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Job 1 - The Applied Commentary vs Calvin John vs Concise Bible


Job 1

Prologue (1:1–5)

1–3 Job was a very wealthy man who lived in Uz, a large area east of Canaan. He was not a mythical character; he was an actual person who, according to the writer, was the greatest man among all the people of the East (verse 3). He lived in the second millennium B.C., a period extending from the time of ABRAHAM to the time of David; but it is likely he lived very early in that period, because in his dialogues he makes no reference to ISRAEL and he does not use the name of Israel's God, that is, Yahweh, the LORD5 (see Exodus 3:13–15 and comment). Thus we can understand that Job was not an Israelite.

In the prologue and epilogue, however, the writer of Job does use the name LORD many times, thus letting the reader know that he(the writer) was an Israelite(see Job: Introduction). And by using the name LORD in the prologue and epilogue, the writer clearly indicates that Job's God and Israel's LORD were one and the same.

The writer tells us something else about Job: he was blameless and upright—though not completely sinless (Job 7:21; 14:16–17)—and he feared God,6 that is, he worshiped God (verse 1). It's important that we the readers know that Job was basically a righteous man; otherwise we wouldn't believe his claims of innocence stated many times throughout the book.

4–5 Job also acted as his family's priest. After family feasts, he made sure his children were purified—that is, consecrated7—and he sacrificed burnt offerings to make ATONEMENT for any hidden sins they might have committed, such as cursing God in their hearts (see Leviticus 1:1–4 and comment). The cursing of God is an important theme in the book of Job; it means the opposite of fearing God. Job's refusal to curse God, even in the face of suffering, would be the final proof of his RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Job's First Test (1:6–22)

6–7 The writer now introduces us to Satan, the accuser. We first learned about Satan when he appeared as a serpent in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1–6). But, in fact, Satan is an ANGEL, an angel who once rebelled against God and who ever since has been trying to destroy the fellowship between God and mankind. When God asks Satan where he has come from,8 Satan answers in verse 7 that he has been roaming through the earth (see 1 Peter 5:8–9).

8 God then offered Satan a challenge: “Have you considered my servant Job?9 God told Satan there was no one on earth like him, and He described Job in the same terms the writer used in verse 1. Clearly the writer had received a divine revelation of what was taking place between God and Satan.

9–11 Then Satan made his accusation. He accused Job of being a hypocrite, of acting righteously only for the benefits he got out of it—fame, a big family, much livestock. But let God take away the hedge of protection He had placed around Job (verse 10), let Him take away Job's blessings, and then God would see that Job wasn't righteous at all; to the contrary, he would surely curse God to His face (verse 11).

In addition to accusing Job of hypocrisy, Satan was also mocking God. God had set His heart on Job; He delighted in Job. And now Satan was saying Job was just a fake!

12 We should keep in mind certain things about Satan. First, he is not all-powerful; God could have destroyed him right back in the Garden of Eden.10 Second, Satan is not all-knowing; Satan didn't know Job's heart, but God did. Third, although Satan continues to be in rebellion against God, God is still able to use him for His purposes—one of which is to test the FAITH of men and women. So God agreed to let Satan take away all the blessings that Job had been enjoying, except for one: his health. “. . . on the man himself do not lay a finger.” Satan is like a lion on a leash; he can do great harm, but only within the limits God sets for him. God will never let Satan test us beyond what we can bear (see 1 Corinthians 10:13).

If God knew that Job was righteous, why did He need to test him? He didn't test Job for His own sake, but for ours. How else could we—and the angels (verse 6)—really know Job's character without its being tested? How can we know our own character without being tested? (see Matthew 7:24–27). Satan had attacked Job's character; only Job could prove that Satan's attack was false. Far from abandoning Job, God was in fact giving him the highest honor possible: the honor of suffering for God's sake (Acts 5:41; 1 Peter 4:12–13). God had total confidence in Job and knew that he would triumph in the end.

