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Micah 1 - Treasury of Scripture Knowledge vs Concise Bible vs Coke Thomas


Micah 1

Micah 1:1

The word of the LORD that came to Micah the Morasthite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.


Micah 1:14,15 Therefore shall you give presents to Moreshethgath: the houses of …

Jeremiah 26:18 Micah the Morasthite prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, …


2 Chronicles 27:1-32:33 Jotham was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and …

Isaiah 1:1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah …

Hosea 1:1 The word of the LORD that came to Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the …


Amos 1:1 The words of Amos, who was among the herdsmen of Tekoa, which he …

Habakkuk 1:1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see.


Micah 1:5 For the transgression of Jacob is all this, and for the sins of the …

Hosea 4:15 Though you, Israel, play the harlot, yet let not Judah offend; and …

Hosea 5:5-14 And the pride of Israel does testify to his face: therefore shall …

Hosea 6:10,11 I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the …

Hosea 8:14 For Israel has forgotten his Maker, and builds temples; and Judah …

Hosea 12:1,2 Ephraim feeds on wind, and follows after the east wind: he daily …

Amos 2:4-8 Thus said the LORD; For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, …

Amos 3:1,2 Hear this word that the LORD has spoken against you, O children of Israel…

Amos 6:1 Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of …

Micah 1:2

Hear, all ye people; hearken, O earth, and all that therein is: and let the Lord GOD be witness against you, the Lord from his holy temple.

all ye people. Heb. ye people all of them. hearken.

Micah 6:1,2 Hear you now what the LORD said; Arise, contend you before the mountains, …

Deuteronomy 32:1 Give ear, O you heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the …

Psalm 49:1,2 Hear this, all you people; give ear, all you inhabitants of the world…

Psalm 50:1 The mighty God, even the LORD, has spoken, and called the earth from …

Isaiah 1:2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD has spoken, …

Jeremiah 22:29 O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the LORD.

Mark 7:14-16 And when he had called all the people to him, he said to them, Listen …

Revelation 2:7,11,17,29 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit said to the churches; …

Revelation 3:6,13,22 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit said to the churches…

all that therein is. Heb. the fulness thereof.

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and …

Psalm 50:12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you: for the world is mine, and …


Psalm 50:7 Hear, O my people, and I will speak; O Israel, and I will testify …

Jeremiah 29:23 Because they have committed villainy in Israel, and have committed …

Malachi 2:14 Yet you say, Why? Because the LORD has been witness between you and …

Malachi 3:5 And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness …

the Lord from.

Psalm 11:4 The LORD is in his holy temple, the LORD's throne is in heaven: his …

Psalm 28:2 Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry to you, when I lift …

Jonah 2:7 When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer …

Habakkuk 2:20 But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.

Micah 1:3

For, behold, the LORD cometh forth out of his place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth.


Isaiah 26:21 For, behold, the LORD comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants …

Isaiah 64:1,2 Oh that you would rend the heavens, that you would come down, that …

Ezekiel 3:12 Then the spirit took me up, and I heard behind me a voice of a great …

Hosea 5:14,15 For I will be to Ephraim as a lion, and as a young lion to the house …


Psalm 115:3 But our God is in the heavens: he has done whatever he has pleased.

and tread.

Job 40:12 Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down …

Isaiah 2:10-19 Enter into the rock, and hide you in the dust, for fear of the LORD, …

Isaiah 25:10 For in this mountain shall the hand of the LORD rest, and Moab shall …

Isaiah 63:3,4 I have trodden the wine press alone; and of the people there was …

Amos 4:13 For, see, he that forms the mountains, and creates the wind, and …

the high.

Deuteronomy 32:13 He made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat …

Deuteronomy 33:29 Happy are you, O Israel: who is like to you, O people saved by the …

Habakkuk 3:19 The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' …

Micah 1:4

And the mountains shall be molten under him, and the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire, and as the waters that are poured down a steep place.

the mountains.

