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2 John 1 - The Applied Commentary

2 John 1

To the Chosen Lady (1-13)

1 It is not known who the chosen lady was to whom this letter was written (see 2 John: Introduction).

All who know the truth are believers in Christ (John 8:31-32).

2 John and all other believers love this “chosen lady” because of the truth. Here the truth can mean the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth (John 15:26); or it can mean Jesus Christ, who is Himself the truth (John 14:6).

3 In the introductions to most of the New Testament letters, the writers ask for grace and peace for their readers (Romans 1:7; Ephesians 1:2). But here John adds mercy (see 1 Timothy 1:2). Mercy is one part of God’s grace.

4 Some of this chosen lady’s children were walking in the truth. That is, they were walking according to the Gospel; they were walking in obedience to Christ.

5 See John 15:7; 1 John 2:7 and comments.

6 To love is to obey Jesus. To obey Jesus is to love. Obedience is the fruit and the proof of love. We show our love by our obedience (see John 14:15; 1 John 5:3 and comments).

7-8 Even Christians can be deceived by the antichrist and by the deceivers (false teachers and false prophets) that are already in the world (see Mark 13:22-23; 1 John 2:18,22; 4:1-3 and comments).

Satan is the master of the antichrist and all deceivers and evildoers. He tries to make Christians give up their faith in Christ. He tries to create doubt and fear in their minds. He says that Christ is not really the Son of God. John gives us this warning: Don’t give up your faith in Christ. Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for—that is, your reward, your heavenly inheritance, your salvation (see Hebrews 10:35-36; General Article: Can We Lose Our Salvation?).

9 Anyone who runs ahead—who is that? The person who “runs ahead” is someone who is not satisfied with the Gospel of Christ. He “runs ahead” seeking new teachings, new philosophies, new worldly wisdom. Such a person thinks that he is wiser than other Christians.

Such a person who leaves Christ’s teachings also leaves God. But the person who humbly continues in Christ’s teachings has both God and Christ—and true wisdom as well (see John 14:21,23; 1 John 2:23).

10-11 The Bible teaches us that we must be hospitable (Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:2; 1 Peter 4:9). But we are not to give any hospitality or help to false teachers. In John’s time, many such teachers traveled about from village to village trying to get people to follow them. They “earned their living” from people’s hospitality. That is why John says here that anyone who welcomes such a false teacher shares in his wicked work (verse 11).

12 Talking face to face is better than writing. John hopes to visit the “chosen lady” soon, so that their joy might be complete (1 John 1:4; 3 John 13-14).

In John’s time there was no paper like we have today. At that time people wrote either on expensive parchment (made from the skin of sheep or goats), or on a kind of “paper” made from an Egyptian plant called papyrus.

13 Some children of the sister of the chosen lady were living in the same place where John was. Therefore, they also send greetings to their aunt.


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