But for this great test to work, Job could not be allowed to know the reason for it. We, the readers, have been let in on the secret, but not Job. If Job had known the reason for the test, he could easily have passed it; it would have been no test at all. And this is why the book of Job has such value for us: when we ourselves face suffering, we are like Job; we don't understand the reason for it. Job, in a sense, represents all of us. As Job was tested, so shall we be tested—though hopefully less so! As Job wrestled with God, so shall we “wrestle” with God. And as Job prevailed, so shall we prevail. The book of Job is written for our encouragement. Let us never think that this book is just an ancient myth; it is a living and vital word from God that is applicable to every one of us today.

13–19 In these verses, the writer describes how Satan took away Job's blessings, one after another: his oxen (verses 14–15), his sheep (verse 16), his camels (verse 17), and finally his sons and daughters (verses 18–19). Satan used both human beings—Sabeans and Chaldeans—and also elements of nature—fire of God (lightning) and wind—to carry out his destructive work.

We can understand from this that Satan is behind most of the evils in our world; he even uses morally neutral occurrences like bad weather to carry out his plans. Many people today scoff at the idea of a devil; they keep trying to make the world better through education and political reform. But these things, while good in themselves, can never overcome the spiritual power of Satan, which is behind the world's ills. Only through faith in Christ can the evil in the world be finally overcome.

20–22 When Job heard about the loss of his children and his livestock—not to mention his servants—he tore his robe and shaved his head in mourning (verse 20). Then Job uttered one of the most important statements in all of Scripture: “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised11 (verse 21).

Job was right: it was indeed the Lord who had “taken away.” There was no use blaming the Sabeans or the wind; there was no use blaming Satan. God is ultimately responsible for our suffering—He allows it, He ordains it—and so we need to take the matter up with Him. And we should do so the way Job did, with resignation, trust and praise. Job may have lost almost everything, but He had not lost God; and God is to be cherished more than all His gifts.

Thus, so far, Job had triumphed over Satan. Instead of cursing God, as Satan had expected, Job praised God! When suffering comes our way, let us pray for grace to do the same.

Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing (verse 22). To charge God with wrongdoing is, in effect, to curse Him. God is never unjust and never wrong. We can question God; we can even argue with Him, as Job later did; but we must never charge Him with wrongdoing.


Job 1

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Job 1


The theme of Job seems to be the meaning and object of evil and suffering under the government of a holy, wise and merciful God, and may be outlined thus:

The Prologue (Job 1-2, in prose) The Dialogue (Job 3-31, in poetry) The Words of Elihu (Job 32-37, in poetry) The Words of the Almighty (Job 38-41, in poetry) The Response of (Job 42:1-6, in poetry) The Epilogue (Job 42:7-17, in prose)


The key to the book is found in the first chapter, which, after an introductory testimony to Job, translates the reader to heavenly scenes (Job 1:6).

The sons of God are angelic beings bringing in their reports to God, the mystery being that Satan is found “also among them.” How the prince of darkness is granted access to God is a question these lessons cannot discuss; but we accept the fact and draw certain inferences therefrom.

He is seen here in his scriptural attitude of the accuser of the brethren; and when God taunts him, if one may so say, with the uprightness of Job whom he has been unable to corrupt, he at once charges him with a mercenary spirit, and declares that if God were to take his temporal blessings away from him he would be as bad as the rest.

God accepts the challenge and puts His servant into the hands of Satan for a period, and for the exercise of a terrible but limited power, that it may be seen if the charge be true.

In other words, it is not Job so much who is on trial as God. It is not a question of Job’s loyalty so much as one of God’s power. Is the grace of God able to keep one of His servants faithful to Him, though he be stripped of everything which men count dear?

The outcome was victory for God, and discomfiture for Satan, under circumstances calculated to prove a great comfort to God’s people in every generation. This thought is suggested by the prologue, and which, kept in mind, lightens up the whole book.


The dialogue proceeds on the question whether great suffering such as Job’s be not an evidence of great sin, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar affirming and Job denying. The dispute is carried on in a series of three acts, each containing three arguments of the “friends” and as many defenses by Job, until the last, when Zophar is silenced, and Job apparently triumphs.

Job’s defense is based on two grounds, (1) the admitted prosperity of the wicked, chapter 21, and (2) his own personal righteousness, chapters 29 and 31.

