Biblical Hebrew


Strong's Hebrew #4948

Englishman's Concordance (References)

miš·qā·lōw — 2 Occurrences

Genesis 24:22
HEB: זָהָ֔ב בֶּ֖קַע מִשְׁקָל֑וֹ וּשְׁנֵ֤י צְמִידִים֙
NAS: ring weighing a half-shekel
KJV: of half a shekel weight, and two
INT: A gold A half-shekel weighing and two bracelets

Joshua 7:21
HEB: חֲמִשִּׁ֤ים שְׁקָלִים֙ מִשְׁקָל֔וֹ וָֽאֶחְמְדֵ֖ם וָֽאֶקָּחֵ֑ם
NAS: shekels in weight, then I coveted
KJV: shekels weight, then I coveted
INT: fifty shekels weight coveted and took