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Ezra 10 - Fleming Don Bridgeway Bible - Commentary vs Calvin John vs Concise Bible


Ezra 10

The problem solved (10:1-44)

People heard of Ezra’s grief and gathered with their families to meet him. They confessed their wrongdoing and promised on oath before Ezra that they would correct it (10:1-5). But the problem could not be solved in a day, for it was widespread and its consequences were far-reaching. Ezra therefore went away to a quiet room in a friend’s house where he could spend the night considering the matter before God. The result was that a meeting of all families was arranged for three days later (6-8).

The weather on the day of the meeting was unfavourable, but the people sat and shivered in the rain to hear Ezra’s judgment. They were genuinely concerned to put things right. Only a few objected when Ezra announced that the offenders should get rid of their foreign wives (9-15). This was going to take time, so officials were appointed to oversee the matter. Their work took three months to complete (16-17). Mixed marriages were as widespread among the religious leaders as among the common people, but in the end all alike put away their foreign wives. They also offered sacrifices for their sin (18-44).


Ezra 10

The Version (Calvin John Complete - Bible Commentary) do not have information to Ezra 10.

We recommend to consult our biblical commentaries list one different to get more information.Thanks for use " Bibliatodo".


Ezra 10

The Version (Concise Bible - Commentary) do not have information to Ezra 10.

We recommend to consult our biblical commentaries list one different to get more information.Thanks for use " Bibliatodo".


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