly said to have taken upon him our fears, that he might procure for us assured confidence.

23. He shall be called a Nazarene Matthew does not derive Nazarene from Nazareth, as if this were its strict and proper etymology, but only makes an allusion. The word נזיר, or Nazarite, signifies holy and devoted to God, and is derived from נזר, to separate. The noun נזר, indeed, signifies a flower: (221) but Matthew refers, beyond all doubt, to the former meaning. For we nowhere read that Nazarites meant blooming or flourishing, but persons who were consecrated to God, according to the directions given by the Law, (Num 6:1) The meaning is: though it was by fear that Joseph was driven into a corner of Galilee, yet God had a higher design, and appointed the city of Nazareth as the place of Christ’s residence, that he might justly be called a Nazarite But it is asked, who are the prophets that gave this name to Christ? for there is no passage to be found that answers to the quotation. Some think it a sufficient answer, that Scripture frequently calls him Holy: but that is a very poor explanation. For Matthew, as we perceive, makes an express reference to the very word, and to the ancient Nazarites, whose holiness was of a peculiar character. He tells us, that what was then shadowed out in the Nazarites, who were, in some sense, selected as the first-fruits to God, must have been fulfilled in the person of Christ.

But it remains to be seen, in what part of Scripture the prophets have stated that this name would be given to Christ. Chrysostom, finding himself unable to loose the knot, cuts it by saying, that many books of the prophets have perished. But this answer has no probability: for, though the Lord, in order to punish the indifference of his ancient people, deprived them of some part of Scripture, or left out what was less necessary, yet, since the coming of Christ, no part of it has been lost. In support of that view, a strange blunder has been made, by quoting a passage of Josephus, in which he states that Ezekiel left two books: for Ezekiel’s prophecy of a new temple and kingdom is manifestly distinct from his other predictions, and may be said to form a new work. But if all the books of Scripture which were extant in the time of Matthew, remain entire to the present day, we must find somewhere the passage quoted from the prophets.

Bucer (222) has explained it, I think, more correctly than any other writer. He thinks that the reference is to a passage in the Book of Judges: The child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb, (Jud 13:5.) These words, no doubt, were spoken with regard to Samson. But Samson is called the “Redeemer” or “Deliverer” (223) of the people, only because he was a figure of Christ, and because the salvation, which was accomplished by his instrumentality, was a sort of prelude of the full salvation, which was at length exhibited to the world by the Son of God. (224) All that Scripture predicts, in a favorable manner, about Samson, may justly be applied to Christ. To express it more clearly, Christ is the original model: Samson is the inferior antitype. (225) When he assumed the character of a Redeemer, (226) we ought to understand, that none of the titles bestowed on that illustrious and truly divine office apply so strictly to himself as to Christ: for the fathers did but taste the grace of redemption, which we have been permitted to receive fully in Christ.

Matthew uses the word prophets in the plural number. This may easily be excused: for the Book of Judges was composed by many prophets. But I think that what is here said about the prophets has a still wider reference. For Joseph, who was a temporal Savior of the Church, and was, in many respects, a figure, or rather a lively image of Christ, is called a Nazarite of his brethren, (227) (Gen 49:26; Deu 33:16.) God determined that the distinguished honor, of which he had given a specimen in Joseph, should shine again in Samson, and gave him the name of Nazarite, that believers, having received those early instructions, might look more earnestly at the Redeemer who was to come, who was to be separated from all,

“That he might be the first-born among many brethren,”

(Rom 8:29.)

(221) It would have been more correct to say that the noun נזר signifies a crown than a flower. “Thou shalt put the holy crown,” את נזר הקדש, (Exo 29:6.) “Thou hast profaned his crown,” נזרו, (Psa 89:39.) It is satisfactory to have the support of so eminent a critic as Dr Tholuck, who, in his very correct edition of Calvin's Commentary on the New Testament, after the word florem, flower, places in brackets an emendation similar to what we have suggested: “vel potius, diadematis insigne ,” —” or rather, the emblem of a crown.” — Ed.

(222) A contemporary of our author, who was greatly admired, not only for the extent of his learning in a very learned age, but for the soundness of his judgment. He is hardly ever mentioned but with deep respect. — Ed.

(223) The remaining words of the passage (Jud 13:5) are: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines; which our author interprets as having a prophetic reference to Christ. — Ed.