Judges 5:4 LORD, when you went out of Seir, when you marched out of the field …

Psalm 97:5 The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence …

Isaiah 64:1-3 Oh that you would rend the heavens, that you would come down, that …

Amos 9:5 And the Lord GOD of hosts is he that touches the land, and it shall …

Nahum 1:5 The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is …

Habakkuk 3:6,10 He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the …

2 Peter 3:10-12 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the …

Revelation 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose …

the valleys.

Zechariah 14:4 And his feet shall stand in that day on the mount of Olives, which …

as wax.

Psalm 68:2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melts before …

a steep place. Heb. a descent.

Micah 1:5

For the transgression of Jacob is all this, and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? is it not Samaria? and what are the high places of Judah? are they not Jerusalem?

the transgression of Jacob.

2 Kings 17:7-23 For so it was, that the children of Israel had sinned against the …

2 Chronicles 36:14-16 Moreover all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed …

Isaiah 50:1,2 Thus said the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother's divorce, whom …

Isaiah 59:1-15 Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither …

Jeremiah 2:17,19 Have you not procured this to yourself, in that you have forsaken …

Jeremiah 4:18 Your way and your doings have procured these things to you; this …

Jeremiah 5:25 Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have …

Jeremiah 6:19 Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil on this people, even the …

Lamentations 5:16 The crown is fallen from our head: woe to us, that we have sinned!

1 Thessalonians 2:15,16 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have …

is it.

1 Kings 13:32 For the saying which he cried by the word of the LORD against the …

Hosea 7:1 When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim was …

Hosea 8:5,6 Your calf, O Samaria, has cast you off; my anger is kindled against …

Amos 6:1 Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of …

Amos 8:14 They that swear by the sin of Samaria, and say, Your god, O Dan, …


2 Kings 16:3,4,10-12 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yes, and made his …

2 Chronicles 28:2-4,23-25 For he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, and made also molten …

Micah 1:6

Therefore I will make Samaria as an heap of the field, and as plantings of a vineyard: and I will pour down the stones thereof into the valley, and I will discover the foundations thereof.

I will make.

Micah 3:12 Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem …

2 Kings 19:25 Have you not heard long ago how I have done it, and of ancient times …

Isaiah 25:2,12 For you have made of a city an heap; of a defended city a ruin: a …

Jeremiah 9:11 And I will make Jerusalem heaps, and a den of dragons; and I will …

Jeremiah 51:37 And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwelling place for dragons, an …

Hosea 13:16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she has rebelled against her God: …

and I will pour.

Jeremiah 51:25 Behold, I am against you, O destroying mountain, said the LORD, which …

Lamentations 4:1 How is the gold become dim! how is the most fine gold changed! the …

Ezekiel 13:14 So will I break down the wall that you have daubed with untempered …

Habakkuk 3:13 You went forth for the salvation of your people, even for salvation …

Matthew 24:2 And Jesus said to them, See you not all these things? truly I say …

Micah 1:7

And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.

all the graven.

Leviticus 26:30 And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and …

2 Kings 23:14,15 And he broke in pieces the images, and cut down the groves, and filled …

2 Chronicles 31:1 Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went …

2 Chronicles 34:6,7 And so did he in the cities of Manasseh, and Ephraim, and Simeon, …

Isaiah 27:9 By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this …

Hosea 8:6 For from Israel was it also: the workman made it; therefore it is …

Hosea 10:5,6 The inhabitants of Samaria shall fear because of the calves of Bethaven: …

the hires.

Jeremiah 44:17,18 But we will certainly do whatever thing goes forth out of our own …

Hosea 2:5,12 For their mother has played the harlot: she that conceived them has …


Deuteronomy 23:18 You shall not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into …

Joel 3:3 And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an …

Revelation 18:3,9,12,13 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, …

Micah 1:8

Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls.

