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Ecclesiastes 1 - Fleming Don Bridgeway Bible - Commentary vs Concise Bible vs Concise Bible


Ecclesiastes 1


Is there a purpose to life? (1:1-11)

At times life does not appear to have much meaning. People have to work to keep themselves alive, but in the end they lose everything they have worked for. Generation after generation passes, but the same things still happen (1:1-4). The sun rises and sets, then the next day the cycle is repeated. The wind blows and circles around, coming back to begin its course all over again. Rivers flow unceasingly into the sea, but the sea is never full and the rivers never dry up (5-7). Life is wearisome; nothing satisfies; history will go on repeating itself; past generations die and are forgotten, and the same will happen to future generations (8-11).

Lessons from experience (1:12-2:26)

Writing as Solomon, the author now looks back and describes the experiences of a truly wise and wealthy man who searched for a meaning to life. First he tried the study of wisdom, but it led only to misery and frustration. Some things could not be made to fit any sort of consistent pattern; others, which in theory may have solved some problems, in practice did not exist (12-15). His learning and experience enabled him to tell the difference between wisdom and folly, but they were unable to help him find a meaning to life. His greater wisdom only increased his frustration and bitterness (16-18).

Continuing his search, the great king turned to pleasures of various kinds, but they did not provide the answer (2:1-3). He used his knowledge and resources in extravagant building programs and agricultural projects, and his household had everything he needed for a life of luxury and pleasure (4-8). All his achievements brought him a certain amount of satisfaction. But as he looks back he confesses that they brought him no nearer to solving the mystery of life’s purpose (9-11).

Kings can build for themselves huge fortunes and accomplish impressive works, but even the wealthiest and most ambitious of kings found that all this did not bring satisfaction. What chance, then, does anyone else have? The frustrated searcher turned therefore to consider the subject of wisdom again (12). He reminded himself of the obvious truth that wisdom is better than folly (13), but he recalled also that the wise person dies the same as the fool, and both alike are soon forgotten (14-17).

Not only has wisdom no advantage over folly; diligence has no advantage over idleness. A person uses all his knowledge and skill in his work, spending long days labouring and sleepless nights worrying, but when he dies all that he has built up is left to someone else. Not only that, but the person who inherits all this did not work for it and may even foolishly waste it (18-23).

The writer now reaches one positive conclusion concerning the purpose of life. God intends people to enjoy the good things of life and to find enjoyment in their work. This is God’s gift. Those who accept this gift please God. To them God gives the wisdom and ability to enjoy his gift. Those who do not accept this gracious gift from God, but who spend their energies trying to achieve happiness by their own wisdom and efforts, find that all they build up for themselves will be lost. In despair they cry out again that life is useless (24-26).


Ecclesiastes 1

THE PROLOGUE (Ecc 1:1-11)

These verses show the general result of the whole search for good on earth, the record of which is to follow (Ecc 1:1-3); a symbolic illustration from nature of the monotony of human existence (Ecc 1:4-7); and a plain statement of the facts in the case (Ecc 1:8-11).


These verses describe the seeker (Ecc 1:12); his method of search (Ecc 1:13), and the result in general (Ecc 1:14-15) and in particular (Ecc 1:16-18).


Chapter 2 lists vanities as: the lust of the flesh (Ecc 2:1-3); the lust of the eyes (Ecc 2:4-6); pride of life (Ecc 2:7-8); conclusion (Ecc 2:9-11). The vanity of wisdom (Ecc 2:12-17); the vanity of work (Ecc 2:18-23); conclusion (Ecc 2:24-26).


Ecclesiastes 1

THE PROLOGUE (Ecc 1:1-11)

These verses show the general result of the whole search for good on earth, the record of which is to follow (Ecc 1:1-3); a symbolic illustration from nature of the monotony of human existence (Ecc 1:4-7); and a plain statement of the facts in the case (Ecc 1:8-11).


These verses describe the seeker (Ecc 1:12); his method of search (Ecc 1:13), and the result in general (Ecc 1:14-15) and in particular (Ecc 1:16-18).


Chapter 2 lists vanities as: the lust of the flesh (Ecc 2:1-3); the lust of the eyes (Ecc 2:4-6); pride of life (Ecc 2:7-8); conclusion (Ecc 2:9-11). The vanity of wisdom (Ecc 2:12-17); the vanity of work (Ecc 2:18-23); conclusion (Ecc 2:24-26).


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