(224) “Le salut qu'a receu le peuple par son moyen, a este comme une representation ayant quelques traces du vray et parfait salut, lequel finalement le Fils de Dieu a apporte et presente au monde.” — “The salvation which the people received by his agency was, as it were, a representation, having some traces of the true and perfect salvation, which the Son of God finally brought and presented to the world.”

(225) “Pour le dire plus clairement en deux mots, Christ est le vray patron accompli en perfection, mais Samson est un pourtrait legerement tire et trac, dessus.” — “To state it more clearly in two words, Christ is the true Defender fulfilled in perfection: but Samson is a portrait lightly traced and drawn below.”

(226) Deliverer.

(227) In both of the passages quoted above, the words נזיר אחיו are rendered, in the English version, separated from his brethren. This brings out pretty faithfully the meaning of נזיר, separated, but does not suggest the allusion, which Calvin supposes to be made to the peculiar acceptation given by the ceremonial law to נזיר, from which our word Nazarite is derived. Hebrew scholars must judge for themselves as to the probability of the allusion. Without entering into that inquiry, which would occupy more space than we could easily spare, we have thought it due to our Author to hint, that the two passages which he quotes, and which at first sight appear to have no bearing on his argument, contain the very word in questlon. — Ed.


Matthew 2

Mat 2:1. Bethlehem of Judea-wise men, &c.- Bethlehem was a small town in the tribe of Judah, which lay on the southof Jerusalem; there was a city of the same name in Galilee, which belonged to the tribe of Zebulun, Jos 19:15 andthis is the reason why the former is here called Bethlehem of Judea. In the days of Herod the king, is an Hebraism for the time of king Herod the Great; who was at first tetrarch or governor of Judaea, and afterwards declared king of the same country. See Joseph. Hist. Jud 1:1. xiv. c. 3. and 1. xvii. c. 10. . The evangelical and apostolical history begins with Herod the Great, and ends with Agrippa, the last king of the Jews. Concerning these wise men, four things are pretty generally agreed; that they were Persians, or Parthians; that they were priests, or ministers of religion; that they frequently travelled into different countries; and that they applied themselves very much to the contemplation of the stars. As to the title here given them, it is certain that the word Μαγοι, Magi, was not appropriated in ancient times to such as practised wicked arts, but frequently was used to express philosophers or men of learning; and those particularly who were curious in examining the works of nature, and in observing the motions of the heavenly bodies. Compare Dan 2:2; Dan 2:27 and Dan 5:11 and the Septuagint; and see Wetstein and Doddridge.

Mat 2:2. Saying, &c.- Saying, Where is this new-born king of the Jews? Campbell. There does not seem to be any need of supposing, with some of the fathers, that the wise men knew the signification of this star which they saw while they were in the east, by comparing it with Balaam's prophesy, Num 24:17 or Daniel's, Dan 2:44; Dan 9:25. Nor can we think, as Grotius seems to intimate, that they discovered it by the rules of their art. It is much more probable that they learned it by a divine revelation, by which it is plain they were guided in their return. See Mat 2:12. It was a common observation among the ancients, that the appearance of a new star denoted either the birth or death of great men. Chalcidius, in his comment upon Plato, mentions the appearance of this star in a very remarkable manner; "as foretelling the descent of a god upon earth, for the preservation of mankind; and as occasioning some wise men among the Chaldeans to go in search of him, and pay him adoration." Dr. Doddridge and others render the latter clause of the verse, And are come to prostrate ourselves before him.

Mat 2:3. He was troubled- Alarmed. Our translation suits well to Herod, jealous for his crown, but not to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, who were oppressed by him; and (according to their notions of a Messiah) would conceive hopes of their deliverance from the news of his death. The original word ταρασσω signifies only a great emotion, whatever the cause be, whether of joy, or fear, or admiration, Jdt 14:7. See Heylin and Mintert on the word.

Mat 2:4. And when he had gathered &c.- And having assembled. Campbell. All the chief priests, must comprehend here not only the high-priest for the time being, and his deputy, with those who formerly had borne that office; but also the heads of the twenty-four courses, as well as any other persons of peculiar eminence in the priesthood. See 1Ch 24:6. 2Ch 36:14. The scribes of the people, mean the rabbies or doctors, who explained the law to the people. See Michaelis's Introduction to the New Testament.