I will wail.

Isaiah 16:9 Therefore I will mourn with the weeping of Jazer the vine of Sibmah: …

Isaiah 21:3 Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken hold on …

Isaiah 22:4 Therefore said I, Look away from me; I will weep bitterly, labor …

Jeremiah 4:19 My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart makes …

Jeremiah 9:1,10,19 Oh that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears…

Jeremiah 48:36-39 Therefore my heart shall sound for Moab like pipes, and my heart …

I will go.

Isaiah 20:2-4 At the same time spoke the LORD by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, …

a wailing.

Job 30:29 I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.

Psalm 102:6 I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl of the desert.

owls. Heb. daughters of the owl.

Micah 1:9

For her wound is incurable; for it is come unto Judah; he is come unto the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.

her wound is incurable. or, she is grievously sick of her wounds.

Isaiah 1:5,6 Why should you be stricken any more? you will revolt more and more: …

Jeremiah 15:18 Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuses to …

Jeremiah 30:11-15 For I am with you, said the LORD, to save you: though I make a full …


2 Kings 18:9-13 And it came to pass in the fourth year of king Hezekiah, which was …

Isaiah 8:7,8 Now therefore, behold, the Lord brings up on them the waters of the …


Micah 1:12 For the inhabitant of Maroth waited carefully for good: but evil …

2 Chronicles 32:1-23 After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king …

Isaiah 10:28-32 He is come to Aiath, he is passed to Migron; at Michmash he has laid …

Isaiah 37:22-36 This is the word which the LORD has spoken concerning him; The virgin, …

Micah 1:10

Declare ye it not at Gath, weep ye not at all: in the house of Aphrah roll thyself in the dust.


2 Samuel 1:20 Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon; lest …

Amos 5:13 Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time.

Amos 6:10 And a man's uncle shall take him up, and he that burns him, to bring …

Aphrah. i.e., dust.

Joshua 18:23 And Avim, and Pharah, and Ophrah,

Ophrah. roll.

Job 2:8 And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself with; and he sat down …

Jeremiah 6:26 O daughter of my people, gird you with sackcloth, and wallow yourself …

Lamentations 3:29 He puts his mouth in the dust; if so be there may be hope.

Micah 1:11

Pass ye away, thou inhabitant of Saphir, having thy shame naked: the inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Bethezel; he shall receive of you his standing.


Isaiah 16:2 For it shall be, that, as a wandering bird cast out of the nest, …

Jeremiah 48:6,9 Flee, save your lives, and be like the heath in the wilderness…

thou inhabitant of Saphir. or, thou that dwellest fairly. Heb. inhabitress. having.

Micah 1:8 Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will …

Isaiah 20:4 So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and …

Isaiah 47:2,3 Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover your locks, make bore …

Jeremiah 13:22 And if you say in your heart, Why come these things on me? For the …

Ezekiel 16:37 Behold, therefore I will gather all your lovers, with whom you have …

Nahum 3:5 Behold, I am against you, said the LORD of hosts; and I will discover …

Zaanan. or, the country of flocks. Beth-ezel. or, a place near.

Micah 1:12

For the inhabitant of Maroth waited carefully for good: but evil came down from the LORD unto the gate of Jerusalem.


Ruth 1:20 And she said to them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty …

waited carefully. or, was grieved.

1 Samuel 4:13 And when he came, see, Eli sat on a seat by the wayside watching: …

Job 30:26 When I looked for good, then evil came to me: and when I waited for …

Isaiah 59:9-11 Therefore is judgment far from us, neither does justice overtake …

Jeremiah 8:15 We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, …

Jeremiah 14:19 Have you utterly rejected Judah? has your soul loathed Zion? why …


Micah 1:9 For her wound is incurable; for it is come to Judah; he is come to …

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: …

Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? …

Micah 1:13

O thou inhabitant of Lachish, bind the chariot to the swift beast: she is the beginning of the sin to the daughter of Zion: for the transgressions of Israel were found in thee.