It would seem at first that his friends intended to comfort him, but were driven to accusation by the caustic character of his replies, caused no doubt, by his intense suffering. Whether his friends were sincere or insincere at the beginning must be determined by the view taken of chapter four. It can be so read as to suggest either view.

The words of Elihu also suggest a series of three acts, out of which we gather that he rebuked both parties to the debate, the friends for their accusations, which were unwarranted in great measure, and Job for his self-righteousness, equally unwarranted (Job 32:1-3). His philosophy of the sufferings differs from the others in that he believes they were sent for the good of the sufferer (see Job 33:28-30). The first part of his speech is addressed to Job (chaps. 32-33); the second to the three friends (chap. 34); and the last to Job again (chaps. 35-37). As he closes a thunder storm is gathering, whose description forms a grand climax to his address. Out of it the voice of the Almighty is heard.


The discussion thus far had been confined to the mystery of evil, and the balance is now restored by considering the mystery of good which the Almighty reveals. It is notable that He gives no explanation of Job’s suffering, renders no decision on the subject in debate, and offers no hint of compensation to His servant for what he has endured.

The pervading idea of His revelation is that of power, absolute sovereignty, as though His design were to overwhelm Job and effect his unconditional surrender. The crisis in Job’s life was like that of Moses as he stood in the cleft of the rock (Exodus 33-34) or Elijah at Horeb (1 Kings 19), or Paul on his way to Damascus (Acts 9), and the result in Job’s case is not unlike that in their cases.

Meditation on the book leads to the conclusion that such experiences as those of Job, and they come to every true child of God, may be for discipline and to teach submission so vital to be learned, but also to serve a purpose far exceeding human knowledge, in the superhuman world. Compare Joh 9:3; 1Co 4:9; Eph 3:10; and 1Pe 1:12. What a dignity such a thought adds to the suffering for righteousness’ sake!


1. What is the theme of Job?

2. What is its outline?

3. What seems to be the key of the book?

4. How does Elihu’s philosophy of suffering differ from that of the others?

5. For what three purposes may such affliction come on any saint of God?

6. Concerning the last purpose named, have you examined the Scripture passages indicated?


We have spoken of Job as in the poetic style, and something should be said about that style as applying not only to Job, but to the other poetical books of the Old Testament like Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Lamentations.

While these books are poetical, to English readers neither the sound of the words nor the form in which they are printed in the King James Version, would suggest that idea.

As to the form, the Revised Version is an improvement, though it leaves much to be desired. As to the sound, the rhythm of Hebrew poetry is not found in it but in the recurrence of the thought. Thought may be rhythmic as well as sound or language, and the full force of Scripture is not grasped by one who does not feel how thoughts can be emphasized by being differently re-stated.


The grand peculiarity of Hebrew poetry, however, is the parallelism, a form of composition somewhat artificial, consisting in the repetition of the main thought, usually with some modification of it.

These parallelisms are of three classes the synonymous, the antithetic and the synthetic.

In the synonymous parallelism the second clause is scarcely more than a repetition of the first, although there are many varieties of it so far as the length of the members is concerned. A good illustration of this parallelism is found in Job 6:5 :

Doth the wild ass bray over his grass?

Doth the ox low over his fodder?

The antithetic parallelism is one in which the idea in the second clause is the converse of that in the first, a simple form of which is Pro 10:1 :

A wise son rejoiceth his father; But a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.

In the synthetic parallelism the poet instead of echoing the former sentiment or placing it in contrast, enforces his thought by accessory ideas and modifications. For example, a general proposition is stated and the sentiment is then dwelt upon in detail. A specimen is found in Job 3:3-5 :

O that the day might have perished in which I was born, And the night which said, “A male child is conceived.” Let that day be darkness, Let not God inquire after it from on high!

Yea, let not the light shine upon it!

Let darkness and the shadow of death stain it; Let a cloud dwell upon it, Let whatever darkens the day terrify it!


1. In what is the rhythm of Hebrew poetry?

2. What is meant by a literary parallelism?

3. Name and define the three leading classes of parallelisms.


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