Mat 2:5. In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus, &c.- For a full explanation of this passage we refer to the notes on Mic 5:2; Mic 5:15.; just observing, with Dr. Doddridge, that when this and several other quotations from the Old Testament, which we find in the New, come to be compared with the original, and even with the Septuagint, it will plainly appear that the apostles did nor think it necessary always to transcribe exactlythe passages they quoted, but sometimes contented themselves with giving the general sense, in some little diversity of language.

Mat 2:8. Search diligently for, &c.- Make exact inquiry about, &c. It is an amazing thing that so suspicious and artful a prince as Herod should put such an important affair on so precarious a footing; when, if he had notgone himself, it would have been so easy, under pretence of doing honour to these learned strangers, to have sent a guard of soldiers with them, who might, humanly speaking, without any difficulty, have slaughtered the child and his parents on the spot. Perhaps he might have been unwilling to commit such an act of cruelty in the presence of these sages, lest their report of it might have rendered him infamous abroad: or rather, we must refer it to a secret infatuation with which God, whenever he pleases, canconfound the most sagacious of mankind. See Doddridge and Calmet.

Mat 2:10. When they saw the star- Dr. Doddridge reads a star or meteor; because, says he, no star could point out not only a town, but a particular house. The original, in the conclusion of this verse, is remarkably emphatical, They rejoiced with a joy which was exceeding great.

Mat 2:11. And fell down and worshipped him- Prostrating themselves they adored him. Heylin. The original word for treasures signifies not only a collection of rarities and precious things, but also whatever serves to hold them. Here it signifies the vessels or boxes wherein these sages had put the presents they designed for the King of the Jews. It was the custom of their country to offer presents to the illustrious personages whom they came to visit, as appears from many passages of the Old Testament; (see Gen 11:25. 1Sa 9:7-8; 1Sa 10:27. Psa 72:10 and Pro 18:16.) and Maundrell, Chardin, and many other writers of the best credit, assure us, that the custom is yet retained. We cannot help noting how seasonable and providential an assistance this was to furnish Joseph and Mary for so long and expensivea journey as that into Egypt; a country where they were intirely strangers, and yet were to abide there for some considerable time. Several commentators have observed a significancy and propriety in these gifts; which, whether true or not, is at least ingenious. They offered him, say they, gold as a king, paying him tribute; frankincense as a god, for they honoured God with the smoke of incense; and myrrh, as a man who should die; for myrrh was used in embalming dead bodies. See Doddridge, Beausobre and Lenfant, and Henry.

Mat 2:13. Into Egypt- There were great numbers of Jews in Egypt: some fled thither in the time of Jeremiah; and great numbers were broughtthere afterwards, on account of the temple of Onias. We may just observe, once for all, that the particle ιδου, behold, is a frequent Hebraism in the evangelists, which commonly is but an expletive, though sometimes it is emphatical. The angel, would be rendered more properly an angel.

Mat 2:15. That it might be fulfilled, &c.- So that what the Lord had spoken by the prophet was verified. Campbell. The reader will remember the general observation which has been made on Mat 1:22 respecting the phrase, that it might be fulfilled, and will refer to Hos 11:1 concerning this text; which Grotius, Heinsius, and many of the best critics, both ancient and modern, understand asa mere allusion. SeeCalmet on the verse. The editors of the Prussian Testament observe, that the words out of Egypt, &c. belong, in their proper and literal sense, to the people of Israel, as appears from the beginning of the verse in Hosea. Compare Exo 4:22-23. Num 24:8. St. Matthew applies them to the Lord Jesus Christ, according to the method of the Jewish doctors, who considered several particulars in the Old Testament as relating to the Messiah typically, though, in a literal sense, they referred to other matters.