Joshua 15:39 Lachish, and Bozkath, and Eglon,

2 Kings 18:13,14,17 Now in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah did Sennacherib king …

2 Chronicles 11:9 And Adoraim, and Lachish, and Azekah,

2 Chronicles 32:9 After this did Sennacherib king of Assyria send his servants to Jerusalem, …

Isaiah 37:8 So Rabshakeh returned, and found the king of Assyria warring against …


Genesis 19:17 And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that …

Isaiah 10:31 Madmenah is removed; the inhabitants of Gebim gather themselves to flee.

Jeremiah 4:29 The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen; …


Exodus 32:21 And Moses said to Aaron, What did this people to you, that you have …

1 Kings 13:33,34 After this thing Jeroboam returned not from his evil way, but made …

1 Kings 14:16 And he shall give Israel up because of the sins of Jeroboam, who …

1 Kings 16:31 And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk …

Revelation 2:14,20 But I have a few things against you, because you have there them …

Revelation 18:1-5 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, …


2 Kings 8:18 And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, as did the house …

2 Kings 16:3,4 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yes, and made his …

Jeremiah 3:8 And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed …

Ezekiel 23:11 And when her sister Aholibah saw this, she was more corrupt in her …

Micah 1:14

Therefore shalt thou give presents to Moreshethgath: the houses of Achzib shall be a lie to the kings of Israel.


2 Samuel 8:2 And he smote Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down …

2 Kings 16:8 And Ahaz took the silver and gold that was found in the house of …

2 Kings 18:14-16 And Hezekiah king of Judah sent to the king of Assyria to Lachish, …

2 Chronicles 16:1-3 In the six and thirtieth year of the reign of Asa Baasha king of …

Isaiah 30:6 The burden of the beasts of the south: into the land of trouble and …

to. or, for. houses.

Psalm 62:9 Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a …

Psalm 118:8,9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man…

Psalm 146:3,4 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there …

Achzib. that is, a lie.

Joshua 15:44 And Keilah, and Achzib, and Mareshah; nine cities with their villages:

Micah 1:15

Yet will I bring an heir unto thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah: he shall come unto Adullam the glory of Israel.


Isaiah 7:17-25 The LORD shall bring on you, and on your people, and on your father's …

Isaiah 10:5,6 O Assyrian, the rod of my anger, and the staff in their hand is my …

Jeremiah 49:1 Concerning the Ammonites, thus said the LORD; Has Israel no sons? …


Joshua 15:44 And Keilah, and Achzib, and Mareshah; nine cities with their villages:

he, etc. or, the glory of Israel shall come to, etc.

1 Samuel 22:1 David therefore departed there, and escaped to the cave Adullam: …

Isaiah 10:3 And what will you do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation …


Joshua 15:35 Jarmuth, and Adullam, Socoh, and Azekah,

2 Chronicles 11:7 And Bethzur, and Shoco, and Adullam,

Micah 1:16

Make thee bald, and poll thee for thy delicate children; enlarge thy baldness as the eagle; for they are gone into captivity from thee.


Job 1:20 Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell …

Isaiah 15:2 He is gone up to Bajith, and to Dibon, the high places, to weep: …

Isaiah 22:12 And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping, and to …

Jeremiah 6:26 O daughter of my people, gird you with sackcloth, and wallow yourself …

Jeremiah 7:29 Cut off your hair, O Jerusalem, and cast it away, and take up a lamentation …

Jeremiah 16:6 Both the great and the small shall die in this land: they shall not …

Amos 8:10 And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into …

thy delicate.

