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Ecclesiastes 12 - Fleming Don Bridgeway Bible - Commentary vs Calvin John vs Concise Bible


Ecclesiastes 12

Final comments (12:9-14)

Those whom the writer taught were not only the sons of the rich who attended the wisdom schools, but also ordinary people around the city. His method of study was to consider all the wise teachings relevant to his subject, select the most suitable, then arrange them in a way that was interesting and helpful to his audience. However, he never twisted the truth to suit his own purposes (9-10). True wisdom teaching, such as that which the writer speaks of here, comes from God. It helps people on and sticks in their minds (11).

A final warning is necessary. Too much study can be harmful, especially if it goes beyond what is taught by the wisdom teachers (12). All people have a basic responsibility to fear God and obey his commandments. They are answerable to God for everything they do (13-14).


Ecclesiastes 12

The Version (Calvin John Complete - Bible Commentary) do not have information to Ecclesiastes 12.

We recommend to consult our biblical commentaries list one different to get more information.Thanks for use " Bibliatodo".


Ecclesiastes 12

The Version (Concise Bible - Commentary) do not have information to Ecclesiastes 12.

We recommend to consult our biblical commentaries list one different to get more information.Thanks for use " Bibliatodo".


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