Mat 2:16. Then Herod, when he saw, &c.- Perceiving that he was mocked by the Magi-slew all the children-entering on the second year and under, according to the time which he had exactly learned, &c. Knatchbull. The word ενεπαιχθη , in the original, rendered mocked, signifies properly to be played with, and well expresses the view in which the pride of Herod taught him to regard this action, as if it were intended to expose him to the derision of his subjects, and to treat him as a child, rather than as a prince of so great experience and renown. Haman's rage against Mordecai is expressed by the LXX in the same terms as Herod's anger is here. See Est 3:5; Est 5:9. It is probable that Herod in his passion ordered the slaughter of the infants, as soon as he perceived that he was disappointed in his expectation of the return of the wise men; lest otherwise the child, of whom he was so jealous, might be removed: and, as his cruelty extended even to those who had entered on the second year, which is expressly said to be according to the time of which he had got exact information from the sages; it must be natural hence to conclude, that it was not till some considerable time after the birth of Christ that he was visited by the wise men; even though we should allow the first appearance of the star to have been, as some suppose, about the time of Christ's conception. The truth is, it is very difficult to determine the exact period of time when the wise men paid their visit to Christ; though it appears to me most probable from the 11th verse that it was at the time of his nativity. See Sir Norton Knatchbull, and Bedford's Chronology, p. 740. The reader willfind, at the end of Bishop Chandler's Vindication of his Defence, a piece which well deserves his perusal, intitled, The Slaughter of the Children in Bethlehem, as an historical Fact in St. Matthew's Gospel, vindicated, &c.

Dr. Campbell reads, all the children, all the male children, τους παιδας . I do not deny, says he, that there may be instances wherein the Greek term οι παιδες, like the other οι υιοι, may mean children in general .The phrase, both in Hebrew and in Greek, is, the sons of Israel, which our translators render the children of Israel, as nobody doubts that the whole posterity is meant. We address an audience of men and women by the title brethren; and under the denomination all men, the whole species is included. But in such examples, the universality of the application is either previously known from common usage, or is manifest from the subject or occasion. Where this cannot be said, the words ought to be strictly interpreted. Add to this, 1st, That the historian seems here purposely to have changed the term παιδιον, which is used for child no less than nine times in this chapter; as that word, being neuter, and admitting only the neuter article, was not fit for marking the distinction of sexes; and to have adopted a term which he nowhere else employs for infants, though frequently for men-servants, and once for youths or boys: 2nd, That the reason of the thing points to the interpretation that I have given. It made no more for Herod's purpose to destroy female children, than to massacre grown men and women; and, tyrant though he was, that he meant to go no farther than, in his way of judging, his own securityrendered expedient, is evident from the instructions which he gave to his emissaries, in regard to the age of the infants to be sacrificed to his jealousy, that they might not exceed such an age, nor be under such another.

Mat 2:17-18. Then was fulfilled, &c.- Then, &c.-a cry heard, lamentation, and weeping, and bitter complaint. See, for an explanation of this text, the notes on Jer 31:15. Dr. Doddridge understands this also as an allusion. But the notes above referred to will convince the reader, that this passage may, with strict propriety, be understood as a prophesy of that event to which the sacred historian applies it.

Mat 2:19. But when Herod was dead- It will be worth the reader's while to peruse the particular and affecting account which Josephus has given of the dreadful death of this inhuman tyrant, whom God so remarkably made a terror to himself, as well as to all about him. See Antiq. l. xvii. c. 6. Jewish War, l. i. c. 33. and Univ. History, vol. x. p. 638.

Mat 2:20. Who sought the young child's life- Greek. Who sought the soul; a Hebraism, of which our version gives the sense. See 1Ki 10:14. Exo 4:19 to which last passage the angel seems to allude. It is an ingenious conjecture of Mr. Manne, that Antipater, the son of Herod, who, at the time when Christ was born, was heir apparent to his crown, and was a prince so cruel and ambitious, that he had procured the death of his two elder brothers to clear his way to the succession, would very probably be anactive counsellor and instrument in seeking the destruction of the new-born Jesus, and in advisingthe slaughter of the infants; and as this Antipater died but five days before Herod, both might be referred to in these words of the angel, they are dead. See Manne's Dissert. p. 74. Doddridge, and Wetstein.

Mat 2:22. Archelaus- He was the sixth son of Herod, and the most cruel of all those who survived him. He caused three thousand citizens to be murdered at one time in the temple. Herod in his will appointed him his successor, and bestowed upon him the regal authority; but Augustus gave him only the title of Ethnarch, or prince of the nation; of which, however, he deprived him afterwards, and sent him into banishment for his tyranny and cruelty. Galilee belonged to the jurisdiction of Antipas, another of the sons of Herod, and who was himself afterwards called Herod. See ch. Mat 14:1. He was of a much milder disposition than Archelaus, and was then upon such hostile terms with him, that there was no danger of his giving up Joseph and Mary into his power. The reader, the better to understand this part of the sacred history, will do well to read Josephus, or the Universal History as above referred to.

