Bible Verses




Bibliatodo Verses presents the easier way to access any biblical verse according to the occasion. With this tool you can to have available helpful articles, strength,restauration, reflection and inspiration; with the goal of to improve the faith and biblical knowledge in any circumstance.

From love verses where talks about the God’s love, marriage and family, verses about sexuality, the friendship's value, verses that inspire and teach to worship. Verses of blessing, wedding,consolation times, funerals, birthdays, christmas and new year. Verses that will help you to evangelize and spread the eternal life message,verses to teen, to give hopeful words, and verses to enliven faith.

Verses to instruct the right clothing for women, to educate kids,for special days. Verses where we can increase and get knowledge about who is God, his power and Jesus Christ his son, thankful verses, and verses that teach about spiritual and terrenal riches.

Helpful verses to parents, to advise people that are in sins,verses to guide and teach about obedience. Important verses to ministries, to restore people on vices and addictions. Verses where we know the prophecies of God through great men in the bible Verses about prayer and offerings, verses about pardon and health, and about fasting. A complete scale that was studied previously and characterized, offering to our users a resource that will bless their life.