Deuteronomy 28:56,57 The tender and delicate woman among you…

Isaiah 3:16-26 Moreover the LORD said, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, …

Lamentations 4:5-8 They that did feed delicately are desolate in the streets: they that …


Deuteronomy 28:41 You shall beget sons and daughters, but you shall not enjoy them; …

2 Kings 17:6 In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and …

Isaiah 39:6,7 Behold, the days come, that all that is in your house, and that which …


Micah 1

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Micah 1

Mic 1:2. Let the Lord God be witness, &c.- "I call the Almighty to witness, that I have forewarned you of the judgments hanging over your heads, and which will inevitably fall upon you, unless you speedily repent; and the Almighty himself will become a witness against you, and convince you of your sins, in such a manner, that you shall not be able to deny the charge." This sublime and elevated beginning indicates the importance of what he was about to say, and the lively impression which was made upon him by the sins of Israel, and the misfortunes about to fall upon them.

Mic 1:3. For, behold, the Lord cometh, &c.- He pictures out to us the Lord as a mighty conqueror, marching forth from his royal palace to reduce his enemies. The prophet in this whole description manifestly alludes to God's descent on mount Sinai. See Exo 19:16-18. Deu 4:11-12; Deu 32:13. Psa 18:8; Psa 18:50.

Mic 1:4. The valleys shall be cleft- Shall be dissolved like water, &c. Houbigant.

Mic 1:5. What is the transgression of Jacob?- Who [makes] transgression in Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And who the high-places of Judah? Is it not Jerusalem? But Houbigant prefers the translation of the LXX, and reads the latter words, What is the sin of Judah? by which means the two clauses aptly correspond to each other. The transgression, and sin, mean, the cause of sin and transgression, which Samaria and Jerusalem gave, as the whole nation followed their ill example.

Mic 1:7. And all the hires thereof- The love-presents, &c. The meaning is, "As your temples have been enriched with the presents offered by these shameless idol worshippers, to their riches shall return into the hands of the Assyrians, who shall make the like use of them in the temples of their gods."

Mic 1:8. I will wail and howl- "I will sympathize with my countrymen in their calamities; I will dress myself in the habit of mourning, and, like those who bewail the dead, go without my upper garment; in order to denote the naked condition to which the ten tribes shall be reduced by their enemies." Instead of dragons and owls, some read jackalls and ostriches; and a modern traveller assures us, that he has often heard the ostriches groan, as if they were in the greatest agonies; which is beautifully alluded to in this passage. See Dr. Shaw's Travels, p. 455.

Mic 1:9. For her wound is incurable- "The desolation of the ten tribes cannot be prevented, because they persist in their impieties; therefore no relief can be applied: it must terminate in their destruction. At the same time, one aggravating circumstance attends it, as being the forerunner of those evils which will come upon Jerusalem, whose gates Sennacherib will attempt to force, in order to make himself master of that city, and the whole kingdom of Judah." See Calmet.

Mic 1:10. In the house of Aphrah roll, &c.- Roll thyself in dust, in the very house of Aphrah, or dust. The word עפרה aphrah, has here a double sense; for it denotes the city of Aphrah, or Aphron, in the tribe of Judah, which Sennacherib was about to lay waste, for this and what follows respect the kingdom of Judah; and it explains what immediately precedes in the ninth verse, that the stroke was come even to the gate of Jerusalem, the neighbouring cities being laid waste by Sennacherib. See Houbigant.

Mic 1:11. Pass ye away, &c.- Take care thou that inhabitest Saphir [a city in the tribe of Judah] to pass away naked and in disgrace. The inhabitants of Zaanan [another city in the tribe of Judah] shall not go forth to the mourning: Bethezel shall be taken away from you, while itself shall stand. By Beth-ezel is meant Jerusalem, to which Ezel was near, as appears from Zec 14:5. But there is a twofold meaning given to the word אצל Ezel, which denotes separation, the prophet signifying that no aid could be expected from Jerusalem, because Jerusalem should fear for itself, and because the Syrian army should separate it from the city of Saphir, which is here addressed. The meaning of the last clause is, that though Jerusalem itself should stand or continue, yet no assistance should be obtained from it See Houbigant.