Mat 2:23. A city called Nazareth- Which was a small town of the lower Galilee, near the frontiers of the tribes of Zebulon and Issachar. In the description of the Nazarite given Numbers 6 we learn that he was first to abstain from wine and all vinous liquors; secondly, to let his hair grow; thirdly, not to defile himself with the dead. Now in each of these particulars, as we have observed on the 21st verse of that chapter, the Nazarite was a lively type of Christ; whose extraordinary endowments, as man, were not from any natural causes, but from above, even from the Spirit of God: who was invested with all power and authority, of which hair was an emblem; (see Jdg 20:22. Compare 1Co 11:7 in the Greek;) and who was intirely separate from dead works, from sin and sinners. It would be needless, and far exceed my present bounds, to quote the prophesies wherein the Messiah is described as endowed with these high qualifications. Many of the predictions concerning Christ may be reduced to one or other of these heads; and, in order to turn the attention of men to him as the true Nazarite, in which the type was completely fulfilled, it is remarkably observed here by St. Matthew, that he came and dwelt at Nazareth; that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, he shall be called, that is to say, shall be truly and justly Ναζωραιος, a Nazarite; so the Vulgate, Nazaraeus. Thus, while the Jews and Romans were calling him in contempt the Nazarene, the providence of God was at the same time pointing him out to mankind as thetrue Nazarite, from the circumstance of his dwelling in that city which had been prophetically, with a view, no doubt, to this important event, called Nazareth, or the City of the Nazarites. Parkhurst on the word נער nezer. It may be proper just to observe, that there are other and different expositions given of this prophesy. The editors of the Prussian Testament agree with the margin of our English Bible, and think that the passage referred to is either Jdg 13:5 where Samson, a type of the Messiah, is spoken of; or Isa 11:1 where the Messiah is styled the Netzer or Branch; while Wetstein, Doddridge, Macknight, and many others, suppose that the expression refers to the mean and despicable circumstances of the Messiah, and the reproachful mannerwherein he was treated, agreeable to several prophetical passages of Scripture. But Houbigant is of opinion, that the evangelist refers to the blessings of Jacob and Moses, in each of which Joseph, as a type of the Messiah, is called Nezir, or Nazarite. See Gen 49:26. Deu 33:16 and Houbigant's note on the last place.

Inferences.-The love of our Redeemer for a mean and private life appears from the first moment of his birth, in the choice which he makes of Bethlehem.

Those who are nearest to Christ very often know him not, when those who are farther off seek and adore him. How great was the faith of these wise men, and how illustrious a testimony did they bear to the dignity of our Lord's person! Surely the readiness that they shewed, and the fatiguing journey which they so willingly undertook to pay their adoration to their infant Saviour, should awaken in our souls an anxious concern, not to be excelled by them in duty and devotion to this divine Lord, now that we enjoy the better and more abiding light of his Gospel, that glorious day-spring from on high. With what cheerfulness should we present ourselves and all we have to him! opening the treasuries of our hearts, and offering before him the valuable presents of humble faith and adoring love!

It is not to be supposed that God would have guided these wise men in this extraordinary manner, merely to pay a transient compliment to Jesus; their prostrations, no doubt, expressed religious adoration as well as civil respect; and it is not unlikely that their report might in due time make way for the reception of the Gospel, in the country whence they came. Gentiles as they were, we cannot help looking upon them as the first-fruits of the nations to Christ. This circumstance of the sacred history affords a beautiful emblem of that glorious state of the Christian church, foretold by the prophets, when the Gentiles should come down to its light, and sages and kings to the brightness of its rising; when the abundance of the sea should be converted to it, and the wealth of the Gentiles consecrated to its honour.

We may observe here how Jews and Gentiles conferred together about Jesus Christ. The Gentiles know the time of his birth by a star; the Jews know the time of it by the Scripture; and so they are capable of informing one another. It would contribute much to the increase of knowledge, if we were thus mutually to communicate what we know. Men grow rich by bartering and exchange; so, if we have knowledge to communicate to others, they will be ready to communicate to us. Thus many shall discourse, shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Even a Herod, you may remark, consults the priests and teachers of the law in matters of religious concernment: and to inspire us with reverence for the oracles of God, these priests presume not to answer the question, but by a reference to the Scriptures of truth.

