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3 John 1 - Through the Bible Day by Day - Meyer

3 John 1

3 John 1:1

The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth.



Again we meet the words love and truth. Transparency of speech and life is an essential condition of soul health. It would not be desirable to express the wish of 3Jn_1:2 to all our friends, because if their bodies were to correspond to the condition of their souls, they would suddenly fall into ill-health. In the old legend mirrors were blurred with mist when any approached who were out of harmony with truth, 3Jn_1:4.

The Christian must always act worthily of God, especially toward strangers, 3Jn_1:5-6. “For the sake of the Name,” 3Jn_1:7, r.v.-as children we must maintain the family honor. Such hospitality makes us fellow-workers with the truth. There is a Boanergic touch in 3Jn_1:10. The threefold witness to Demetrius should stir our desire to emulate his character. What will it not be when the dimness of earthly converse is exchanged for the face-to-face intercourse of eternity! 3Jn_1:14.


Through the Bible Day by Day by F.B. Meyer
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