Mic 1:12. For the inhabitant of Maroth waited, &c.- For she who dwelleth in Maroth is sick even to death; because evil came down, &c. See 2Ki 20:1. A reason is here given why Beth-ezel, or Jerusalem, could not assist Saphir; because she herself was sick, and about to perish, unless God should deliver her by miracle, as he did, by destroying the Assyrian army. Jerusalem is called the inhabitant of Maroth, or of rebellion, by a similar use of words with that in the preceding verse; Jerusalem is therefore sick unto death, because the Lord hath brought the calamity even to her gate. See Houbigant. In the next verse the prophet foretels the siege of the city of Lachish. The first clause should be rendered, O thou inhabitant of Lachish, the chariot is bound to the horses: thou art the beginning, &c.

Mic 1:14. Therefore shalt thou give presents- Therefore shalt thou send presents against Mareshah to Gath the house of a lie, that thou mayest deceive the kings of Israel. Lachish and Mareshah were two cities in the tribe of Judah. The sacred history is silent why Lachish, when it was besieged, should send gifts to Gath. Perhaps Lachish implored the help of Gath, and promised help to the people of Gath in return, when delivered from the siege, to assist them in the taking of Mareshah from the kings of Israel or of Judah. Therefore it is added, to deceive the kings of Israel. See Houbigant.

Mic 1:15. Yet will I bring an heir unto thee- Till I shall send unto thee that heir, who inhabiteth Mareshah; till the glory of Israel shall come even to Adullam: that is to say, "Till I shall send those citizens of Mareshah, whom thou "wouldst sell to the people of Gath, to possess thy walls, "after the army of the Assyrians shall be dispersed, and "after the glory of Israel shall come even to Adullam; "or, shall extend its boundaries to Adullam;" a city in the southern part of the tribe of Judah towards the Dead Sea. This interpretation is favoured by what follows; in which it is foretold, that the inhabitants of Lachish shall be carried into captivity. See Houbigant. It must be acknowledged that there is great difficulty in the conclusion of this chapter.

REFLECTIONS.-1st, Micah, or Micaiah, the author of this prophesy, was a Morasthite, so named from the place of his nativity. He lived under the best and worst of Judah's princes, and in all times of prosperity or adversity faithfully declared the word which God gave him concerning Samaria and Jerusalem, the capitals of the two kingdoms, the judgments which were ready to light upon them being the great burden of this prophesy.

1. A solemn call is given to pay deep attention to the word about to be delivered. Hear, all ye people of Judah and Israel; hearken, O earth, and all that therein is; if the former refuse to listen, the very inanimate earth, trembling before the Lord, shall condemn their insensibility and hardness of heart: and let the Lord God be witness against you, if ye disregard or despise these warnings, that I have faithfully delivered my message, and that your blood is on your own heads; even the Lord from his holy temple in heaven, whence he beholds the inhabitants of the world, and sends down thence his judgments on those who are disobedient to his word. Note; They who turn a deaf ear to the admonitions of God's ministers, shall shortly be terribly convinced by experience of the threatenings which they would not believe.

2. The desolating judgments of God are foretold, which were ready to overtake them. The Lord clothed with vengeance descends to destroy them: under his feet their strongest fortresses are trod into the dust, and the high places of their idols demolished. Their princes and great men, with all their lofty looks, are brought low, and the valleys cleft, the lowest of the people sharing in the general calamity; and all unable to resist his arm, as wax melts before the fire, or to bear up against his judgments, which as a torrent spread desolation on every side. Samaria, the capital, shall then be laid in ruins, and be made as the furrows of the field, razed from the foundations, and scarcely one stone left upon another; which, as Josephus relates, was fully accomplished by Hircanus. Note; When God arises to judgment, no place can protect the guilty.