How very conspicuous did the wisdom and power of divine Providence appear in the preservation of the infant Jesus! and in thwarting the vile hypocrisy and execrable cruelty of the tyrant Herod! There is no understanding, or wisdom, or counsel against the Lord; no scheme so artfully disguised that he cannot penetrate it; or so politically formed, that he cannot with infinite ease confound it.

To what perplexity and grief might these sages have been brought, had they been made even the innocent instruments of an assault on this holy child! But God delivered them from such an alarm, and happily guided their return (Mat 2:12.); so that through his care and favour they carried home, in the tidings of the new-born Messiah, far richer treasures than they had left behind. Thus shall they, who in all their ways acknowledge God, by one method or another find that he will graciously direct their paths!

We may remark how God in his providence makes the cruelty of a Herod subservient to the publication of his Son's birth, and to the accomplishment of his designs with respect to him. He reduces, within the order of his goodness, the greatest disorders of human wickedness. He makes that Egypt, which was once the seat of persecution and oppression to his chosen people, a refuge to his Son; and thus all places will be to us what the providence of God shall be pleased to make them.

How many instructive lessons may we derive from this inhuman massacre of the innocents at Bethlehem! We are hence taught that, afflictions are not arguments of guilt, since innocent children were made a sacrifice to the ambition of a cruel tyrant: that we ought to be ready to part with what is dear to us as our own children, whenever they may become instruments of God's glory: that what oppression soever innocence meets with from the hands of wicked men, it is for the good of those who suffer it: that the conduct of those parents who neglect the education and instruction of their children in Christian and virtuous principles, exceeds the cruelty of a Herod-(he only deprived little innocents of this life; they expose their own bowels to eternal death): and that to be true disciples of Christ, we must become as little children in the frame and temper of our minds; without which we cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. "Mortify, therefore, and kill in us all vices, great God of our salvation; and so strengthen us through thy grace, that by the innocency of our lives, and the constancy of our faith, even unto death, we may glorify thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

REFLECTIONS.-1st, Though the birth of Jesus, the King of kings, was ushered into the world with none of those rejoicings that usually attend the nativity of the princes of the earth, we have some instances of very distinguished notice paid to the infant Saviour.

1. Wise men came from the east, led by the observance of an extraordinary star which appeared in the heavens. Who they were, and whence they came, we are not clearly told; the most approved opinion seems to be, that they were of the Persian Magi, among whom some tradition seems to have obtained of a great prince at that time about to come into the world, which possibly might arise from Baalam's prophesy, or from their acquaintance with the Jewish scriptures; which, during the captivity, were probably brought among them: and this expectation, Tacitus observes, was spread through the east. (But see the critical notes.) As these Magi were very conversant in astronomy, the uncommon luminous phaenomenon, a meteor, or star, which they observed over Judaea, might have led them thither, concluding that this was the signal of his appearing, as they might be assured also by a divine impulse on their minds. They were Gentiles, it is certain, and this was a happy presage of their future conversion; and their wisdom most eminently appeared in coming to him, the knowledge of whom alone could make them wise unto salvation. The highest attainments in science, without this wisdom, are no better than splendid ignorance.

2. They directed their journey to Jerusalem the capital, naturally concluding there to meet with all needful information. Herod at that time reigned in Judaea, an Edomite, set up by the Romans, under whose power the Jews were, the sceptre being now departed from Shiloh; and to him it should seem they applied themselves, inquiring after the child who was born King of the Jews, concerning whom they speak with the greatest confidence; and having seen his star in the east, the intimation of his birth, were come to worship him; either to pay him their civil homage, or rather to offer divine adoration. Note; (1.) They who know the value of Christ's favour, will stop at no pains in following him whithersoever he calls them. (2.) Jesus is truly the object worthy of our adoration, even in his lowest humiliation; the babe in the manger is still the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

3. This inquiry of the wise men exceedingly affected Herod. He could be no stranger to the prophesies concerning the Messiah; and the time of the accomplishment of them was confessedly now at hand. He was troubled therefore lest his own throne should be shaken; and the people in general who heard the account seem alike disturbed, fearing possibly the tumults which they might perhaps suppose would be the consequence of a struggle for the crown, as they had, in general, no notion of the Messiah as a spiritual Saviour, but as a mighty prince and conqueror. (But see the notes.) Note; Worldly hearts are ever afraid, lest the spreading of the kingdom of Jesus should clash with their interests.