3. The cause of all their miseries is their sin; and if it be asked, What is the transgression of Jacob? the crime peculiarly provoking; Is it not Samaria? the calf, and the idolatry there committed? See Hos 8:5. And what are the high places of Judah? are they not Jerusalem? set up there with most impious effrontery against God's temple; yea, in the very courts of the sanctuary an altar is reared to idols, 2Ki 16:10-18. Note; (1.) Sin is at the bottom of all suffering. (2.) Great cities and persons, whose bad conduct and example spread the contagion of iniquity, shall be first and deepest in punishment.

4. The demolition of their idols, as well as themselves, is threatened. They shall be broken in pieces by the Assyrians, and made utterly desolate. Such as were not worth carrying away for a spoil, shall be stripped of their ornaments, and left as naked logs; and all the hires thereof shall be burnt with the fire; their palaces and substance, which they esteemed the gifts of their idols, and the hire of their idolatry: thus what they gathered of the hire of an harlot, shall return to the hire of an harlot; be given to their idolatrous enemies, who would regard the spoil as the reward sent by their gods, and spend it in their service. Or the sense may be, that their wealth, which was as ill-gotten as the money earned by prostitution, would be, like it, under the curse of God, and quickly consumed. Note; The wages got by sin will be ever earned with a curse, and such gain cannot prosper.

2nd, We have,

1. The prophet deeply lamenting the desolations that he beheld approaching; wailing as a dragon, and mourning as an owl, because the wound is incurable, the decree being gone forth against Israel, and their impenitence determinately obstinate; and now the Assyrian army is at the very gate of Jerusalem. Note; The holy prophets are themselves deeply afflicted at the view of the threatenings which they are obliged to declare; and, so far from taking a delight in these sad messages of woe, they weep over sinners, while they warn them.

2. Other cities are called upon to join the prophet's mourning, but withal are admonished not to declare it at Gath, nor weep so as to let the Philistines see their grief, who would triumph with malicious pleasure in their calamities. In silent grief they are commanded to roll themselves in the dust, in the house of Aphrah, the house of dust, all their cities being reduced to ruinous heaps. The inhabitant of Saphir, once, as the name imports, fair and beautiful, must now go naked into captivity, stripped of all their wealth and riches. The inhabitant of Zaanan, once numerous as a flock, came not forth in the mourning of Beth-ezel, to condole with her, or to help her, being too much engaged with their own miseries; for he shall receive of you his standing; the enemy encamping near them, and making them pay dear for the resistance that their city made against him. The inhabitant of Maroth waited carefully for good, hoping at last to see some stop put to the ravages of the Assyrians; but were quite in despair, when the evil came down from the Lord unto the gate of Jerusalem, and they beheld the enemy preparing to besiege it. Lachish is now bid to flee, or rather ironically her attempts to do so are derided, she being doomed with the rest to captivity. She is the beginning of the sin to the daughter of Zion: lying contiguous to Israel, this city became first infected; and the idolatry which the inhabitants had learned spread through the land of Judah; and therefore, as ringleaders in sin, they justly deserve severest judgment, the iniquities of the land lying chiefly at their door. In vain by presents would they court the Philistines of Moresheth-gath to assist them; though they promised them fair, they would fail them in the day of trial. The houses of Achzib shall be a lie to the kings of Israel, as the name Achzib signifies. Mareshah also shall be a prey; God will bring an heir to her, one who should seize the country, as if it were his by inheritance. He shall come unto Adullam the glory of Israel; shall seize this fortress on which they trusted; or even to the glory of Israel, to Jerusalem itself. Make thee bald, and poll thee for thy delicate children; which seems addressed to the land in general: enlarge thy baldness as the eagle; shew every expressive sign of woe; for they are gone into captivity from thee; the prophet speaks of it as already done, because God had determined it.


Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge by R. A. Torrey [ca. 1880]
Expanded version courtesy INT Bible ©2013, Used by permission
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