4. To give them a resolution of the question, and perhaps to gain particular information himself, for purposes that his mind already harboured, he called a council of the chief priests, those most distinguished for station and abilities, and the scribes learned in the law, and most conversant with the prophesies, that he might have their concurring sentiments concerning the place where the Christ, the Messiah should be born. And thus, by divine providence, this wicked king, who consulted them with the vilest design, is made the instrument of obtaining a distinguished suffrage, even from the wisest of the Jewish nation, to the place of the Messiah's birth, and where the babe Jesus actually was born.

5. They are unanimous in their opinion; for the prophet Micah has expressly determined the place to be Bethlehem of Judaea, chap. Mat 5:2 and they cite the prophesy, in sense the same with the original, though with some variation in the expression. Thence the ruler and governor of his Israel should arise, and who is and ever will be the Lord of his faithful saints, reigning in their hearts, and bringing them into subjection to his blessed self.

6. Herod hereupon dismisses the wise men in search of this child, after examining them in private with the greatest accuracy concerning the time when the star appeared, and having concerted in his own mind the bloody project of cutting off him whom he eyed already with jealousy as the rival of his throne: and therefore he strictly charges them, after having made diligent search at Bethlehem, to return, and acquaint him with the place of his abode, hypocritically pretending a desire to pay his worship to the young child born and destined of God to such distinguished honour. So often has the mask of religion concealed the foulest designs.

None of his courtiers were sent with these strangers: perhaps he was afraid to awaken the suspicion of the parents of Jesus, his ambition and cruelty being fully known; or so God, in his over-ruling providence, ordered it; who taketh the wise in their own craftiness, and can divert the enemies of his people from using the most obvious means which they seem to have in their power to distress or destroy them.

2nd, With attention and respect the wise men received their directions, and departed in search of the king of the Jews. And,

1. We find them happily conducted to the spot where he is. The star which they had seen at Christ's birth, afterwards disappeared; at least, if, as some suggest, it led them to the borders of Judaea, it then left them, but now returned, hanging low in the sky, and moving on before them till it stood over the house where Jesus was: for before this, it seems, his parents had changed the place of his birth in a stable, for a more commodious abode. The return of the star, as it promised them a happy issue of their journey, rejoiced them exceedingly; and under its guidance being led to the house, they entered without farther inquiry: and finding the child with his virgin-mother, they immediately prostrated themselves before him, worshipping him as their God, or honouring him as their king. And according to the eastern custom, of making presents to their monarchs when they make their addresses to them, they opened their treasures, and presented him gold, frankincense, and myrrh, Isa 60:6 and thus also providentially supplied Joseph and Mary with a sufficiency for the long journey they were quickly after called to undertake. Note; (1.) When we are found in the way of duty, using the means that God hath given us, we shall not be left without a guide. (2.) The word of God, and the ministry of it, is now this star to lead us to Jesus; and blessed and happy are they who follow its direction. (3.) When for a while we have been in the darkness of affliction, temptation, or desertion, with double joy we behold the re-appearing of the day-star to our benighted souls, and rejoice with exceeding great joy. (4.) Jesus is the object of our adorations; to him every knee must bow. (5.) The Lord by strange and unexpected ways often supplies the wants of his people: they who trust him, will assuredly own that he has never failed them in time of need.

2. To prevent their return to Jerusalem according to Herod's desire, God, by a dream, which carried its own evidence that it came from him, probably the very day or night after their arrival at Bethlehem, warned them not to go back to Herod; and accordingly they immediately departed into their own country another way. So easily can God blast the malicious designs of the ungodly.

3rdly, No sooner were the wise men departed, than God, who knew the cruel intentions of Herod, takes care of the safety of the child Jesus.

1. The Lord in a dream apprizes Joseph of the danger to which the young child was exposed; and bids him, without delay, secure the babe with his mother in Egypt, from the fury of this bloody king, and expect farther directions there. Immediately that very night he arose, and fled with his family to this appointed place of refuge, and there continued till the death of Herod, which soon followed the massacre of the infants. Note; (1.) The place where God's people suffered the bitterest persecution affords an asylum for his Son: so easily can he who has in his hands the hearts of all men, make our once inveterate enemies our firmest friends. (2.) The faithful heart obeys God's commands without hesitation or delay: having committed our all to him, we must be safe under his guidance.

2. Particular notice is taken of the fulfilling of the scripture herein; out of Egypt have I called my son, Hos 11:1 which, whatever reference it has to Israel as a people, had now its most direct accomplishment in the flight of Jesus thither, and his return thence.

4thly, We are told, as we might have expected from the character of this wicked prince,

1. The fury he was in at being disappointed by the wise men. He waited from day to day, in expectation of receiving intelligence from them; but hearing at last they were gone home another way, his jealousy was more inflamed against his supposed rival, and his wrath more exasperated.

2. The politic but inhuman contrivance that he formed to rid himself of his fears. He slew all the male children under two years of age, in all Bethlehem, and the territory belonging to it; being satisfied from the information he had received of the wise men, that the infant king could not exceed that age, and therefore must perish in this general massacre-An instance of barbarity, which though most agreeable to the character of that savage monarch, who had with his own hand slain his own children, we cannot read without horror; so that Augustus might well say, it was better to be Herod's swine than his son. The first crown of martyrdom for Jesus was won by these infant sufferers; and the honour to which they are advanced, infinitely repays the torments that they endured.

3. The fulfilment of the scripture herein is again observed; and to this event, no doubt, the prophet had immediate regard, Jer 31:15. For, though we see it fulfilled in a measure, when the sword of the Chaldeans, and the captivity of the Jews which ensued, awakened Rachel, as it were, from her grave, which was near Bethlehem, to lament her children destroyed, or led to Babylon; yet, in a peculiarly striking manner may this tender mother's griefs be now said to overflow, when so many of her daughters raved with inconsolable anguish for their infants torn from their bosoms, and writhing on the spear of inhuman murderers. Note; Though God does not forbid us to bewail the ravages that death makes in our families; yet inconsolable grief is sinful. Christians must never sorrow as if they had no hope, or as if their comforts were all bound up in a dying worm.

5thly, The sojourning of our Lord in Egypt was but short. Quickly after the massacre of the infants, Herod was struck with a mortal disease, loathsome, and incurable, which made him a spectacle to others, and a torment to himself. So soon can God humble proud tyrants, and make them feel that wrath which they would not fear. Hereupon,

1. The Lord sent his angel, who informs Joseph, in a dream, of Herod's death, and bids him arise, since he may now safely return to the land of Israel. They who are driven far from the ordinances of God, and his people, wish to be no longer absent from them than necessity obliges them.

2. Joseph is all obedience, cheerful readiness in following God's direction being the sure effect of real devotedness to his will. He returns with the child and his mother to the land of Israel; but hearing that Archelaus, a son of Herod's, and an inheritor of his brutal temper, reigned in Judaea, he was justly afraid of settling under his jurisdiction; and in this emergence again the Lord signifies his pleasure to him by his angel, and points him out a place of safety, in the obscure retreat of Nazareth, a little town in Galilee, then under the government of Antipas, another of Herod's children, but a man of a milder temper than his brother. Note; (1.) They who are willing to follow the path of duty if they knew it, shall be directed aright. (2.) No danger must deter us when we have God's call to go; but we must not willingly rush into temptation. (3.) God will find a quiet resting-place for his faithful people sometimes under the sun, but assuredly above it.

3. This was done also, that the scripture might be fulfilled, which said, He shall be called a Nazarene: either this refers to Isa 11:1 where Christ is called a branch, netzer, out of the root of Jesse, the city Nazareth deriving its name from this word: or to Jdg 13:5. Samson being the type of the great Nazarite and Saviour Jesus. Or rather in general, the prophesies which foretold his mean appearance, and the contempt and reproach that he should be exposed to, were thus fulfilled; Nazareth being a despicable place, and his very coming thence was urged by his enemies as an argument against his mission, can any good thing come out of so mean and contemptible a place as Nazareth? Note; They who are followers of Jesus of Nazareth, must not be ashamed of his reproach, nor of any opprobrious names with which his enemies and theirs may seek to render them odious or despicable. The disciple is then but as his Lord.


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